Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


877-0535. 82 Farms and Land For Sale 83 Denbigh Area 100 Ft. Commercial Frontage Jefferson Avenue. MOORE REALTY 6147 Jefferson Avenue Bill Saunders 826-6114 877-4837 Grafton, Route 17, York County 107 Ft. frontage.

MOORE REALTY 6147 Jefferson Avenue 826-6114 877-4637 Bill Saunders 3BDRM. BRICK RANCHER, 2.18 acres. Assume loan 6 interest. Priced $24,500. Hayes, Va.

642-5048. FREE CATALOG, 300 farms, busi nesses, low prices. Landon Atkins, Realtor, Farmvllle, Va. (3 LAKE Beautiful 15 acre lake, full of tisn, with 50 acres of woooiano, deep well, sewer system. Electricity, phone, only 7 miles from college.

Ideal for camp sites, retirement, $34,000. Small dn. payment, low interest rate. G. Atkins, Farmvllle, Va.

392-4695 or 392-4607. 83 $95 DN. $50.85 mo. for 72 mos an nual percentage rate, 8, buys 10 acres on state rd. near large State Forest, eiec, phone, part cleared.

Total price $2995. L. G. Atkins, Farmvllle, Va. 392-4695 or 392-4607.

83 GLOUCESTER 105 acres. Approx. 50 open Mioniy productive crop land. Bal. in growing timber.

2-story frame home 8 rooms, bath, porches, small basem*nt, 4 fire places. Several large graineries, poultry houses, machinery sheds, etc. Long frontage on hard surface road. Shown by applintment. MIDDLESEX 293 acres, approx.

150 acres rich farm land now grow ing corn, beans, vegetables. Bal. in timber, some ready to cut. Sev eral springs, pond site. 2 large homes.

Barn. Some farm buildings. Long frontage on highway. Owner retiring. $115,000.

MATHEWS 11 acres. Large house 8 rooms, bath, porch. Shade trees. Barn. $14,500.

MATHEWS (.46 acres. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, large modern kitchen, porch, utility, pantry. Garage and storage building. Including kitchen range, wash er, small boat and motor. $16,500, GLOUCESTER 6 rooms, porch.

Shrubs, shade trees. 5 acres, con veniently located on stale mein tained road. $11,500. Call CECIL BOOKER at 693-3032 or 693-2757, Gloucester Realty Realtors, Ware Building, Gloucester Court House, Va. Houses For Sale 84 ADDISON AREA 1911 Tlndall Cir cle.

$295 total cash dn. or mm. dn. FHA. Buys 3 br.

brick ranch er, att. gar. ww carpet. LR, DR ft covered patio. FARRAH REALTY, 595-3329, Eves.

877-5738, 851-2503, 595-ZOOB. 84 ADDISON AREA LANGLEY-MONROE $450 Very clean 3 BR rancher. Wall-to- wan carper, paneled lk, extra large eat-in kitchen, detached garage, patio and fenced double lot. Conv. to Kec.

Hi and Mil bases. Monthly payments less than rent. Stephens Realty Co. 826-7111 Nltes 596-4143, 826-4577, 596-3838 ANDREWS BLVD. AREA (Z-3) LANGLEY-MONROE $350 Very clean 2 BR rancher.

Paneled LR, eat-in kitchen, out door barbecue pit, plenty of shrubs ft trees. Move in today. $11,200. Con. to Kec.

Hi and Mil Bases. Stephens Realty Co. 826-7111 Nites 596-4143, 826-4577, 596-3838 BEECHWOOD 3 BR, den, 2 bath home loaded with features iust for the particular homemaker. vi car garage, great for storage space. Convenient for the military man.

Low 5V in terest rate can be assumed. Call now for appointment. Norman L. Kirby 877-9623 H. K.

BERDENSEY 15631 Warwick Blvd. 677-6466 BEECHWOOD Cape Cod, pay $1,560 aprx. $213 mo, LR fpl, pan den, 3 BR, eat-in kit, 2 baths, att gar lge wd lot. Call owner 877-2820. 84 BELLV1EW TERRACE Near the water.

3 bedroom home with carport and fenced back yard. Only $15,900. Wants terms? call us now! Paul N. Carrithers, Mgr. FIDELITY REAL ESTATE SERVICE Office 245-2873, Res.

595-5548 84 BETHEL PARK 3 BR, built-in eiec. att. gar. 115,500 on assump tion. 37 Pennwood Dr.

826-1677. 84 BETHEL PARK Would yeu believe you could get a 5 bedroom home for This home has lust that with 2 baths, living room, dining room, and kitchen too. GUIDA REALTY CO. INC. 722-1931 EVES: Ed Kazarnowicz 838-1501 Bethel Park, 4 Bdrm.

2 Story Amt. reg. $1025. Private financing. Avail able Imm.

596-1101 eve. 596-3401. 84 BETHEL PARK 3 br. lVSt baths, lk, Den, ten. yard.

cent, ac Equity ft assume SV, loan. 826- 1232. Call after 5:30. 84 BETHEL PARK 5'i LARGE 4 BR 2 story, Vh baths, 14x26' patio, fenced yard, LARGE discount off appraisal, LARGE down payment or new FHA loan. $2250 total down.

Call Zell Waller. ZELL REALTY CO. 10370 Warwick Blvd. 596-1417 LAKESHORE APTS. Luxury Garden and Townhouse Apts.

1-2-3 Bedrooms 1 11 Baths 2 Swimming Pools, Playground DIRECTIONS: Drive out Mercury Blvd. to Todds shore Village. 838-0323 Lane. Turn north to Lake- NOW LEASING APARTMENTS 1-2-3 BEDROOMS $85 Incl. All FROM Utilities AIR CONDITIONED Visit the Model Apartment 101 W.

Pembroke Ate. DAILY 11 TIL 6 SUNDAY 1-5 Old Towne is located at the inteniection of Pembroke and Arntistead Ave. in Hampton. GREAT ATLANTIC Houses For Sale 84 BIG BETHEL RD. (700), by owner.

3 bedrooms Brick nouue, oe and den, 64 ni vn a BR brick Caoe Cod In exc. condition, ioi of closet space ft kitcnen cmni. Beautiful yard, 2 car detached t9i wi FHA, VA or owner will consider financing with sub stantial down payment. GUARANTY E. 245-2859 Eves.

723-3247, 596-1716, 247-3227 826-217, 244-MM BRENTWOOD $250 total down on this 3 PK cape COO urn-n er. LR, DR, kit, attached garage unctir Ppnrtv for Im mediate occupancy! $22,700 VA or CARY REALTY 10201 Warwick Blvd. 595-5546 noiaownnn TFRR. 3 BR, Trl level. $2vs.

total aown v. 868-6323. 4 aniu Evmn Atsume loan 3 B.R formal dining rm, iare iot, mi med, occupancy. $12,950.00, MOORE REALTY 6147 Jefferson Avenue 626-6114 BDFMTUnnn Like new brick ran Cher, carpeting, nuge master oea- room, eat in kltcnen, um. HOLLOWAY REALTY 596-6631 Pauline Davis 826-2464 BUCKROE 507 Marlon Rd.

$25 cash on. move m. exceii. i or. CARRAM RFALTY.

595-3329 Eves H5I-2503. B7-3J0. OA CARVER PLACE. 3 Bdrm. rancher Total cash req: $500.

private ti-nancing. Available imm. 596-1101 eve. 596-3401. 84 DENBIGH New homes with 3 bed rooms, vt batns, ixzs tamny room, laundry room, eat-in kitchen, washable wallpaper In baths, large lots, $21,500.

GUIDA REALTY CO. INC. W2-1931 Eves. 838-1501 877-0539 64 DENBIGH AREACZone 5) CAN YOU BELIEVE? Look for yourself and SEE! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on lovely wooed lot. last one at tne low PRICE of $16,700.

Abbltt Realty Company, Inc. 11011 Warwick 596-1521. 64 DENBIGH 3 BR, LR, WFP, DR, batns, att. oricx, ig. eq.

ft assume 5i5 loan, 721 Lucas Creek Rd. NN. 877-7704. EAST ABERDEEN Brick rancher, 3 BR, 9 yrs. old.

Equity ft assume or will finance. 826-7049 aft. 7 p.m. East End $25.00 Dn. VA 4 B.R.

home redecorated inside and out. Ready for Immed. occupancy. MOORE REALTY 6147 Jefferson Avenue 8264114 EAST END From owner, 8 room house. 4 br.

Lge. lk, den, dr. eat In kit, driveway. Ch 5-1744, Ch 5-8283. 64 ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES AC, 3 BR, 2V! baths, den, LR wflreplace, newly redecorated, assumption or new Va loan, Craig 723-8998, 723-3565, 723-0910.

FORREST PK. 3 BR brick, ww carpeting, storm windows, fen. backyd, patio. Down payment ft assume loan. Call 826-0501.

64 Foxbridee 3 BR, LR, DR, bath, Att. fen. bk. yd. Assume VA 5'A loan.

851-5150. 64 FT. EUSTIS AREA Immediate oc cupancy. New 3 BR, ranchers, att. choice wooded lots.

$18,750 ft UP. BARTON REALTY LTD. 595-6885, 595-3250. 84 GREENWOOD FARMS 306 W. Lewis Rd.

3 BR, Ig. fen. cor. lot. $2,500 down ft assume Gl loan, 5'2.

877-5081 after 4:30. (4 HAMPSHIRE PL 3 BR 26" FR BATH TR1-LEVEL $3,750 DN 6 LOAN BAL $16,798 $124 MO 851-445) AFTER 5. 84 HAMPTON Zone 3 2 BR down and dormitory style BR upstairs plus eat-in kit. Accommodate your lame family. Fenced Ok.

Yd Screened front porch. FHA or VA financing. $14,750. RUTH NUNNALLY REAL ESTATE REALTOR MLS 10231 Warwick Blvd. 595-0062 Mrs.

Crawford 596-7514 HIDENWOOD AREA Zone 4 BRAND NEW BRICK Only $24,100 buys elegant custom built home under construction available with only 10 cash down. Nearlv 1500 so. ft. with bedrooms, 2 baths, elegant kitchen-family room with dishwasher, fireplace, patio doors, separate dining room, Colonial columned porch, CENTRAL air conditioning, wooded lot. About 4 weeks from completion which gives you time to sell your home or trade, we'll finish It according to your taste, In oalntlna.

tile, wallpaper, etc. WASON REALTY 595-0341, nltes Hal Morris, 595-2329. 84 HIDENWOOD AREA Zone 4 18'x25' DEN And rear sun deck overlooking a wooded ravine plus tne basem*nt terraced patio an features you'd normally not expect in a home selling for only $27,350. 3 bed rooms, 2 full baths, eat-In kitchen quick occupancy. Hidenwood conveniences without the Hidenwood Price tag.

WASON REAL TY CO. 595-0341, nites Robert Dale 596-2798. 84 HILAND PARK 10 min. to Langley- Monroe, 3 BR or rancner, ig LR, DR, eat-in att. newly reduced to $1300 below FHA appr.

851-1669. 84 2 3 BEDROOMS from $140.00 Including an ntllitlci Central air conditioning, swimming pool, ail the luxuries von expect. 992 N. King St Near Circle 7ZIWIW 1,213 Bedroom Immediate Occupancy Air Conditioning Swimming Pool Recreation Facilities Dish Washer Extra Batb Carpeutig Central Location City Bus Service Community House FROM 135 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED DIRECTIONS: West Mercury turn East at two blocks to 79th St. (Weaver Road).

-'20 79th models open 10 to 5 daily Sat. A Sun. I to 5. 826-7161 i Sets ROOMS AND APTS. Apartments For Rent 74 LIVE DOWNTOWN Marne Apts.

S60 Westover Apts. $70 C. D. WEST It CO 120-26th 247-3661 PLEASANT MANOR (Zone 1) 2 bedroom apartments, wati.r, sanitation, range refrigerator in' eluded. $63 monthly.

9-5 Daily, 9-1J Sat. 3201 York Hpt. PA 3-9223 DRUCKER ti FALK WICKHAM Square Apts-37th Wick ham Ave. 2 BR, AC, brick, large LR dining area, beautiful cabi nets, stove refrlg. All electric Utilities Includ.

$130. Furnished apts. avail. Minutes from N.N, shipyard. NACHMAN 244-1766 3800 ROANOKE AVE.

1117 39th St. 3 rms. bath, unfurnished apt. $13wk. Call 596-5067.

74 APT. MOTEL NEW AIR CONDITIONED 2 BR, dlnina-living areas, kitchen, baths, linens dishes, maid service, TV, GREEN OAKS APAKTS. Weekly and Monthly Rates 10726 Jefferson Ave. 595-2771 For couples or singles 3600 Victoria Blvd. For Information call 244-3231 between 5-7 P.M.

74 NR. SHPYD. furn. utll. Inc.

3 rm. 2nd. floor 70 mo. 4 rm. 1st floor $100mo.

245-3016, LY 62216, er apply J.K. SHIELDS INS. AGENCY 74 112 34th Street. 3 room furn. apt.

Heat water furnished. Couples. TOWNE SQUARE River Rd. At James River Bridge MODEL APARTMENTS OPEN 10 A.M. TO P.M.

DAILY 2-bedroom TOWNHOUSES with 2 full baths plus powder room $225 3-bedroom CONVERTIBLE TOWN HOUSE wilh 3 full baths $297.50 nenr ificiuues an umiiies PHONE 244-3201 74 FURNISHED 1 BR TRAILER Ac, near LAFB, on bus route. Couples only. 723-0133. 74 NR. FT.

EUSTIS 2 BR mobile home, AT washer, fenced yard, no pets. Call 877-4723. 74 3 ROOM furnished apt. private bath, centrally located. 244-7967 244-2346 74 2 BEDROOMS SEVEN OAKS APTS.

Freshly painted, unfurn. apts. $60, furn. $75 mo. CH 4-2216 Seven Oaks Realty Co.

APARTMENTS 1 bedroom, air conditioned apt, furnished from Jiu.io, unturnisn-ed from $90 Swimming pool. Overlooking James River. Convenient to entire Peninsula. St. James Terrace, call 245-7167.

74 RIVER AKERS APTS. 1 BR FURNISHED. Akers Beverage Co. 247-1881, Nights, weekends 245-4694. 74 GOLDEN SANDS MOTEL After season rates, 5 min.

to LAFB or Fort Monroe, reg. kitcn- en units wutenslls, stove, refrig. TV, maid service $30 wk. up. Also large Executive apart ment accom.

1 to 6, $65 wk. 723- 7573. -74 ZONE 32 BEDROOMS Motel Apts. Complete housekeeping units with everything furnished. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES DRUCKER FALK.

Hours 9 to 5:30 3816 Kecoughtan Rd. PA 2-6363 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 512 33rd, 3 rm. apt. $15.00 wk, 1010 27th, 3 rm. apt.

$65.00 mo. GAYLE REALTY 244-8122 2 ROOM furnished apt. Near Shipyard. Suitable for couple. Call 245-4629 74 REAL ESTATE Business Places For Rent 75 BUILDING FOR RENT.

40x100, 4, 000 sq. ft. Across from the new proposed city hall. 11B-Z3rd sr. Reasonable rent.


bud-long. 596-8161. 75 EXCELLENT location for small busi ness, 2502 west Mercury 596-0434. 75 WAREHOUSE Space App. 10,000 sq.

ft. Parking area app. 50,000. R.R. Spur Track Inside.

26 minal Newport N. 722-7614. Houses For Rent 77 BEAUMONT Clean 3 BR, brick den, util. LR, carpeted, dbl. corner lot, close to GEa, $188.50 call Lt.

Col. Copley 722-0805 or 851-3218. 77 Buckroe Section 1226 Old Buck- roe Rd. LR, 1 BR, 1 Ig bath, good cond. ft furn.

Ph 723- 5173. 77 CHRISTOPHER SHORES 955-13th St. 3 BR brick rancner. Jisu mo. woption to buy.

596-5067. 77 COLLEGE PARK, N.N., Zone 5 (Colony Area) LciM i kallt aik CONDITIONED new 2 story, 4 bedroom house entrance foyer, 2V4 baths, living room, separate dining room, eat-in kitchen, paneled den, attached garage. $225 mo. Call PONTON REALTY 595-0326 77 DENBIGH 3 BR house, LR, DR, kit, den, vi batns, central al, carpeting ft refrig. $165 mo.

Avail, about Oct. 1st. 877-5827. 77 East Aberdeen 3 Bedroom brick house $135. mo.

can atter 4 p.m. 826-6939. 77 FOX HILL AREA 3 BR brick ran cher, available immediately, can 722-1042. 77 FT. EUSTIS AREA 3 br.

brick rancher. An. garage, cent, air conditioned. Wall to wall carpet. Completely fenced yard.

$135 per month. EASTER CO. 2604'A Marshall Ave. 244-8419 H1DENWOOD AREA Completely furn. 3 br.

AC. 114 baths, brk rancher. Fam. rm. Fen.

yd. Gar. Avail. Immed. 59W211.

77 Ivy Home Road 353 Small house. Private. $79.50 mo. range, ft heater. Furnished.

Apply Goldstein Bros. 120 W. Queen Hampton. -77 PATIO TOWNHOUSES From pus Eiec. Aberthaw Dr.

off Jeff. Ave. Open 11 to 596-6602 Model Apartment Phone tne Min. management by ATLANTIC 1 II REAL ESTATE Houses For Salt 84 Holly Courts Completely redecorated inside ft out 3 B.R. rancher with large fenced lot.

Immed. oe- cupancy. MOORE REALTY 4147 Jefferson Avenue 826-6114 HANKINS DRIVE (ZONE 21 LANGLEY-MONROE convenient to this 4 bedroom, 2'4 bath home. Early possesion and GOOD ASSUMPTION. Abbitt Realty Company, 11011 Warwick 596-1521.

84 HIDENWOOD 4 assumption By owner. Split level brk ft alumn siding 3 BR, 2 baths, Lr wfpl. den, gar, ww carpet in LR ft DR. Cash reg. $5,000.

$190. mo pmt. 595-6890. HIDENWOOD Zone 4 NEW LISTING SENIOR CITIZENS Can have their own little world of privacy in the 4th bedroom isola-ed from the rest of the house with a private bath. 21x14' paneled den, eat-In kitchen, heavily wooded lot, within walking distance of swim-mink pool, schools, churches, enclosed porch in rear.

Inside utility room, storm windows, ft maintenance free aluminum siding above brick. $27,500. VA or FHA. WASON REALTY 595-0341, nltes Bill Casey, 596-7801. i 84 ZONE 2 Wellington Dr.

BR frame wlg. fen. d.Conv. to sch. $2,700 ft assume $87 mo.

pymt. Incl. tax ft ins. on 514 loan. Inquire at house or phone 826-0490 after 6:30 P.M.

HIDENWOOD Like 4 big bedrooms! good loan assumption I Backs up to James River Golf Course, excellent for family that needs big rooms, big closets. 2 car garage, fully air conditioned. Call now, first time offered. WASON REALTY 5954341, nites Bill Casey 596-7807. 84 HIDENWOOD AREA New 2 4 BRs, den, 2't baths, dbl.

$28,900. Simpson Realty, 596-0972. HILTON VILLAGE BY Owner. 3BR, self contained 3 rd fl. apt.

$1500 down ft assumt loan. 595-6766. 84 IVY FARM $250.00 down VA. 3 bedroom brick rencher with att. garage.

$18,450 VA. or FHA. CARY REALTY 10201 Warwick Blvd. 595-5544 KEC. HI SCHOOL BR-BRICK-DEN ASSUMPTION Brick rancherj very clean, corner lot, closed in patio.

ano assume existing mortgage. No reJ tape. Monthly payments only $122. Conv. to LAFB ft MONROE.

Stephens Realty Co. 626-7111 Nites 596-4143, 826-4577, 596-3838 KENDALL DRIVE $250 total down on this 3 BR brick rancner. lk, DR, kit and attached garage. Ready for immediate occupancy. $19000 VA or FHA.

BUY, SELL OR RENT CARY REALTY 10201 Warwick Blvd. 595-5545 KINGWOOD DR. VA LOAN Can be obtained, no down payment. 3 bk rancner, dtick. ft frame, or can sell assumption on FHA loan Price $15,500.

Call Zell Waller. ZELL REALTY 10370 Warwick Blvd. 596-1417 84 LYNNHAVEN 3 BR DEN WFP ASSUME OR NEW LOAN $17,500. 595-5220 KNIGHT REALTY (77-7661 NORTHAMPTON 3 BR, LR, DR, den or extra BR, kit appliances, alt. fen.

back AC, $3,000 3Vi FHA. 824- 2975. NORTH END Handy man's treat. Large colonial nome needs some repairs, owner will allow in price for repairs. Call now for a real good buy.

Ward Realty Ins. Co. 10214 Warwick Blvd. 594-7M1 Chris Pittman Bonnie Lake 244-8616 Phoebus Assume loan 3 B.R. brick rancher.

Just redecorated Inside out, fenced lot, Immed. occupancy. MOORE REALTY 4147 Jefferson Avenue 826-6114 Pennsylvania Ave. 3 B.R. Brick Fr.

rancher only 3 yrs. old. Large work shop. Conv. to shopping, bus line.


YOU'RE IN LUCK! CLOVJERLEAF NEW TOWNHOUSES TWO BEDROOMS DISHWASHERS SWIMMING POOL AIR CONDITIONING $149.50 All Utilities Included Hotpoint Appliances Ideally located on J. Clyde Morris Boulevard (Route 17) Inst north of Interstate 64 Close to Everywhere! Open Sunday 1 to 6 Open Daily 12 to 6 MODEL AFT. PHONE: 5954461 LUXURIOUS UNIQUE NEW TOWNHOUSES River Rd. and Mercury Blvd. next to James River Bridge.

MODEL APARTMENTS open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 2 Bedrooms 2V4 baths 00 3 Bedrooms 3 full baths- S297.50 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED PHONE 244-J2B1 VIL7CAGE 3oVne Houses For Rent 77 LANGLEY AREA 3 BR, central AC a heat, large covered patio, fenced yard, only $14,500 VA. YIELDING REALTY 826-1262 MLS D. J.

Meena 596-5159 826-8801 LUCAS CREEK RD. 6 2 screened porches, full basem*nt Ig. shaded lot. $120. 677-2566.

77 SYCAMORE AVE. large 4 BR noma only $135 YIELDING REALTY 626-1262 MLS 596-5159 TABB 5 Greenland Dr. Priced at $18,750. Assume 5'A FHA loan bal. of $10,509.17 9 $89.94 per ISO.

pay owner difference. 3 BR rancher, carport, utility rm. other features. Large lot approx. Vi acre.

Inquire at 10 Greenland Dr. TODDS LANE AREA 14 Turner Terr Renovated. 3 BR, lr, dr. Kir, oain. imsm.

Victoria Blvd. 2 BR, LR, DR, uiii. Turn, or unrurn. OJO-OVJ. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOUSES i.

3 ft 4 bedrooms, $66-1175 DRUCKER FALK 3816 Kecoughtan Rd. 722-6363 SMALL house, 2 BR unfurn wstove, refrig. ft cabinet furn. Suitable for couple. 723-3407.

77 YORK CO. Waterfront, 4 BR, 2 bath, brick rancher. 'A acre. Must see. 898-5485.

9-5 p.m. 77 ESTATE REALTY CO. 10222 Warwick Blvd. 596-6321 SPECIALIST IN HOME RENTALS GREEN OAKS FURNISHED 4 BR house, all utilities, weekly er monthly rate. Apply Green Oaks Motel, 10626 Jefferson Ave.

Phone 596-3777. 77 NEED A HOME We specialize In home rentals, J. L. Levinson Real Estate, 826-6242, 838-8162 77 3 Br. Brk.

rancher, cent, heat, stove yrs. lease avail. Immed. 898-5773. 77 Offices and Desk Room 78 MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OF FICE SPACE AVAILABLE.

Convenient to Hilton Shopping Center. Call W. I. Budlong, 596-8161. 7a Wanted To Rent 79 WANTED 3 or 4 rm.

or unfurn. by widow. Prefer in private home. References exchanged. Write information to Box 39F care of this paper.

79 Mobile Homes Rent 80 2 BR trailer wextra storage room. Avail, after the 18th. $95 mo. Call after 4 p.m. 723-7632.

80 TRAILERS for rent (1 ft 2 bedrooms). Enioyable community with fine n4ighbors at BAN- TON'S TRAILEP COURT. Apply 5959 Jefferson Ave. 80 Mobile Homes Sale 81 67 TRAVELO 12x60 wexpando. Set up on large fenced lot.

Phone 898-6065. See by appointment. 81 69 TAYLOR WEDGEWOOD 44 12 2 BR, furn. wwasher. 6 mo.

old. 244-8336 'til 9 p.m. 81 1968 STYLE-MAR, 2 BR, Ig. liv. rm.

12x55. Awning, carpeted ft draped. Unfurn. 229-1851. 81 1966 VALIANT 50x12, 2 BR, unf.

re stove, washer, AC ft shed incl. 595-5396. 81 '66 AZALEA 10x53 2 BR AC util shed. P-furn. $500 eq.

ft assume $81. pmts. 877-6816 after 6 p.m. 81 N.C. DEALER needs several used mobile homes.

Top money paid Call Norfolk 545-6186 collect- oi write Crutchfield Trailer Sales, Box 55, Haw River, N.C. Tidewater Fights Inflation with economical Mobile Homes Prices from $3,595 Tidewater MOBILE HOMES 10515 Jefferson Ave. 596-2442 TRAVELO 12'x60' DOUBLE EXPANDO 3-bedrooms, dining room, washer, carpet, gun furnace, completely furnished. RICHARDSON 47' thru 60" 12-wides, 2, 3 ft 4 bed rooms, bath, washer, completely furnished including stove and refrigerator. MARY GRIFFIN'S SOUTHERN MOBILE HOMES 10167 Jefferson Newport News Next To Anchor Drive-ln Theater LY 6-6365 DMV 1666 VOLUME Keeps your prices down and quality up! See the large variety of beautiful mobile homes on display.

2 and 3 bedroom fully furnished homes in comfortable Early American decor, some in vivid Mediterran ean. Low prices and good terms. Shop and compare. WARD'S Mobile Homes "Across fm. King's Dept.

Store" 9701 Jefferson Ave. DMV 610 Newport News, Va. 595-2251 Open 9-9 daily. Sun. 1-6 P.M.

Business Property For Sale 82 INVESTORS UP TO 1200 ft. frontage along state route 143 near Williamsburg. Zoned for business Sewer available at the property. $200 per front ft. Financing available, up to 5 years.

Jim Guthrie 877-2356 KEY REAL ESTATE 877-0266 Waterfront Aprs. FROM $56.75 BEST VALUE ON PENINSULA 12' Refrigerator Gas Range i-urnislieu Bus Service To All Points On Peninsula Convenient To Schools Shopping Area. Churches RENTAL OFFICE 1815 WICKHAM AVE PHONE 245-5266 WZQt county tottmljouees Adiacent to Hampton Country Club S) Itl Bedroom Versions Dishwashers It Disposals OS Refrigerator Range and Oven Centrally Air Cenditiuied All Utilities Included Hours: a.m. p.m. Ml 4 Kecoughtan Rd.

Phone 722-4343 I r.iy.TiHiiHHr.'i Local Instruction Classes 43 Va. School of Hair Design Complete Beauty Training PARI OR full time. Low tuition Nationally accredited Stat approved. 9903 WARWICK BLVD. 596-845 111 weai wueew HrT.

722-021) COMPUTER TRAINING Our National Data Processing cours es were designed by nationally known experts. National offers free coast to coast placement service, top qualify Instruction a chance to get started on a high paying career. IBM SYSTEM ON SITE VA APPROVED ACCREDITED CLASSES NOW FORMING CALL 877-6451 COLLEGE OF HAMPTON ROADS Sherwood Shopping Center Instruction 43-A B. T. I.

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST CIVIL SERVICE COURSE ACCOUNTING 1, 2 3 TYPING-SHORTHAND CASHIER CHECKER 2 IBM-KEYPUNCH NURSES AIDE DICTAPHONE BUSINESS TRAINING INSTITUTE 84-30th St. 245-5489 CAREER ACADEMY 12 Schools In Maior Cities ACT NOW Limited Openings Class Fully Accredited Gl Approved Government Insured Loans Available Kay rttrer jraouation Medical or Dental Assistant Medical or Dental Technician Radio T.V. Broadcaster Phone For Free Catalogue 851-2466 CHARLES BEAUTY SCHOOL (Sept. Oct. classes forming) NATIONALLY ACCREDITED Established over 25 years.

No down payment required on tuition, enroll now, don't wait. Call 244-5221 124-30th N.N. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME In spare time. Write or phont for tree brocnure. Approved tor vet' training.

American School, BOX 1234. N.N., J3601. 596-1479. PIANO LESSONS GIVEN. 851-1212.

BECOME A MEDICAL SECRETARY Hiah Pay Excitement In This Great Career ENROLL NOW NEW CLASSES SEPT. 29 Nationally Accredited CALL 877-6451 COLLEGE OF HAMPTON ROADS 99 Sherwood Mall, VA approved Private Instruction 45 PIANO ft clarinet taught, beginners Aniv. Call 877-3481 45 ANIMALS Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 AFGHANS Males. $200 Black silver, champion parents -show quality. aft.

p.mi Bassett Kwnd puppies, AKC registered, 6 wks. old, shots fc wormed. Call 596-664. 47 Chihuahua AKC 4 mos. old.

-perm, snots a. wormea. ru-an. CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES weeks old. AKC also stua service, an-S581.

47 co*cker, AKC reg. blonde male, pick of the litter. $50. Call 877-6371. 47 BEAGLE pups 6 weeks old.

2 Collie pups 4 weeks old. 290 Harris Creek Rd. 47 BOXER PUPS AKC Reg. Wormed Call 877-2707 co*ckER PUPPIES AKC, 1 female, 4 males, shots. wormed.

595-4692 aft. 5 p.m. wkdays. 47 Collie pups Cheap, housebroken 877-8974 74 LHASA APSd 7 month male, cham-pion background. $225.

Call 898-5968 47 POINTER PUPS 6 weeks old, temporary shots and wormed, 642-2262 Gloucester Point. 47 POODES Tiny toy pups, shots, also stud service, oiacx, wnite a. suver, 877-5958 or 595-2507. 47 POODLE puppies. Jet black miniature.

I weeks. AKC, $100. 877-2566, 677-2071. -47 POODLES Apricot beige Small min. AKC Reg.

LY 66796. 47 Poodles. AKC reg. exc. line.

Teeny Toy female, Toy males. Stud Serv. also. 851-4065. 47 Shetland Sheepdog and Border Collie pups, Matheny's kennels, 564-3426, "P.O.

Box 64 Norge, Va. 23127. SIAMESE KITTENS Purebred. 6 wks. old.

$15 female, $20 male. Call 595-1696. 47 WEIMARANER Male, 5 months, AKC, wormed, shots. Housebroken. Good with children.

Forced to sell because of moving, zzv-iwo. V. Mii-t uinmia uvei-ninw iv, mac Dog Training Club, fall registration Sept. 11th. 595-4101.

47 FREE KITTENS 877-4077 FREE KITTENS Litter trained, 9 weeks 4 898-7102 BEAUTIFUL Pointer puppies. $20 each. Call 877-4069. 47 FREE-Kittens. Call 596-6098 Adorable FREE kittens want a good home Call 877-0302 after 4 pm.

AKC GREAT DANE All shots. Ears clipped. 12 weeks. $150. 877-3663, 2-7 P.m.

47 AKC REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS Temp. shots. Call 47 MOVING abroad, spayed Ginger White cat, needs good home. Call 245-4010 after a p.m. 47 PUPPIES Good home required.

8 weeks. Temporary shots. Call 826-5468, after 5 p.m. 47 FREE Short haired, litter trained kittens. Very good with children.

Call 877-6352. 47 18 MO. OLD GERMAN Shepherd pup with papers. Never bred. 878-2678.

AKC reg. poodles, white male, fe- mal rah After 6 p.m. 826-0856 47 AT STUD co*cker Spaniel, out of state, let black, 2 yrs. old, AKC Champ, 877-9147. 47 FEMALE DACHSHUND, 5 black tan, $45, 887-5520 REWARD for return of lost puppy brown wblack white markings.

328 Wilton Hpt. 47 SM. poodle pups, AKC, ex. pedigree, chntc At stud, painted apricot toy. Also white, black silver.

851-1759 FREE GENTLE HOUSEBROKEN KITTENS. 725 TANBARK DR. 596-7557. I Rabbits Furred Stock 47-A Ricky's Rabbitry: 19 hutches with mature end voung rabbits and all for $99.00 Call 851-3320 i or 723-1341. 47-A Livestock 48 Two small show ponies, 1 large pony 1 reg.

Appalossa horse for Call 851-3320 or 723-1341. ARTICLES Articles For Sale 51 Anmur. typewriters, cash moisten, calculators IBM for r.n ai Ribbons. supplies, mimiaraDhlna service. Burton TUn.m,iu, eiu Jeff.

596- 0400, 595-1601. Ooen 730 to 5:30. Air conditioners: 9,000 BTU Hotpoint "WSJ. SAWO BTU 877-3081. i li nnn P.TU 110 volt.

18 mos. old like new $125. 722-1200 after 6 p.m. AIR CONDITIONER, Westlnghouse 1969, never been used, 18,000 biu. $250.

851-4585. ANTIQUES USED FURNITURE AAA Furniture, ki. 1, 2 rn. 9UiOR4. ir 2 Articles For Sale SI BABY SWING-iAutomatle.

$20, has slnet, $6. crutches, $15. 651-4565 BOLEX H8 8mm movie camera 3 lens turret, through lens focusing, many orner exceptional features, exc. cond. Original price over $400.

Sacrifice $150. TV, RCA 18" port- out oa, B-I24. 51 CLOTHES LINE POSTS W. L. Shelton 826-371.

Inst. 5 CRANE-cam In perfect cond. Pits oyo or eng. ssu. Bulova Acu-tron, like new, $75.

Call Wmsbg. 229-7727 51 DIAMONDS are a girl's best Trienu unin sne Tinas Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. Rent electric shampooer $1. Galaxy Drugs. 51 DINING ROOM SET Mahogany raoie ciairs, cnina cab.

Good cond. $125. 877-3987. 51 DRAPERIES, dresses, shoes bags, oryer, taoie radio, misc. 595-0702.

51 ELDORADO portable stereo wrecord caoinei, two 4" speakers, 626-0461 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, 6x4, I en gines, 8264977 FEDDERS AT, 12,500 BTU $150, bunk beds $45, bl. BR suite $60, Kenmore Gas range $75, Kenmore dishwasher $125, 838-6190. 51 FURNITURE NEW 4 ROOMS First Quality Now Only $488 SOUTHERN FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 1802 W. Pembroke Ave. 722-7423 GARAGE SALE by Delta Nu chapter of Beta Sigma Phi.

Useful and unusual bargains for all ages. 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. Sept. 13.

207 Albany Drive, Hpt. 51 GARAGE SALE riverside. Items from 4 families. freezer, bicycles, and stuff. 303 Mimosa Drive.

51 GARAGE clothing sale Saturday from to 5. 309 Adwood Court, Newmarket area. 51 GARAGE SALE 1143 Dahlia La. Hpt. 723-7289.

,7.5 French Military Carbine 200 rnds. ammo. $50. Reg. Ping Pong Table $20.

VW Parts. Many other items. 51 GARAGE SALE Items reduced 9-2, Holloway Rd. off Lucas Creek Rd. to 6 Digges Dr.

51 HALLWAY SALE Stereo, tables. cnest, TV, and many small items. 335 54th Street. 51 HAY, Lespedeza. 75c per bale picked up In field.

S. U. Taylor, Toano. 564-3527. 51 HI-FI SET with LP records for sale.

4Z-4BM. si HYDRAULIC iack service custom trailer hitches, air lifts. HIBBARD IRONWORKS, INC. 514 ABERDEEN ROAD 826-5611 DMV 203 KENMORE dishwasher, IVa yrs. old.

$100. Relaxisor $65. High chair $5. Call 877-5627. 51 MAYTAG auto washer, working lust overhauled, $40.

595-4857, wkdays after 6, wkends, anytime. PLATFORM ROCKER wottoman chair, makes into single bed, green oval braid rugs, 7 5', 2 3', Stauffer Exercise machine with sand bag timer, all good 22-B674 after i p.m. 51 REFRIGERATOR G.E. excellent cond. $25.

241 Cedar Road, poq. eves. 51 REFRIG. Good work cond. up- ngnt freezer, come look make price.

59 S. Colony Nicewood. RIDING LAWN MOWER 32" cut, Excellent condition. $125. 877-0688.

Rugsl Rugs! Rugsl For the den, liv ing rm, or oedrm. Mill ends ad-lusted Mohawk rugs. Prices from $10 up. 1-3 to Vi off on larger sizes. Save money.

Goldstein Bros. 120 W. Queen Hpt. 723-0733. 51 SEWING Machines.

Buy a brand new singer portable tor only sev.so (Model 239-575) Singer Company, Newmarket Shopping center 247 3647. ,51 SEWING MACHINES Repossessed 18 cam buttonhole, au tomatic ig 4as. wng. console $38.88 or portable $24.88. Easy terms.

5 yr. guar. For free home demo, call 596-3221. ACE SEW VAC STORES 9509 Warwick Blvd. SEWING MACHINES UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (2) 1969 Singer zig zag sewing ma chines, in walnut cabinet, wakes button holes, sews on buttons, fancy stitches, etc.

Slightly-used. May be purchased for "freight, storage, and handling charges of only $75 each. Can be seen at show room of UNCLAIMED -FREIGHT 9818 Jefferson Ave. 595-5572. 51 INGLE BED, used 6 months, $100, will sell for $60.

Call 838-7156 anytime aft. 4 p.m. 51 SHOE SKATES size 9 with case, $15. A one condition. 244-7096.

51 Sofa with custom made cover for sale. Call 245-5635 between 7 and 9 p.m. 51 STEREOS UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (9) 1969 stereos consoles. All solid state. Deluxe BSR record changer with 4 speaker auoio system 10 oe sold for storage, handling and freight.

Total $55 each. Terms available. Can be seen at display room of UNCLAIMED FREIGHT CO. 9818 Jefferson Ave. 595-5572.

51 Storm door 36x80' $14. Steamer trunk $8. Celling dome light. New $1.50. 851-1508.

51 TV, STEREO AM-FM combination, 23" screen. Excellent cond. $100. 851-4585. 51 VACUUM CLEANERS 1969 Hoover Westinghouse canls-ter floor models, Easy terms.

1 yr. guar. For free demo. call 596-3221. ACE SEW VAC STORES 9509 Warwick Blvd.

51 YARD SALE: 84" sofa $30, 80" sofa w-cnatr $25, cot. tdi, w-z eno tdis. $30, 3 men's sport coats size 36 4 38, misc. men's clothing, shoes. Sept.

13 8, 14, 9 to 7, 800 Thames Hpt. 51 YARD SALE Furniture, clothes, bric-a-brac, r-rioay saruraay u. Liz's Antiques. Buy and sell daily. ZOYSIA Grass 2Vs" plug $10 per 100 595-0593 1200 Colors Our rapid, fool-proof tinting machine will re-proauce any color you may desire.

Available In all Interior and exterior paints. 1 Hampton Paint Mfg. Co. Factory uutiet store near i.doaiiv 705 W. Pembroke Ave.

723-1721 REFRIGERATORS, asst. of odds ends, 595-5460 51 1969SINGER TOUCH SEW IN CABINET Complete with all attachments, zig zags, ounonnuies, iaiK.r aiiivno, etc. Total price $64.37. Terms arranged. Call Bob Evans, 826-6299.

White Sewing Center, 2405 W. Mercury Blvd. 51 HAVE YOU CREDIT Problems BUT NEED Furniture NO TURN DOWNS WE FINANCE OUR OWN ACCOUNTS 3 Rooms Furnished $358 CAROLINA FURN. OUTLET 800 Kecoughtan Rd. 245-8779 6000 BTU Fedders air conditioner.

$75. Call 877-2908. 51 ROOM SIZE linoleum rugs. While they last $3.47 SOUTHERN FURNITURE WAREHOUSE FUL LENGTH mink coat, size 10-12, off black wig case. 838-1758.

2 2 3 4 3 Articles For Sale 51 REPOSSESSED 1969 SINGER' AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINE Comes in walnut cabinet. Total price S6J, or best offer. Terms arranged. Dial 826-1463, ask for our service department. White Sewing Center, 2405 W.

Mrcury Blvd. 51 1969 SINGER ZIG ZAG Slightly used In stylist Walnut cabi net, all controls built In to make buttonholes, sew on buttons, over cast, oi mo nem dresses, fane, stitches, etc. years parts labor Guarantee. $59.30 TAX INCLUDED Or pay $5.93 down 9 payments ot ss.va per montn witn no interest. For free home demonstration call Capitol Sewing Credit Man ager til p.m.

244-2071 No obligations. 51 REPOSSESSED FULL SIZE STEREO 40" unit with AM-FM radio, BSR record changer. Originally $239. Total price $88. Like new.

Terms arranged. Call Mr. Smith, 826-1463, White Sewing Center, 2405 W. Mer cury oivq. si MAPLE corner table wdrawer, exc.

cond. 33'2" depth, 46'" width, 30" height. $30. Agfa camera Optima 500, wcase flash exc. cond.

$65. Both cash only. 229-2277. CLOSE-OUT CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, stoves, sleeping bags, Ian- terns, air mattresses. Ice chests All in excellent condition.

A TO RENTAL CENTER 13665 Warwick Blvd. 877-7587 3005 W. Mercury Blvd. 826-7557 1969 ZIG ZAG NEW NEVER USED Does everything without attachments, sews on buttons, sews but tonholes, over cast, etc. 5 years parts labor guarantee.

CLOSE OUT PRICE $28.80 Tax Included or pay $5.76 down 4 mommy payments of $5.76 witr no Interest. For free home dem onstration call Capitol Sewing Credit Manager til 9 pm. 244-2071 No obligations. 1 RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED APPLIANCES RCA Stereo, repo $149 GE Color TV, used floor model, was $539.95, NOW $419 GE 23" Color TV, used floor model, remote control, was $695, NOW $495 RCA 23" console color TV, used floor model $439 SHAWEL'S. SERVICE 3861 Kecoughtan Road 723-1402 Or 722-5290 1 Unicord PA system, 1 Unicord re verb 2 covers.

Like new cond. call 877-6218 after 6 p.m. 51 SIZES 0-3 toddlers clothes Ex cellent quality. Like new. Call 677- 5712.

51 5-HP outboard 9 mo. guarantee parts labor. Spider bike, like new. 868-3452. 51 SINGER SEWING NEWMARKET SHOPPING CENTER 247-3647 51 '57 Chevrolet 4-dr AT, good cond.

Also bedroom suite. Call 595-4377 between 5 9. 51 Rebuilt TV sets Translster radios $2-up. Peninsula TV LaSalle Pembroke to 9 P.M. 51 a foot for FLORIDA CERAMIC TILE.

Only 2500 ft. left for beths, utilities, kitchens, etc. 826-6811. AULTS Jefferson Ave. front Carver School.


2 p.m. 51 SMALL portable boiler, 100 p-s-i working pressure. Call 245-5712. 51 LARGE HORSESHOE BAR padded with black naughyda leather, 6 stools, $225, 595-1357. 51 MOVING Sofa bed, a Ig.

sofa, lounge chair, window tan, eiec. heater, A-C. bed headboards, Ig. plate glass, long formica top table, children's tables, clothes, various articles. 5700 Huntington Avt.

aft. 1 p.m. Wednesday. 51 Reconditioned Appliances CONN Mavtag automatic washer Excellent condition $89 Apt size refrlg $39 Apt size eiec range $55 Big selection of appliances LIBERAL TERMS V. CONN SERVICE INC.

1425 Kecoughtan Rd. 244-1491 CLEARANCE USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES PC. LR suite. $29.95 PC. sofa bed suite.

$34.86 PC. sec. sofa. $58.88 PC. dinette set.

SI 4.88 LARGE metal china cabinet. $18.90 PC. Modern BR suite. $59.95 NORGE wringer wasner y.v3 (90 riav warranty! APT. size gas or eiec.

range. $39.95 PHILLIP LEVY BARGAIN OUTLET 2404 Jefferson Ave. 244-8474: Boats and Accessories 52 17' Traveler, cabin, 2 bunks, head. full canvas. 90HP evinruae, an eiec.

Long tilt trailer just refinish-ed. All assec. Excellent cond. $2195. Call 851-1653 aft.

4:30 p.m. S2 FISHING PARTIES DAY EVENING TRIPS AL HARTZ, 868-4701 52 BOSTON WHALER-13'35HP Mercury. New cox trailer, suuo. -an m-4150. 52 MUST SELL '68 17' fiberglass trl- hull W65HP eiec start evinruae mtr trailer.

826-3961. 52 CENTURY BOATS SUNSET MARINA, LTD 25 Marina Hampton 722-1658 i SAILBOAT 26' Traditional AUX Sloop, skip lack rig. Atomic four. $2500. Call 595-0560.

52 SEA GULL MOTORS PENINSULA SAILING CENTER Academy Hpt. 723-2026 "Quality Makes The Difference" YEAR END SALE All new boats, motors, and trailers drastically reduced to make way for the new 1970 models. Ctieck our deals before you BUY OF THE" YEAR 197015' CMF TriHull. Fully eoulp-ped with bow rail, sun lounge seats, walk-thru windshield and 35 HP Chrysler electric start motor. RETAILS AT $1995.00 SALE PRICE $1450.00 AQUA MARINE CENTER 11203 Jefferson Ave.

595-4441 CHRIS-CRAFT 26' lapstrake sea skiff; 185 HP, 4 channel radio; fast, able, equipped; fish troll, ski; $3,000 or reasonable offer, less without radio, slip 79 Merrimac Shores, 722-1187. 52 1963 25' Owens Cabin cruiser, excellent condition. $3,500. Call 877-4680 or 877-4402. 52 BAY LOG CANOE-r6' 10'.

V-8 Bulck red. Documented 5 ton net. Ideal oyster boat. $1250 or best offer. Call 596-0538 or see at Smith's Railway.

52 Inside boat and motor storage, win terizing tune-ups. SPORTS, INC. 13127 Warwick Blvd. 877-4342 MUST SELL 14' fiberglass boat, motor, $350, or will sell separately, 898-5174 after 5 p.m. 52 20' Cabin Cruiser, wood.

Twin 35 HP O-B. Elect, start. Call 244-3980 after 6 P.m. 52 15' CENTURY Run-About. Fiberglass bottom wtrailer $300.

Call 826-9152 after 4 p.m. 52 1968 14' Fury, conv. top, lights, reel, seats, 55 Hp eiec. start Evinrude trlr. $1,295.

868-9956 after 4:30. 52 40' DEADRISE Chrysler 6, dependable, ready to go. 4:30 til 9 p.m. 898-5338. 52 I 2 the head and called me 'a What does THAT mean?" ARTICLES Musical Instruments 62 BUNDY CORNET, like new only used 3 mo.

sacrifice sioo. 91 Basswood N.N., ivy Fms. 62 BUNDY CORNET Like new. $90. Call 877-2241.

62 CONN Cornet with case. Excellent condition $100. Call Toano, 1-564-3022. 62 PIANO Baby Grand, like new, Dark walnut, $500. 887-8098, after 6.

SELMER flat Clarinet with case. New condition. 595-0866 SILVER Conn cornet, excellent condition. $75. Call 851-7354 62 PIANOS AND ORGANS Pre-school sale.

10 discount on quality pianos organs. SHAVER'S INC. 13760 Warwick Denbigh 877-7489 9701 Warwick Blvd. 596-5711 Open Evenings until 9 PM. USED OXFORD TRUMPET GOOD CONDITION CALL 595-4572 ONE LEWIS CELLO, in excellent condition, like brand new.

$200. Call 851-1698 after 6:30 p.m. 62 LUDW1G DRUMS Bass, small torn torn, 20" cymbal, many ace, $150. Also beginners snare drum 4 stand $25. Phone 722-4196.

62 68 LARSON fiberglass trl-hull, 16W, 60 HP Evinrude, trailer, many extras, $1830. Call 727-3689. 52 USED BUNDY Trombone, excellent condition. Call 244-3938 agter 5 p.m. 62 MONEY IN THE BANK See for yourself how much you can save wnen you buy a wurntzer piano or organ from us.

THOMAS PIANO CO. 210-28th St. CH 5-0068 62 USED LESTER' SPINET PIANO $275 TEMPLE OF MUSIC Riverdale Plaza Shop. Cntr. 838-0626 TRY BEFORE YOU BUY RENT with option to purchase, band instruments starting at $3 monthly.

New pianos at $8. THE KEYNOTE 11015 Warwick Blvd. 595-3341 Open Monday Friday til 8:30 BEAUTIFUL French Provincial con- solette, piano wdecorator bench, same as new, 595-3870. 62 Office Equipment 84 SMALL NCR cash register In excel lent condition, $55. 245-6485 after 5:30.

64 Wanted To Buy 66 CASH for used appliances. coins. Lackey Dept. store opp. Sta.

887-5362. 66 ROOMS AND APTS. Rooms Without Board 68 BUCKROE $9 AND UP RENT WEEKLY OR MONTHLY 595-5220 KNIGHT REALTY 595-5777 CHAPEL STREET 402. Clean 8, Men preferred. Phone service.

722-0600. 66 HIDENWOOD Sober gentleman, no smoking, Eustis, Langley Shipyard. 596-5094. 722-0802. 68 ROOM FOR RENT Gentleman, E.

Pembroke Ave. 722-6074. LARGE CLEAN ROOM for sober young man, private entrance, quiet home, nr. shipyard. 245-8173.

ROOMS FOR RENT For men. Private entrance. 5212 Huntington Ave. 244-3387. 68 Quiet clean comfortable steam heat, refrig, parking, conv.

located. Men. 245-8801, 338-49th St. 68 ROOM FOR RENT with board, lo cated on the water. 3515 Chesapeake Ave.

PA 2-5092. 68 ROOM wrefrig. hotplate, utils. $12 wk. Small rm.

$6. Sober men only. CH 4-1019, PA 3-9923. 66 Apartments For Rent 74 BRIAR HOMES 2 bedrooms, living room, dining al cove, kltcnen, gas stove retrig. Includ.

Hardwood floors. UNFURNISHED $52.50 per mo. FURNISHED $67.50 per mo. 5885 Wickham Ave. Ph.

CH 5-6331 BUCKROE Like new, clean, 1 BR trailer, with washing machine, near shopping center, bachelor only, apply at 623 Buckroe Ave. 74 DOWNTOWN 5 room furnished apartment, all utilities furnished. Call 245-5287. 74 OFFICER or college grad to share townnouse apt, witn engineer school teacher, 595-5698 after 6. EAST END Furnished 3 8, 4 room apartments.

CH 5-1744 or CH 5-8283 74 GRANDVIEW 3 ft 4 room apart ments. Clean ft very nicely tur-nished. Call 596-5205. 74 HAMPTON AVE. (1142) Clean 2 BR apt.

Call 826-5870 after 4:30. 74 N.N. nicely furn. 3 rm. apt, private bath, utilities ft pnone.

can aft. 5 p.m. 74 ATTENTION Enterprise crew or working gentlemen! Furn. nicely ft reas. 836-6459 or 826-5668.

74 607 27TH ST. Upstairs. 3 rm. stove ft refrig. $60 mo.

626-1218 or 826-4960. 74 SHELL GARDEN SOUTH 2 BRs, centrally air conditioned, stove ft refrig. immediate occupancy, ah util. inc. 2211 Shell Rd.

NACHMAN 244-1766 2 BR duplex apartment, furnished, good location, convenient to Monroe ft Langley. $75 mo. 723-7561. 74 SHIPYARD APARTMENTS DOWNTOWN LOCATION 2 room furnished $62.50 3 room unfurnished $43 to $54 4 room unfurnished $60 to $70 3 room furnished $70 Office: 4500-R Washington Ave. 9-5 244-3121 Sat.

9-12 After hours 244-6916 "Then he patted me on swell little ARTICLES Boats and Accessories 52 ATTENTION: Boat Investors. This Is the buy of a lifetime. 1957 34' Chris tratt, i 965 bray v-a marine, en gines. All other equipment new this year including air conditioning, $7,600 or best offer. Call Mr.

Todd, 725-3000 (Office) 725-2930 (Home). 52 20" OFF ON COMPLETE OUTFITS BOAT, MOTOR, AND TRAILER Free boating class U.S. Power Squadron Ferguson High School Tuesday, Sept. 16. JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS COMMONWEALTH SALES W.

Pembroke at Bell St. PA 2-631. SPOT-ROCK-BLUES-TROUT-CHUB 22' DEADRISE HT S195 23' COMMODORE HT, twin 18 gal. tanks, head, rails, depth sounder, 75 HP Evinrude $1595 27' TRIUMPH, fiberglass Express Cruiser, HT, head, 4 sleeper, radio telephone, depth sounder, outriggers, twin 185 HP Crusaders, loaded S49S5 23' ALLMAND HT, head, bunks, lounge seats, rails, radio telephone, outriggers, 155 HP OMC tO, many more extras, pandem trailer, like new $4995 21' OWENS Express Cruiser, depth sounder, radio telephone, bunks, head, 185 HP Flagship engine, new paint $1895 17' STARCRAFT Cruiser, bunks, helm seats, 75 HP Johnson, trailer, extra clean $2295 20" GRADY WHITE, full canvas, 24 gal. tank, 100 HP Merc, tandem trailer, loaded clean $1995 EVINRUDE Sweet 16 6, never been kissed, lop, 90 HP Evinrude, trailer, like new S2195 20" ANA Skiff, top, 100 HP Gray, trailer, 895 WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF CLEAN LATE MODEL FIBERGLASS BOATS, 14 AND UP.

FREE BOATING CLASSES 7 PM, Sept. 9 Gr 16 Register at Ferguson High School MOORE MARINE SALES 8:30 'til Wed, 'Til 1 200 W. Queen St. 723-6561 Sporting Goods, Equipment 53 Bowlers Pro Shop Dmnar for fall season, balls dri ed wnne you wait, compieie line of accessories. King Louie shirts 9969-A Jefferson Ave.

595-6470. HUNTING EQUIPMENT Shotguns, rifles, and ammo. SPORTS, INC. 13127 Warwick Blvd. 877-4342 Travel Camper Trailers 53-A CAMPER-trailer tent rugged, fail mivi 7 vnncviiia Hma Yktn.

877-5749. 53-A 1969 COX CAMPER 10' Commander nk, ice box, privacy curtains. Sleeps 6. $1,000 firm. 245-2011.

After 6 call iVi-6l. see. at in mayiano Dr. N.N. 53-A 1968 1512' MALLARD travel trl.

wreese 750 equalizer trl. mrcn a eiec, brake, other access. LiKe new. 826-0514, 344 Brout Dr. 53-A SELL or trade.

You drive-it camper. Sleeps 4. stove Ice box. can bb-5245. 53-A BANTON'S TRAILER SALES Truck campers, travel iraiiers motor Homes 5959 Jeff.

Ave. 247-5021 N.N NOMAD travel trallars, late season sale prices. Martin camper saies, 15191 Warwick Blvd. 877-0544. Home made trailer wbuilt-in ice box 10x10' umbrella tent, 5 yrs.

old. $200. 877-1973. 53-A CHEVY ton custom camper truck with 11' self-contained camper unit. $4995.

851-6715. 53-A 1967 JET 15V2' sleeps 6. AC all extras. 851-6289. sj-a Vt ton truck with IOV2' Mustang camper, aeir containea.

000a cona. $2800. Call 898-6490. 53A TAG-A-LONG 14' Travel Trailer. 53-A Owner, will finance.

595-0000 Household Goods 58 CARPET FACTS can sell DuPont 501 nylon reg. 8.95 so. yd. for 4.45 sq. yo.

Kooei poly ester reg. 10.95 sq. yd. for 6.95 sq. yd.

28 colors, first qlty. Call Mr Sandefur 244-7336. 58 EARLY American love seats, up holstery is bad but framework cusrions are in good condition, call 595-3870. 58 EARLY AMERICAN Living Room, kitchenette table 4 cnairs. 87-6117 or 595-7125.

58 Radios, TV, Stereo 59 REPOSSESSED FULL SIZE STEREO 0" unit with AM-FM radio, BSR record changer. Originally $239. Total price $88. Like new. Terms arranged.

Call Mr. Smith, 826-1463, White Sewing Center, 2405 W. Mer cury Blvd. 59 STEREOS UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (7) brand new 1969 4 piece component systems. Air suswnsion, high compliance speakers, FMAM radio, FM multiplex.

Deluxe Garrard rec ord changer. Retail price $329. Our price $177. rerms avaiiaDie. can seen at show room of UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 9818 Jefferson Ave.

595-5572. 59 Machinery and Tools 61 Lincoln Welding Mach. Arcair Smith, Victor Equip. Repairs Rentals NORFOLK WELDERS SUPPLY 244-2414 P.O. Box 7343, Hpt NEW 7 HP WHEELHORSE Tractor with mower, electric starter, CARTER EQUIPMENT CO.

ml. south Henry Airport 877-0233, Nites 877-0732 61 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 62 A TRACTOR Double plow, hydraulic lift plus equipment. Exc cond. Best, offer by 10-10-69. 50 Harris Creek Rd.

Hpt. 61 B-FLAT CLARINET Martin, wood deluxe case. 150. 838-0692 62 BUNDY Cornet with case, 2 mouthpieces. $65.

Call 595-3859 62 SALE FSH QFIITLBRJDGt ToLUNHOySfS What's happening in living i comfort and convenience. 1 Bedroom Apartments 2 Bedroom Townhouse: Swimming Pool a) Individual Air Conditioning Powder Room la Townhouses Spacious Living Areas 0 Modern Kitchen with Dishwasher, Disposal Convenient Laundry Facilities OPEN WEEKDAYS 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M., SUNDAY 1 TO 5 P.M. Visit the Model Apartment. Turn north off Mercury Blvd.

onto Orcutt Avenue across from New u5-tef -V UGREAT ATLANTIC 245-5211 7l market Sharping Center. Exclusive 'GREAT Telephone 245-5211 irum jriic. nitiira wanted. 31.

Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 5529

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.