How Realistic Is Virtua Cop (2025)

1. Virtua Cop (Saturn) - Sega-16

  • 9 mrt 2020 · ... realistic game by facing you in his personalized battle tank in his high rise office). The other bosses, by the way, are called Kong, King ...

  • Genre: Light Gun Developer: AM2 Publisher: Sega Players: 1-2 Released: 1995

2. Retro Review: Virtua Cop - 60 Minutes With

  • 22 jan 2016 · Yes you can shoot them once if you want to be accurate with your shots, but pumping a clip into them and seeing them spin in the air with each ...

  • Chris gives a retro review of Virtua Cop on the Sega Saturn

3. Virtua Cop: Elite Edition – Retro Review - That Green Dude

  • 26 mrt 2018 · The light gun is much more accurate and faster than the controller and is a lot more fun to use. If you don't have a light gun though, the ...

  • Tonnes of fun and very addictive. Virtua Cop: Elite Edition is an absolute blast.

4. A Quick Look At Virtua Cop 2 - The Dreamcast Junkyard

5. Virtua Cop review -

  • 23 aug 2021 · You can argue that Virtua Cop is pretty much the same and it is true. But its sweeping camera angles and seemingly random enemy placement ...

  • Developer: AM2     Publisher: Sega     Released: 12/95     Genre: Action I’ve always appreciated light gun games from afar. At home the peripherals were usually not supported that well to make it worth the purchase. In the arcade they usually cost twice...

6. Sega: Psychotic Reviews: Virtua Cop 2 - Why did I play this?

  • 25 nov 2015 · In Virtua Cop 2, each level is its own self-contained story. There are even branching paths in the levels to encourage replays.

  • RF Generation, the Classic and Modern Gaming Databases. Over 130,000 game entries and 9,500 hardware entries, in addition to over 165,000 game and hardware images with more added daily! Are you a collector? Try our collecting tools, or just chat in our forums or blogs. Whatever you do, don't just tune in, keep yourself glued to channel 3!

7. Playing Virtua Cop without gun... - セガサターン -

  • 4 jul 2008 · Although it is much more fun with a gun. Indeed, I highly recommend you getting a virtua gun, prefrably a Japanese one as the build quality is much better.

  • Hey, Can I play Virtua Gun without gun? Can I control target with official Sega Saturn controller?

8. Classic SEGA Ads: Virtua Cop is a little too real! - SEGAbits

  • 10 jan 2015 · Other Saturn era ads, like this week's featured commercial for SEGA-AM2's Virtua Cop, went with the gritty “is this a game, or is it real life” ...

  • back, the SEGA Saturn ad campaign in America …

9. Virtua Cop (Video Game) - TV Tropes

  • Schmuck Bait: A minor one in Virtua Cop 2. Sometimes a random bad guy will pop up and yell "HEY!" and point a gun at you. But instead of shooting, they'll ...

  • Virtua Cop is a 3D Light Gun Game series created by Yu Suzuki and Sega's AM2 department and initially released in arcades in 1994. The game series revolves around the VCPD Special Investigations Unit and their operatives, Michael "Rage" Hardy, …

10. Virtua Cop Review (Sega Saturn, 1995) - Infinity Retro

  • 21 mei 2016 · It's not the best light gun shooter of its era, but it did so much for the genre that it can be considered a true classic.

  • Clean up the mean streets of Virtua City as a boy in blue in Virtua Cop for the Sega Saturn. Find out if it's worth playing here.

11. House Of The Dead OR Virtua Cop OR Virtua Cop 2? -

  • Virtua Cop is an fantstic game, with some fantastic shooting action, great music, and is nigh-on arcade perfect. The training mode is a nice addition too. It's ...

  • 3 of arguably the best Saturn lightgun games. Which is it going to be: Virtua Cop, Virtua Cop 2 or House of the Dead? Pick one and comment below. ;) VIRTUA COP

12. Virtua Cop Review for Sega Saturn (1996) - Defunct Games

  • 13 nov 2004 · Virtua Cop is one tough game to review. Like other gun games, Virtua Cop doesn't exactly scream innovation. But AM2 can be commended for making what was the ...

  • Defunct Games loves retro video games, old school magazines, bad advertising, snarky comments, cheesy box art, comedy and the newest video game releases.

13. Virtua Cop (Sega Saturn) - The Retro Review Project

  • 15 jul 2007 · Light gun games have something of a linear history. Virtua Cop may have shaken up the genre by bringing into the 3D era, but its gameplay is ...

  • Light gun games have something of a linear history.  Virtua Cop may have shaken up the genre by bringing into the 3D era, but its gameplay is not nearly as revolutionary as its graphics were.  In f…

How Realistic Is Virtua Cop (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.