sly0001-1707006800.sly0001 1237918917 thumbnail neopuc macro in training doc TITLE Attack of giantess zecora FAID 55408335 | Home | EquiBooru (2025)

An Inside Situation~ by AcidNite

Author's page:
Picture page: (EBFAID56903415EB)

Tags: AcidNite, Bog, Bogragh, Remi, Trev, Trevor, Shark, Moth, Taur, Accidental, Vore, Long, Term, Vore, Implied, Safe, Perma, Endo, Time, Skip, Airhead, Himbo, Forgetful, Sharko

Category: All | Theme: All | Gender: Any

Species: Unspecified / Any

Rating: Mature

Published: 2024-06-05 22:16:41

This is a special story i wrote for my Buddy sly0001-1707006800.sly0001 1237918917 thumbnail neopuc macro in training doc TITLE Attack of giantess zecora FAID 55408335 | Home | EquiBooru (1).-.
And Show's off how Bogragh really is and acts U//w/u
Enjoy and leave a comment when you finish please~

Bogragh and story sly0001-1707006800.sly0001 1237918917 thumbnail neopuc macro in training doc TITLE Attack of giantess zecora FAID 55408335 | Home | EquiBooru (2)AcidNite

Trevor and Remi sly0001-1707006800.sly0001 1237918917 thumbnail neopuc macro in training doc TITLE Attack of giantess zecora FAID 55408335 | Home | EquiBooru (3).-.

A inside situation

It was a sunny day like any other morning as rays of sunlight crept in through the slivers of parted curtains, Bogragh or Bog for short grunted sitting up in bed giving those weary eyes a few rubs clearly not wanting to get up but breakfast called and it wasnt gonna cook itself.
slumping his way down the hallway he passed the open archway that led to the living room a shade of purple on his pink couch. It seemed that Remi, his moth friend had stayed the night but it had slipped the shark's mind but then again he was always a bit of an airhead lovable himbo, and walked over to the couch and softly gave Remi a shake.

"Morning cutie~" jingled Bog with a grin on his face as Remi stretched out on the couch grunting while trying to pull the huge comforter blanket over themself. Bog though laid on the couch and gently pulled Remi on top of him letting his smaller but heavy friend on him like a bed, as he does, Remi would hug that soft slight chubby belly mumbling some words of thanks that would trigger loud grumbles and groans in his belly. Struggles hidden within as sounds only Remi can hear with their ear pressed against that shark tumz.

"Morning…" yawned the Moth as those hands rub and knead against Bogs cool belly like a lovely pillow always plush "And good morning to you in there Trev" Smiled Remi as they pat that belly and more grumbles and groans sounds within the belly shaking ever so slightly.
Blushing brightly, Bog felt embarrassed as the memory was slowly bubbled to the surface as Trev struggled more to Remi's voice, his large taur friend he had swallowed whole for a little bit of good fun revenge for all those times Trev ate him for a snack or quick fix to his hunger.
"Mmrmffff g…gosh that got em moving… how did i never notice or remember he was in there..?" To this question Bog asked Rwmi returned with an exasperated but understanding grin as Bog was a big airhead and things always seemed to slip the big lugs mind it was something that they kinda just knew and accepted with him because overall Bog was a big sweetheart.

"Well what ya think?, I came to help Trevor, cause it's time for him to come out ahah" chuckled the moth with a smile on their face as this seemed to make Bogs belly shake softly again.
"C'mon big boy I need my bf back so time to let em out~" said Remi with a jovial tone as they climbed all the way up the 15ft shark and towards his head.
Gently opens Bogs jaws whom worked with Remi that tooth maw like a small cave to him those pointy white teeth, and saliva dripping down as Remi climbed inside there hands squishing against that hot wet undulating tongue as hot humid breath rushed past him with each breath the shark took.
Carefully climbing fully inside the moth would gaze down the pitch black abyss of Bogs throat, then with a raised tone called out to Trevor down below in the belly of the himbo shark. When they heard a response Remi would let Trev know he was gonna pull him out, and oh so carefully sliding an arm down Bogs throat for the dragon taur to grab onto Remi's reaching hand once they had a grip they would tug which made the fleshy environment jostle with a sudden outside convulsion of Bogs his jaws quivering as drool started really soaking into Remi now "B..bog something wrong big guy?" Asked with concern in the moth's voice as well as a bit of nervousness.

"O//~/o gah!?" Bog was blushing red as a tomato trying not to make it so super obvious how bad he was drooling over Remis taste, having never ever even thought about having Remi in his mouth in any way, shape, or form but this taste it was just too good he couldn't deny it as his fingers dug into the cushions of the couch.
"Mmrmawerffff @//////@" was all that Bog could udder out in shivering tones resisting instincts he didn't know he had.
Remi deciding it would be best to focus on what they already started pulled again feeling Trevor's firm grip as his weight started pulling upwards, however Bog's salivating to such a large amount, and the taur bf's heavy weight caused Remi's knees that dug into Bogs tongue slip forward then with that single dry perch gone Remi would find himself slipping towards that dark gullet instead of backwards towards the light of the open maw, and is with a single squeak Remi was dragged down as well into the heat and tight embrace of the sharks gullet.

"Gack!!!? Mmrffff?!!!" Bog had gone wide eyed feeling the sudden mass of his friend slide into his throat, making the shark choke a bit before instincts had to take over, with a toothy grimace and a slight grin a mix of confusion and pred satisfaction Bog tilted his head back, drool dripping down his lower jaw as the air filled with the sound of a loud very wet "GLLRRRRKKKK!!"
Remi reduced to little more than a throat bulge that would yell and shout but the words heavily muffled before all went quiet once that bulge vanished past Bogs collarbone. Panting heavily once the deed was done lost in the waves of odd bliss that washed over him Bog would groan and place his hands now on his belly belly looking more like a dad bod shark more than ever as his hammerspace within could only compress so much so now he was a chubby muscle gut of a himbo. For a minute or two Bog sat there groaning and panting as he rubbed and kneaded his belly before blushing in realization and let out a yelp of shock.
"U..uh oh.... O//~/o, I'm in so much trouble aren't i...?" The shark poked and prodded trying to talk to them but he couldn't hear or see a thing just a jiggly belly outside here.
"R..remi it wasn't on purpose i swear!
>//~/< I'll fix it... I promise i..i... Oh geez…"

As Bog was panicking outside, inside both Remi, and Trevor were now trying to find a way out, squirming in there quite a bit in the wet fleshy chamber of Bogs belly. When Trev would get an idea and try to push Remi back up the throat from the stomach at first all was going good though the throat muscles where providing a good deal of resistance seemed a shark's biology really only took things in and not out.
Suddenly Bog would groan and curl his toes springing up and walking to the kitchen he hadn't meant to he didn't mean to, but there they were inside his belly squirming and contained within, the image of the constant squirming and sensations was getting Bog all flustered and hot as the tickles but natural feeling of the two squirming in there together was rubbing the big shark in all the right places. Both hands resting on his belly now very clearly chubbed out like a beer gut or something as the shark was getting dizzy with the constant motions and rubs tickling him from the inside he was a drooling mess in this experience, far too distracted to notice Remi being pushed up his throat slowly as the muscles of the gullet almost pushed them and Trevs arm back down.

"Oh mrfff h..hey... You guys that feelin kinda.. @//~/@ Mmrfff.." swaying side to side making noises he did not know he could make in this state of odd bliss, his body feeling hot as he started heading towards the fridge as Remi finally reached his goal, the opening of the sharks throat and trying to climb his way out.

Bog shivered tilting his head back and taking deep breaths trying to calm down so heavily flustered as he now felt hot and parched, mouth, and throat feeling dry.
"Water... Need some water…"
Remi suddenly denied an exit as that shark's head tilted back making the way out even harder for him. He struggled a bit with his lower half still in the throat, its muscles and natural tugging on the moth proving too strong for him when suddenly light poured in as Bog opened his jaws and then Remis' antennae drooped.
Bog having not thinking grabbed a gallon of water cold from the depths of the refrigerator, and twisting the cap off all flustered, and hot started drinking long deep swigs "glp glp glp glp….~"
Each swallow was icy relief for the shark but Remi in a panic tried to grab onto whatever he could find, but is quickly swept away with the water washed back down into the powerful embrace of the throat, and goes back down in a powerful gulp. Meanwhile, Trevor the taur is taking a shower as water poured down on him the water luke warm by the time it reached him followed with the yelp and sploosh of his luv landing back inside joining him for a shower now turned bath the taur grumping his arms crossed in the pitch black fleshy chamber they were both now stuck in.

As Bog drowning down the whole Gallon of cold water sighed in bliss as that hit the spot, his hand jiggling his belly on instinct, unaware Remi had been so close to escape he let out a loud, very loud Belch that rang throughout the house "Oooffmmmm excuse me... >//~/<"
Trev and Remi, kinda cramped in there, had little choice but to go back to struggling in the hope Bog would notice them in the confines of his gut as small tremors shook their environment with every heavy footstep Bog took. Walking back to his room the big ol himbo shark rubbing the back of his head, the beer chubby belly jiggling with each step, sat in bed and feeling odd slowly closed his eyes and drifted off into slumber.


"It seems like the belly is gonna stay" sayed Bog after waking from his Nap confused by the oddity of his new found gut not able to recall much if anything at all as it completely slipped his mind but he didnt think to much about it as he hoisted himself out of bed, then started getting dressed. Noticing he looked kinda good in a Hawaiian Shirt with that belly of his, posing in various ways and flexing his muscles in front of the room's full length mirror being the dorky airhead himbo he is, he couldn't help but admire the appearance he was rocking now.
Inside feeling the big guy on the move again found themselves being jostled and jangled about inside here, Remi couldn't do much about it since he's quite small, but maybe Trevor can?
He curled up building his taur strength, and sprung into a single kick with all of his strength hoping that even though the stomach is pretty taut, they still have some room to try things like this.
But to their dismay underneath the shirt and through thick shark hide the belly did little more than shake ever so slightly, which looked all too natural to a naked eye, and all it got outta Bog was him simply scratching at his belly as it grumbled and fed his belly. Nomming down an open bag of chips pouring its contents down his gullet BBQ flavor tickling his tongue.
A second belch escaped from Bog as he pat patted his belly trying to think if something had slipped his mind he knew there was something he had to do today, as he rubbed and patted that belly covered in the redish pink Hawaiian shirt, but after 15 minutes of airhead deliberation, and thought he just shrugged grunting as he walked throughout the house picking up, doing laundry, and vacuuming, before grabbing his car keys and cheerfully shouting.

"Yeeeee boy! Chores are done! Time to go to the beach!"
Sliding on his sunglasses he practically ran out to his car plopping his ass in the driver's seat and putting the key in the ignition Vrrrmmrmrmrmrrrmmmm the engine roaring to life.
Inside Remi, Trevor thought he must be teasing them on purpose if they didn't know him better but they did and knew how empty the big lovable lugs head could be and if he didn't remember that really meant he did not recall or couldn't recall a single thing.
They feel Bog's weight shift as he does his chores, like all was normal and right in the world as they were slightly cramped in this dark wet cavern of his belly unable to do a thing to stop him, feeling the motions he made. All the way to the point where they felt what is essentially the free fall drop of him sitting in the car, and knowing Bog is now sitting they try shouting his name, but their voices are drowned in the noise of the car.
Looking back he started backing out of the driveway, and then once on the road shifted into drive making the car pitch forward. Excited, the shark would gleefully slide his mixtape of funky summer time jams into the console's slot, leaning back in his seat not hearing anything through that thick hide of his, that mind completely empty of what happened this morning as he was heading to the beach and that was all the mattered. Grinning with a mirth of laughter he cracked open a cold soda at a red light and took a happy sip, completely utterly oblivious the big ol shark himbo dork he was lived in the moment the past gone to him no matter how recent, and once the light shifted green he started moving again.

At this point Remi, and Trev had given up on being noticed by Bog. Remi perking his antennas up hears the music just loud enough to be heard albit muffled but discernible "Well, if anything this is pretty relaxing" Then as if on cue the soda comes pouring down and drizzles on the taur's head "Right" replied Trevor. Loud droning of the engine and the gurgles of the stomach cover every other noise if not loud enough except for Bog's voice. If he didn't announce it out loud, they wouldn't even know where he was going, and after a lengthy forty five minute drive the music would quiet down, and the forward motion would come to a stop followed by the engine rumbling to a soft silence.
Bog opening the door with a loud grunt got up from his seat then leaning into his car grabs his cooler, towel, umbrella, boombox to which his mixtape ejected from the car's console and slotted into the box is now blaring music to Bogs joy, and lastly his surf board strong he was easily lugging it all each step causing tremors that make his belly jiggle, and shake with the mirthful energy the himbo had put into every step. He shifted around the long stretch of beach and went along the coast up and down till finding a spot he found worth his approval got it all set up.
When he was putting on the finishing touches another shark friend yelled out to him, surprising Bog as the two laughed, and ran to each other hugging tightly before chatting like energetic kids, till the conversation laid on the topic of his belly.
The friend gave it a poke making it jiggle, and unknowingly poked and prodded at the two inside but couldn't even feel them as he laughed out to his friend Bog "Hah! Got a belly now hmmmm…? I see the rest of yourself is in tip top shape.. You going for a dad bod or muscle gut build hehe? well either way looks good on ya buddy~"

This acknowledgement made Bog blush very bright when placing a hand on the shirt clad belly giving it a rubbing shake and speaking back "T…thanks i didn't really think too much on it... But hey you always have a good eye for this kinda stuff… does it look ya know…? G..good on me..?" Bog asked shyly, nervous about his body image.
His friend chuckled and nodded in response a big toothy grin on there face "yeah looking hella good bro~"
And with those words Bog was blushing even more than usual so he looked up and gave that belly a proud smack shaking it he laughed finding more confidence now in those words "Guess if you think i look good with it bud, then fck it I'll keep it U//w/u, The belly is here to stay!"
They both shouted in cheer, both filled with sheer unfiltered joy ran to go play some volleyball with the others Bogs friend had arrived here with, it was gonna be a long day indeed.

Trevor and Remi inside during these events could only hear Bog's side of the conversation. And once they worked out what was said they got a bit worried, especially when the big shark mentions wanting to keep the belly!
Their struggles started again with renewed energy, once again hoping beyond hope to get Bog's attention. It may be the sun, but Bog's belly was getting hotter and hotter…
But despite their struggles Bog went about his day playing volleyball, surfing, dancing with his friends and even chowing down on some grilled food never once taking notice of the tickles in his belly feeling completely normal to him like normal belly grumbles or something.
Eventually night started to fall. They all had s'mores by the campfire and even launched fireworks admiring the flare and colors of each one bursting over the ocean water reflecting off it like a black mirror.
And throughout the day his confidence grew to love his belly, and even found pride in having it "Yeah im gonna keep it~"
He reiterated to someone else with positive glee in his tone when asked.
But inside as the hot sun set meant it wasn't as hot as it had been in there all day it truly was a wonderful day at the beach!
Or so Trev and Remi thought, considering all the movements Bog was doing. He was surprisingly agile even while lugging around an entire taur, and moth in his stomach managing to play some kind of game, probably volleyball considering the place he was at. Then he stopped for lunch, as the two captives could easily tell by the food and drinks raining on them!
Even though they weren't doing anything, the heat and movement drained them of most of their energies, so they eventually just chilled. Busy as he was, they doubted Bog would notice them anyway. In the end, night time came and the heat inside of Bog's stomach got a bit less smothering. Moreover, they both drew a sigh of relief when they realized the stomach was doing its work, but sparing them the acidic bath harmless to them one way or another they were safe in here at the very least. In the end, they decided to just wait it out.
And as hours literally passed Bog breaking up from the group to gather his things and load them into the car. He would return saying his goodbyes and thanks to everyone there were many hugs, and a long drive back home were without a second though the big guy showered and crashed into bed belly down making the slightly cramped space of his belly officially cramped and squishing them between his weight from above and the firm mattress below as he snores loudly drooling into his pillow.
He would go about his days, seeming to never recall what had happened as days turned to weeks, and weeks into months as he got more and more used to his belly and when Christmas swung by he seemed to treat the belly of his fully naturally now doing all activity like it was second nature and as a year had fully passed Big was sitting on the very couch this all took place on covered with the same blanket nonetheless, watched his favorite anime as Remi and Trev were struggling inside him a effort that went unnoticed only receiving a lazy scratching as he leaned back and yawned having a much needed lazy day, inside all the two could seem to do is struggle, and hope because every escape attempt when the shark slept was met by the stomach starting to grumble and churn like crazy when they try to push Remi up anymore the throat squeezes them back down and the stomach then constricts to stop them for a while, as if it was protesting at their efforts unable to tell them as a separate part of the shark anymore and views them not only as a part of him but the sorce of his new found happiness, and confidence which was something it wouldn't allow to simply slip away.
So they struggled, pushed, and anything they could to try and get his attention surely eventually Bog would remember them! ... Right?..... RIGHT!!!?


(Jun 6, 2024 04:01 PM) AndyRosebud:
We need more Sharkmallows, hehe

(Jun 13, 2024 08:25 PM) Sergeant_Stacker:
Lovely story, heheh silly Shark-man~

Scarlett Johamster’s Insistence by AggretsukoofLondon

Author's page:
Picture page: (EBFAID36843920EB)

Tags: Story, danger, mouse, dangermouse, penfold, shirakage, romance, comedy, Scarlett, Johamster, girl, talk, sneeze, sneezing, magic, spell, Merlin, narrator, tsundere, bored, immature, pokemon, singing, injury, handsome, silly, courting, laughing, secret, monster, difficult, london

Category: Story | Theme: All | Gender: Male

Species: Mouse

Rating: General

Published: 2020-06-17 16:29:34

“Scarlett Johamster’s Insistence“

Ugh. There he is again. That idiot secret agent doesn’t know when to give up, does he. So much for reading my book and enjoying a nice afternoon in Holland Park today. I can’t believe that Danger Mouse has fallen head over heels for me when I was spending one night at my cousin’s secret HQ flat in New York. And during her Secret Agents Awards After Party, no less!

Can I throw up now?

If he thinks that I wouldn’t be able to see him staring at me from his hiding place in the bushes at 4 o’clock to my right, he’s dead wrong. Especially since I placed a microscopic tracker in my pepper spray two nights ago, which is now attached to one of the many air sacs in his lungs after he inhaled the allergen weapon of mine. One look at the screen of my Pear watch, and I can spot his location anywhere on Earth.

I rolled my eyes suddenly as the white dot on my watch’s radar was closing in on my blue dot. Great. Now he’s trying to sneak up on me again. Yet a puzzling frown returned to my features when I didn’t hear the bushes rustle around the edge of the forest area of the park.

I glanced up to where I’d first spotted him staring at me, and to my frozen horror, he had stealthily disappeared. What the fuck-? I glanced hastily back at my watch and almost screamed when I saw his white dot blinking on top of my location. That could only mean-

I jumped off of the bench and stared skittishly at the leaf covered treetops behind and above where I’d been sitting. What was he, a feudal ninja!?

“I know you’re up there, you smug, egotistical devil!” I yelled up to the hidden branches about the bench. “Come on out!”

At first, there was no reply. But then my phone went off. I checked the screen, and my blue eyes doubled in size before narrowing themselves into slits of fury.

“YOU HAVE MY NUMBER!!?” I shrieked, outrage clearly being heard in my tone. “Oh, I so want my cousin to beat you black and bloody blue than to see your agency suspend your license!!”

My phone lit up again, alerting me back to the text message he had just sent me seconds ago before my angry reaction.

BondCharming: Why don’t you sit back down, my Dear Shirakage Mouse? I’ll pop right down next to you if you do. Quite frankly, I’m growing tired of losing to you over our game of chase lately.”

I snorted and spat back at the tree leaves. “I’ll bet you’re tired of sneezing your head off as I escape from you! You’re lucky I haven’t reported your sexual predator motives to the police just yet!!”

Dozens of pink and red rose petals fluttered down from the leaves, landing around the empty park bench. My jaw dropped at the typical spectacle until the light from my phone flashed for my attention again.

BondCharming: Would a sexual predator use rose petals if his intentions for a pretty young woman were to do evil rather than affection? Oh, sweet angel from heaven...I would choose death than to force myself upon your justice deserving figure.”

I hung my head and sighed wearily from his point proven text. I just couldn’t find a winning strategy to evade him. My phone lit up again, alerting me to his next text message.

“‘Come’,” I read it out loud under my breath. “‘I’ll let you sit down below me first’.”

I sighed again. Admitting my defeat. I sunk my head into a pouting expression while trudging over to the bench. As I sat on the left side, a soft but sudden thwump landed gracefully on the right side. I gave an irritable sidelong glare to the love sick, smug faced idiot of London’s secret agent, who was staring sappy eyed at me.

“You’re annoyingly persistent when it comes to chasing down a sexy lady, aren’t you?” I retorted sarcastically.

Danger Mouse smirked at me with a sly confident look in his right [and only] eye. “Well, you’re wrong about one particular detail in this matter, Darling...” He then blushed, took my hand into his own and gave it a gentlemanly kiss. “...I have never felt any feelings towards pretty ladies until I saw you that night.”

I snorted and rolled my eyes again. “Tch. What man hasn’t used that lie to seduce a woman?”

DM’s face clouded, his eye widening at my dissing remark. “What? Do you honestly believe that I am lying to you, Professor Shirakage Mouse?”

I put on my Dare Game face and laughed. “That depends. Have you slept with another woman whose animal species differs from our own?”

DM’s face shifted from one shade of red to another before he spluttered out. “M-Madam! We-We’re in a kid’s show!! S-Surely you must have some sense of understanding of what to censor out in the script!!”

I smirked diabolically at him. “Well, that’s where the difference between me and you with the rest of your universe stands out, Mr. White Wonder: I don’t play by your stupid broken 4th Wall code of conduct, nor shut my dirty, New York mouth.”

He gasped in disbelief from my statement. “Oh, Dear, oh Dear! What spawn of the devil has possessed your heart and gorgeous vessel!?”

I groaned in frustration over his melodramatic shock. “For crying out loud!! What’s the point of you being a parody of James Bond without the guns, dead men, liquor, and bed sheet covered naked women kissing said you?”

Danger Mouse growled his gritting teeth in equal frustration. “Oooohh! You naughty, realistic seeking vixen!! I never imagined that your spirit would be this willful and wild, Shirakage!” Then he suddenly blinked as if something was just brought to his attention.

“Just a minute...” he said before going silent for a few moments, then frowned at me with a disapproving stare. “The narrator said he had never liked you, because you have been using your colorful language to tune him out of your hearing range.”
I shrugged my shoulders with shameless ignorance. “He’s partially responsible for giving your location away whenever you secretly stalk me, Nezu-San. He’s with you and your world’s citizens all the time!”

DM crossed his arms against his chest. “That’s his job! My series contract includes him. He must come with this handsome agent’s cheeky wink packaging.” He winked at me like an overconfident stud.

I pursed my lip in a sinful, smug like smirk. “So, you’ll make him narrate if I ever allow you to make love to me?”

He yelped girlishly. “Auugghh! Quick! Somebody call an exorcist! My sweetheart’s been possessed by the Spawn of Satan!!”

I burst out laughing over his hilarious reaction, “Geez, DM. Take a joke, will ya? Well, take a joke that doesn’t match your silly word play with puns.”

DM groaned wearily. “Most...difficult lass to try and woo...Ever!”
Don’t ask me how an average but brilliant boffin and civilian like me managed to become good friends with the famous actress, Scarlett Johamster. Maybe because I was helping her out one time when a bunch of annoying boys were harassing her. I kicked their asses and they ran with whatever breed of tails they had between their legs.

When I didn’t bask in the moment of heroism, Scarlett asked me for my name and said that I was like an emo, silent DM without a cheeky smile.

Long story short, we Video Chat each other from time to time now. One of our most recent video chats was three days ago. Scarlett called and told me about her shaky dating relationship with DM’s best friend, Penfold.

First she broke up with him when all of their dates had been going awry, as other male villains wanted to fight over her. But after defeating an evil twin of Penfold—who had crossed over from the infamous Twistyverse—with DM and Penfold, she turned into an adventurous and danger loving version of Danger Mouse herself.

Because of that, Penfold had lost interest in her. However, Scarlett couldn’t get over this second break up with him. And this was my own personal opinion, not a committed ‘take it to heart’ kind of advice.

“Girl,” I said calmly. “Sometimes you would have to sacrifice a bit of yourself to make someone who is most precious to you happy, if you want to become their chosen romantic partner. Honestly, I was hoping that Penfold had made a great choice hooking up with you. But happy scenarios in people’s heads don’t always go as planned in reality.

“To be fair, I might have more things in common with Penfold than I have with Danger Mouse. For example, I’m afraid of heights, falling through the air, and roller coasters. Danger Mouse would dive right into that shit. Penfold is a great friend to me. But he can never be anything more than that. And the best respect that I can give him is to be happy with whoever else he’d choose to spend his life with.

“What I’m trying to say is...that the most flexible of dating couples could work out each other’s differences in their likes and dislikes, and maybe come up with a compromising strategy where they can do things happily together.”

Scarlett pondered over my speech quietly for a moment. Then, she said she’ll consider my words and get back to me if anything happened later on.

The next day, she FaceTimed me again with a more happier smile on her face.

“I owe you so much, Shirakage,” she beamed through my Mac laptop. “I talked to Penfold earlier this afternoon. And we agreed to see where our relationship should go at the moment. I know you insisted that you’re not a couple’s counselor. But I can’t help but thank you again!”

I smiled as well when I heard the positive news in her dating progress with Penfold. “That’s great. I wish you two the best in finding the perfect resolve of enjoying each other’s company.”

“Thanks!!??” she giggled. “And who knows? If we ever get married, we’ll come up with our own Christmas celebration traditions and other fun hobbies that’ll be beyond our first dating experiments.”

“I’m looking forward to the future already,” I added pleasantly.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a while now. But I couldn’t bring it up before because of my feelings for Penfold.”

I blinked at her change in topic and wondering expression. “What is it, Scarlett?”

“I’m very happy that you ship me and Penfold as an item. But, Shirakage, why are you always pushing Danger Mouse away whenever he pursues you time and time again? I think that you mean something to him, but what does he mean to you?”

Her innocent girl talk question had me at a loss for words. “Scarlett,” I started hesitantly. “You’re not secretly shipping me and Danger Mouse being a great couple too, are you?”

She grinned sheepishly. “Well...I’m not the only one who’s talking about it. Penfold couldn’t stop giggling after we patched up.”

“Scarlett!!” I exclaimed with hot cheeks. “The nezumi’s a stalker and an idiot who doesn’t know when to give up when the lady’s same answer is ‘NO!’!! It’s unlikely that I’ll even consider him to be my chosen mate.”

“But he really likes you, Shirakage,” she argued reasonably. “Don’t you think you should be more considerate towards his feelings? Even Penfold believes that you keep stomping on his heart hard because he once caught DM crying in his room.”

“You honestly think I’m rejecting his so called ‘love struck heart’ that much?” I asked skeptically.

“Please, Girl,” Scarlett begged sweetly. “Just take a bit of your time to talk to him. After all, he did fancied that one time when you happened to witness him using Merlin’s magic staff to destroy an alien plant eating monster, which came to our planet to devour our vegetation sources dry. He spotted you watching him, and he zapped the monster into a rain of beautiful flowers. Because you were his audience, Shirakage, he scooped up a bunch of the falling flowers and presented them to you as a gift of impression over his heroic stunt.”

I pursed my lip and averted my gaze as I remembered that day too.
The screams of the people outside my open balcony window signaled the start of another annoying day of calamity in London again. I sighed wearily; my weekend activity of writing messages in my own personal code was now disturbed as the narrator added his presence into my newly formed headache.

I grumbled unintelligible curses under my breath and dragged my irritable butt to see what craziness was occurring this time.

Huh. A gruesome giant, roaring bipedal stegosaurus like space alien, was coming towards Holland Park. According to the news report on my T.V., the monster had landed in Wilstone Green this afternoon and ate all of the plant life in the countryside in five minutes flat.

“Should I microwave the popcorn to watch and see if a man might accidentally get eaten if his attire includes a corsage?” I joked to myself with a Garfield like smirk on my face.

“Oh, Honestly, Shirakage Mouse! The people of London are not some throw away characters for you to enjoy, as if they were the poor, helpless victims in a B-rated monster film.”

I rolled my blue eyes and began to tune out the interfering narrator by singing.

“Ah ah ah ah-h (ah ah ah ah-h)
Can't watch this and I can't watch that
But they can't stop me from playing
Mama's gone bananas and Daddy's gone coco
Cause I don't hear what they're saying
“They complain, I go insane
Cause I love playing Pokemon

“All I hear everyday; blah, blah, blah (blah, blah, blah)
All I hear everyday; blah, blah, blah (blah, blah, blah)
Blah, blah, blah”

“Oh, for Goodness sake! What on Earth is a ‘Pokemon’, anyway!?” Groaned the frustrated narrator.

“A to Z, divide, subtract
This world is driving me crazy:
Teacher, teacher, get off my back!
Game Boy's not making me lazy
And I can't wait til three, then I'll be free
And back playing Pokemon

“All I hear everyday; blah, blah, blah (blah, blah, blah)
All I hear everyday; blah, blah, blah (blah, blah, blah)
Blah, blah, blah

“Don't you know you talk too much?
Don't you know you're out of touch?
Gotta win, no room to fall
Means I've gotta catch them all
“Can't you see the game is me?
You are you, so let me be
Cause I don't care who you are;
Don't you take away my cards!


“All I hear everyday; blah, blah, blah (blah, blah, blah)
All I hear everyday; blah, blah, blah (blah, blah, blah)
Blah, blah, blah

“Don't you know you talk too much?
Tellin’ me I'm out of touch
Where to go, what to do
I should be the one to choose
Can’t you see that I am me
You are you, so let me be
Don't appreciate my honesty

“Blah, blah, blah”
After singing that old Pokemon song that I remembered from my real world, I yawned in a wide, melodramatic way and scratched my neck, like the disobedient Charizard of Ash Ketchum, while ignoring the chaos going down outside in the streets.

The narrator had given up on speaking to me, since I was behaving obnoxiously difficult again. I then returned to my secret coded messaging hobby, but I quickly lost interest in it. So I played my favorite video games on my portable Nintendo console.

When I heard a plane engine humming nearby my area, and the alien monster’s roar started to sound more like short grunts, I hooked my earphones into my Nintendo console in an attempt to block out the madness in DM’s world.

You know what? Scratch playing Nintendo. I think I hear the plant eating monster alien tickling DM using feathery, fern shaped vines.

I microwaved some popcorn and went out towards my balcony to see him fight. Woah. The stegosaurus was like the size of a building. It had stopped feasting on all of the grass and leaves, and started to examine Nezu-chan with the vines that wiggled out of the giant flower on its back.

“AHAHAHAHAHAH...S-Stop it!” He laughed as one of the vines held the captive mouse around his waist, while another prodded his sensitive spots on his body. Eventually, a serious scowl formed on his face. He began fighting back at the beast using his Mouse Fu skills, as I watched from afar.

I’ll never understand how he can whoop an alien dinosaur’s ass that’s 10 times his size. And I pray I’ll never want to understand it.

The Mark IV car was hovering high above the battle. I saw Penfold call out to his senpai, and threw down a staff sized stick to the panting white mouse. As DM caught the staff, his eye fell on me. I flinched as my presence caught his attention, and a flirty grin grew on his face. He then turned back to the monster and used the glowing staff on it.

The monster was surrounded by the staff’s magical energy, and it exploded into a rain of beautiful Sakura blossoms...the “lawn and field” type Sakura blossoms called, “Shibazakura”.

While the people of London were enjoying the spectacle of DM’s victory, the cocky stud fired up his rocket boots and started catching dozens of the pretty pink flowers that were still fluttering in the air. With a pretty bouquet in one hand and that magic staff in the other, the determined mouse began to fly towards my balcony.

I backed away and pressed myself against the patio glass door. Nezu-chan hovered himself over the banister, retracted his boots and landed gracefully on his feet.

“Ah, Shirakage Mouse,” he sighed pleasantly at me with that egotistical suave tone of his. “We meet again, my elusive Love. You said you never wanted to see me save the world. But it seems that you couldn’t stay away from my heroics, after all.” He held out the bouquet to me. “I know full well you fancy Lawn Cherry Blossoms.”

My face was blushing like crazy as my lips were sealed up in astonishment. But then my blue eyes fell on a large scrape on his right shoulder. Did that stegosaurus alien monster cut him with thorns from its vines?

“You have a bad injury on your shoulder,” I noted to him while taking a couple of steps towards the red cut. It also had ripped through his white shirt.

“What, this small minor scrape?” He gestured nonchalantly. “Don’t be so trifled over it, Shirakage. It won’t kill me, and it will heal quickly.”

But my stubbornness persisted. “Then let me rephrase myself, Danger Mouse: If you’ll allow me to clean your wound in my bathroom, I’ll accept your lovely bouquet to me and place them in a water filled vase, got it?”

He smirked with a mixture of dashing and conceit. “Agreed, my darling.”
I was wrong to propose that trade to him. My white mouse cheeks could not have blushed any hotter, after seeing DM’s well toned abs under his tight ass, skinny white shirt of his.

I know that many anime fan girls from my real human world would joke about themselves, squealing with excitement and gush a fountain of blood from their noses to death, as they comment to online fan art pictures of hot anime male characters. But I’d never imagine Danger Mouse looking just as hot as them underneath his signature secret agent getup.

He suddenly noticed my petrified expression from his seat on the closed toilet lid, and looked concerned. “My Dear Shirakage. Why do you look so flustered?”

All that came out of my stifled, tight lipped mouth were incoherent spluttering noises of shock with overwhelming excitement and forbidden arousal of sexual appeal.

Then his eye widened largely as he realized my strangled social language. “Hang on. Am I to understand that you’ve never seen a shirtless man before?”

‘“Man” may not be the correct word to use in this reality before a reincarnated human soul, Nezu-chan. You’re all animals, remember?’ I thought to myself in my head...a scenario in which I wished to tell that statement to him.

“Forgive me,” I squeaked shyly. “I’ve just never pictured you to look so well toned and attractive under your uniform.” I mentally slapped myself as I let the impulsive, hidden fan girl spill out the wrong words from my mouth.

Great. It’s too late to take back my mistake. Calling Danger Mouse hot has boosted his ego to the point where his swelling head is grinning conceitedly again.

“So I am sexy to you, Shirakage Mouse,” he mused smugly. “Perhaps you do have a weakness for me somewhere in your cold, stone heart after all.” He got up from the closed toilet seat, walked towards me and stared into my flustered eyes.

“Is it too late for me to ask you out for dinner this time?” He teased silkily with seduction laced in his tone.

Oh, God. His face was so close to mine, that he could just kiss me. Not wishing to have my cheeks turn fire engine red, I pinched the wound on his shoulder.

“ARRRRRGGHHH!!!!” He yelled out in pain, screaming as if I just broken his leg bone.

I sighed and guided the Duke of Wimpy Injuries back to his seat on the loo’s lid. “Just behave yourself, so I could put some ointment on that cut. If it had been any deeper, you would have required immediate treatment to stitch up a possible case of heavy bleeding.”

DM pouted childishly as I turned my attention to the task at hand. As I slid my ointment covered fingertip against the scrape on his shoulder, the tube’s cap slipped out of my occupied hand’s grip. My reflexes were quick enough to catch it in time. But in the process of retrieving it successfully, my fingers brushed the side of DM’s upper body.

He stifled back what sounded like high pitched giggles, and flinched slightly from my brief contact to his fur and skin.

My guard and hardened expression vanished as I looked up to see my patient smothering a goofy smile under his snout. “Sorry. You’re very ticklish, aren’t you?”

DM blushed silently while I continued to patch up his wound. Once I completed bandaged his shoulder in a tight field dressing gauze, I smiled at my piece of work. “There. That should hold you for a few days. Hopefully, the doctors at your agency’s HQ will give you a better diagnostic on how you can let that bad scrape heal faster.”

I then stood up and left him in the bathroom to go put the beautiful bouquet of Shibazakura in a water filled vase from the kitchen. After laying the vase filled flowers on the coffee table in my sitting room, my eyes suddenly fell upon the mystical staff of Merlin. Nezu-chan had originally left it on my couch earlier when I needed to give him first aid.

Curiosity got the better of me, leading me to pick up the wooden staff and examine it. I smiled nostalgically when my blue eyes gazed upon the glass sphere at the tip of the magical scepter. Back in my past human life’s real world, many Spellcaster type Duel Monsters in the card playing manga/anime series, Yu-Gi-Oh!, wielded staffs just like this one...and the Spellcaster monsters’ species resembled more like long eared elves and tall or short humans.

My mind suddenly zoned into another one of my daydream trances again, while I was still holding the staff in my hands. The Merlin of DM’s world must have known a ton of spells, that may not be so different from the popular fandom novel series of Harry Potter. But what else could Merlin’s magical staff be capable of other than just Transfiguration, Levitation, Imprisonment, and making things magically appear on command?

The more I thought about what I wanted to use it for, the staff’s magical aura began to glow brighter. Then, as if my entire consciousness entered a state of focused meditation, the trance in my head grew stronger.

‘Danger Mouse loves me.... But he doesn’t know how to win my heart. What spell can this staff do to hex him with the quality trait, which I find the most seducing to my lust and fanciful passion?’


DM’s alarmed voice brought me out of my deep trance. But I was too slow to realize my current predicament. An energy blast shot out from the tip of Merlin’s staff, and made a direct hit upon Nezu-chan. There was no inertia like force to knock the fully dressed agent against my flat’s wall. But his face froze into a grimacing expression, as the magical energy surrounded his body. When the aura finally dissipated, DM examined himself, looking confused as to why nothing had happened to him yet.

I blinked in stunned confusion as well. How could he still be alright? Maybe my inexperience in using magical items only released an ineffective dud of energy...?

Suddenly Danger Mouse snapped his head to the side and released two held back sneezes. “Huh’TSHOO! TSHOO!” Within those two sneezes, his nose and mouth expelled a small cloud of sparkling dust. From the first sneeze, the color of the dust was gold. But his second sneeze released a different color of sparkling dust...a battery charged blue like color.

“Bless you,” I said as he sniffed. I put Merlin’s staff on the coffee table and went up to him. “Are you alright, Nezu-kun?” I asked. “I’m so sorry-“

However, his breathing turned erratic again, and his skinny but concealed well built chest was rising and falling quicker every second. His eyes glazed over and his jaw hung open as hitches escaped. His head started tipping back, his eye fluttered until it squeezed shut, and colorful sparkling dust shot out from his set of explosive sneezes.

“Hhh...TSHOOO!” Pink dust. “Ah’TSSSHOOO!” Red dust. “Ahh...huhhh...Huh’TSHHOOO!” Purple dust.

I stared at the spectacle in a dumbfounded state of speechlessness. Then I burst out laughing. “HAA~HAHAHAHA~~!! Oh my God! I have no idea of how I just hexed you like this, but it’s hysterical!! OMG!!?”

DM’s nostrils were still twitching and flaring by the time he sniffled and caught a breath. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. “Sh-Shirahhhuuhh’TSHOOO! TSHOOO! Ah’TSHOOO! Ah...hhh...TSSHHOOOO!” With each of his four sneezes, a mixture of orange, lemon yellow, lime green, and sky blue colored sparkling dust floated in the air around his wet snout and mouth. “Snf. Ugh.”

I smirked mischievously at his misery. “It’s like being in a fairytale story. And the prince is conflicted with a curse, where his sparkling sneezes attract the attention of little girls who wish to play Tea Parties and Dress Up Parties with him. Eheheheheheh~~??!!” I was so milking in this cool agent’s nightmare.

The poor White Wonder tried to quell the unbearable feather storm in his nose. “Shirakage...!” He gasped while rubbing his inflamed nostrils harshly. “Snf. This is serious!” The hitching in his breath returned, and he lost the ability to continue talking before he exploded into another fit of dust expelling sneezes.

“Huu’TSHOOO!” Fuchsia primrose purple. “TSHHOOO!” Cerulean blue. “TSHHOOO!” Vermillion. “Heh...heh-heahhh’TSHHOOO!” And finally, black pepper mist.
“K’tchu! Hih’tchu! N’ktch!!” Danger Mouse sneezed another 3 times an hour later...with no colorful sparkling dust expelling from his mouth.

Penfold had flew the Mark IV towards my flat’s balcony and discovered what had happened. Realizing that Merlin was the only person to correct my unknown hex-like spell upon DM, he flew off to fetch Merlin from his slumbering tomb and brought him back here.

As a de-spelled Nezu-chan blew his moist nose and groaned tiredly on my couch, Merlin frowned at me with a mildly cross glare on his face while Penfold stood next to him.

“Young Madam,” he began sternly. “Despite the fact that you’re a surly ignorant Muggle born mouse, you certainly have shocked me, once I learned that you were able to wield my staff and perform magic at all.

“Still, I sense that you don’t understand on what you’ve cast upon your boyfriend, do you.”

I deadpanned at the anthropomorphic goat wizard, wishing to retort that Danger Mouse wasn’t my boyfriend. But instead, I shook my head at him. “Not a clue, Magister Merlin-Sama.”

The staff suddenly glowed in Merlin’s hands. But only he seemed unsurprised by the phenomenon. His eyes narrowed as the aura around the staff dissipated.

“Hmm. I’ve heard of many who’ve been able to wield my staff while I’ve been sleeping. But it is extremely rare to witness anyone who can unlock a hidden ability to link their heart with its magic. If that special individual possesses the power to meditate deeply in their own thoughts, the staff can grant their most personal desires, depending upon the dilemma of what they’re pondering about.”

I nearly began to panic in front of the three of them until he continued.

“Normally, I’d choose to tattle on anyone who’d either have been born with magic in their blood, or have been practicing it for a while. Fortunately for you, Ms. Shirakage Mouse, the staff has informed me to keep its share of your desired spell’s secret to yourself. And since it has regarded you to be unique for a Mortal Muggle to connect with its magic, I’ve decided to honor my staff’s request and zip my lip about the spell to your friends here.”

I sighed with relief and bowed politely to him. “That’s great. I give you and the Staff my sincere gratitude.”
The flashback ended swiftly from my head as I returned to the Present Day and my video chat with Scarlett. But I still refused to reconsider her opinionated Point of View to the current question she’d asked me before Said Long Flashback.

“And that day’s events is supposed to help me change my mind about Nezu-Chan, Scarlett?” I asked her skeptically.

The hamster actress half sheepishly shrugged her shoulders at me. “Well, if you don’t move quickly, your foster cousin might beat you to the punch in taking a shot at Danger Mouse instead.”

I scowled to the side as the thought of Nezu-Chan and Jeopardy becoming a couple tightened my chest slightly. “Oddly, Girlfriend...That does bother me more than a bit.”

Danger Games Chat Room Skit by AggretsukoofLondon

Author's page:
Picture page: (EBFAID36844261EB)

Tags: Danger, mouse, dangermouse, chat, room, games, online, shirakage, Usernames, jeopardy, penfold, professorsquawkencluck, colonel, k, Stilleto, baron, von, greenback, unbeatable, jealousy, courting, racing, bragging, bet, secret, agent, blown, cover, stakes, friends, cousins

Category: Story | Theme: All | Gender: Any

Species: Unspecified / Any

Rating: General

Published: 2020-06-17 16:58:02

Author’s Note 12/3/18: I’m not sure when I’ll be posting stories again on Fanfiction.Net. I ran into a bit of discouragement when a review for this story on that site informed me that I violated the Terms and Conditions in the site’s agreement.

The Creation of Kasumi Mouse belongs to Comatose-Roses. My inspiration in writing this skit comes from a Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction called “A Note to the Fangirls from Edward Elric” written by AdventureAddict. Her third chapter featured an MSN Chat room skit with FMA characters and her friends.

This alternate universe skit involves the existence of humans, similar to the idea in my story “The Pop Idol and Her Overseas Agent”.

I like conversations between people. So I wrote this to fulfill my belief in communicating to others online without fear or shyness.

Danger Games Chat Room Skit

Queen Orange Skirt has joined the Chat Room.

Deadly Danger Mice has joined the Chat Room.


Queen Orange Skirt: Because the Danger Games’ phone game app’s system hasn’t updated itself to pair me up with anyone else yet. That is how you keep getting selected as one of my competitive opponents.

Deadly Danger Mice: If you’re so good at defeating anyone in a race, then why keep playing nearly every night?

Queen Orange Skirt: The first reason is due to a repetitive habit since October 2017. And the second reason is driven by the UK’s inability to share the Danger Mouse CBBC website games with the rest of the world. I guess you could say...I’m doing all of this out of Spiteful Revenge.

Deadly Danger Mice: You must be a spoiled Yank, then!!

Queen Orange Skirt: Perhaps. But being the best racer in this game gives me better control of my daily life in the real world. I’d rather not waste my time getting hooked onto online games. I have a history of such a particular addiction back in my childhood days.

Deadly Danger Mice: You’re an adult!!? Bloody Hell!!

Queen Orange Skirt: Reading that swear in your text gives me an impression that you’re no school kid either.

Deadly Danger Mice: Damn right I’m not. Because I also like to play Zombie games on the side. Do you fancy zombie games too?

Queen Orange Skirt: They’re actually too graphic for me to play; I could spaz out in surprise by a horde of those things once they appear out of nowhere. However, I never said that they weren’t cool. I just happen to envy other gamers who get a kick out of playing ‘em.

Deadly Danger Mice: That’s a shame. You’d probably make a great teammate if we played a shooting game on the web some time.?

Queen Orange Skirt: I would agree with your optimistic opinion...if the real world had the VVMO technology from Sword Art Online.

Deadly Danger Mice: ?Don’t tell me you’re one of those American Otaku...!

Queen Orange Skirt: A veteran, actually. I enjoy that anime series a lot. And it helps me get over my jealousy of having to balance a lifestyle without gaming.

Deadly Danger Mice: Are you a human or an Anthro Furry like me and my flatmate?

Queen Orange Skirt: I’m a rare breed of mice called a “Japanese Tailed White Mouse”. And I’m female.

Deadly Danger Mice: No...way...!! I thought that whole species was listed as an “Extinct” race, since the devastating earthquake of 1992!!

Queen Orange Skirt: Well, I happened to be the only survivor of that clan when I was just an infant. I had been raised in America by my foster mother who had found me in the rubble during a holiday trip with her British husband. Sadly, I never knew my deceased birth parents.

Deadly Danger Mice: Amazing. I can see the American dialect when you text back to me. You must be very close with your Mum.

Queen Orange Skirt: She loves me as if I were her own daughter. But my relationship with her has nothing to do with my American upbringing. I just sort of imprinted onto its culture.

Deadly Danger Mice: I do wish more Americans were into my- er... into Danger Mouse’s Danger Games’ app. Bad luck that other players have filled up the slots in your Team: “Sleepy Sharp Daffodils”.

Queen Orange Skirt: ?You wanted to join my team?

Deadly Danger Mice: Well, now I do. And I can understand how not being able to play Danger Mouse Ultimate/Infinity in America could make any fans of m- er... his cross.

Queen Orange Skirt: Thanks for understanding. And to be totally honest with you, I do tend to feel a little intimidated when other racers keep giving me the angry emoji every time a race begins or ends. Now that my Trophy number is in the 20,000’s, I’m able to take a couple of days off here and there. Think of it as being a Semiretired gamer.

Deadly Danger Mice: Fear not, my Awesome Rival! I shall personally handle any harassment thrown at you, including any hate messages which may be sent towards your Inbox.

Queen Orange Skirt: ☺️?

Deadly Danger Mice: And FYI, the cool kids these days don’t say “Totally” anymore. The new word we use is “Totes” now.

Queen Orange Skirt: ?That’s a shoe brand. Honestly! Your new trendy word better not integrate with the American English Dub vocabulary of my anime viewing. I’m trying very hard not to call you a “Baka”.?

Deadly Danger Mice: ... I am certainly not an “idiot”. Do be careful, Madam. That opinionated mind set of yours can be perceived as rude and troublesome.

Queen Orange Skirt has Gifted 6 Danger Cards to Deadly Danger Mice.

Deadly Danger Mice: Hmm... Ok, we’re good. Apology accepted.

Scary Gross Baron has joined the Chat Room.

Scary Gross Baron: Ha! Only an idiot would forgive Queen Orange Skirt’s rudeness through her gift giving bribes. You’ve been played, DEADLY DANGER FOOL!!

Queen Orange Skirt: You’re one of my least intimidating and jealous rivals, Baron Gamabaka. The comments that you tend to leave here reveals your true identity too easily to me.

Scary Gross Baron has left the Chat Room.

Deadly Danger Mice: LOLZ!! That was hilariously brilliant, Queen Orange Skirt!! To think that you’ve defeated Baron von Greenback in this game, while bestowing him the nickname “Toad Idiot” in Japanese. LOLZ! It fits perfectly as a joke to his surname.

Queen Orange Skirt: Thank you. But I’m surprised you talk like you’ve known that that Anthro Furry Toad villain has an account for this game too. You’re not friends with him, are you?

Deadly Danger Mice: Quite the opposite, really. He’s m- er... one of the many prisoners whom I’ve been assigned to guard at London’s Arkwright Asylum.

Queen Orange Skirt: That makes sense. Does he escape from his cell whenever you’re off duty?

Deadly Danger Mice: One too many times. I stopped counting about 2 years ago.

Queen Orange Skirt: Been deadpanning a lot when you find the cell empty??

Deadly Danger Mice: I don’t want to talk about it anymore, please.

Queen Orange Skirt: Hai, hai. Wari, wari. Lolz!?

Deadly Danger Mice: Moving on.... Are you on Snoutbook?

Queen Orange Skirt: You mean that Anthro furry community version of the Human’s social networking site, “Facebook”? Mm... Yeah, I am. But I don’t accept anyone’s Friend Requests that easily.

Deadly Danger Mice: If your Trust Levels are so restricted, how come your Friend Request settings are lowered for everyone on the site?

Queen Orange Skirt: ?Sorry. That’s classified.

Deadly Danger Mice: Are you, perhaps, waiting for a “Mr. Right” to accept an invitation of yours, my Dear...Shirakage Mouse??

Queen Orange Skirt: Oh.... you found my profile page on there just now, huh. You’re good.

Deadly Danger Mice: Odd. A lot of your personal info is hidden from my view. It doesn’t say what you do for a living.

Queen Orange Skirt: That’s because I set the settings of those details to be seen by Me alone. By the way, how did you find my true identity so fast?

Deadly Danger Mice: I had studied on your rare breed of white mice sometime ago in my youthful school days. And never have I met any other white furred mouse whose facial features match your picture’s hair and eye colors.

Queen Orange Skirt: Medium length black hair and sapphire dark blue eyes?

Deadly Danger Mouse: Precisely. You have a tail, yes?

Queen Orange Skirt: Yeah. My foster mom doesn’t have one herself, though.

Deadly Danger Mice: It says here that your foster mum, Jewel Mouse, is related to Kasumi Mouse. She’s Kasumi Mouse’s sister and Jeopardy Mouse’s Aunt!

Queen Orange Skirt: You...know of my yearling foster cousin, Jeopardy?

Deadly Danger Mice: Well, um... Actually...I tend to run into now and then at Arkwright. Our banter can be quite colorful and-

Pretty Purple Savage has joined the Chat Room.

Pretty Purple Savage: Aha! I knew you’d break your oath to me and eventually confront Queen Orange Skirt in the Chat Room! Now that you know who she really is, I’m going to warn you once: Stay away from my cousin, Danger Mouse! Shirakage is not your type.

Queen Orange Skirt: ...Nani...? B-Bakada...! Mazeka...!

Deadly Danger Mice: Oh, really, Jeopardy. You just had to go and blow my cover. And I was doing very well at fooling her for this long.

Queen Orange Skirt: ...OMG...I don’t believe this....

Deadly Danger Mice: Shirakage...? Are you mad that I lied to you?

Queen Orange Skirt: ...You’re kidding...! I’ve been chatting with the World’s Greatest Secret Agent this whole time!?

Pretty Purple Savage: I think she’s still in shock, Danger Mouse.

Handsome Hamster Glasses has joined the Chat Room.

Handsome Hamster Glasses: Er! Jeopardy, you mustn’t interfere between Ms. Shirakage Mouse and the Chief. He’s not angry from losing multiple times to her anymore. I think he now wishes to cour-

Deadly Danger Mice: Penfold, Shush! Do not finish that sentence!

Queen Orange Skirt: Um, Guys.... I’m still in the Chat Room, you know.

Handsome Hamster Glasses: Sorry, Ms. Shirakage. I’ll give these two a talking to later.

Queen Orange Skirt: No, no. It’s alright, Penfold-San. But I appreciate the support. Danger Mouse has the right to know that I’ve never started looking to be in an intimate relationship before. For the record, I don’t even trust dating sites.

Deadly Danger Mice: ?! No...! Oh, Dear. You are a wallflower, Shirakage Darling.

Queen Orange Skirt: Is he hitting on me, Jeopardy?

Pretty Purple Savage: Totally. If you get the chance to meet Danger Mouse face to face, I ask that you don’t fall for his stud stalking grin.

Deadly Danger Mice: Oi! I’m right here, Jeopardy!! And the word is “Totes”!! Urgh. Honestly! “Totally” is soooo out of date!

Queen Orange Skirt: .... Um, ok. Where do we go from here...?

Pretty Purple Savage: Shirakage, you don’t have to go anywhere. Because this dumb secret agent hasn’t asked you out properly yet.

Deadly Danger Mice: You’re a kill joy like Squawk, Jeopardy.

Glaring Smart Chick has joined the Chat Room.

Glaring Smart Chick: Are you talking behind my back, Mouse?

Deadly Danger Mice: Eek....?! Er, hallo there, Professor....?

Queen Orange Skirt: I think my overseas colleague is mad at you, DM-San.

Handsome Hamster Glasses: Cor! How’s America, Professor Shirakage?

Queen Orange Skirt: It’s fine, Penfold-San. My recent scientific fieldwork involves gathering ingredients from the Arctic Tundra’s plant life.

Pretty Purple Savage: ...Yes...! So, tough luck going out with her, Danger Mouse.?

Deadly Danger Mice: ??.... You can’t tell me not to pop over to America and visit your lovely cousin, Jeopardy!!.

Glaring Smart Chick: Well, actually...she can, if she gains my support in her decision.

Deadly Danger Mice: 2 against 1, eh? Fine, then. I’m not afraid of tackling the odds.

Handsome Hamster Glasses: Oh, Eck! Please don’t rumble here in the Chat Room.?

Queen Orange Skirt: We should stay by the sidelines, Penfold-San. They need to settle this matter in their own way, probably through a race. Besides, if I were one of their opponents, I’d just end up beating them.

Glaring Smart Chick: Prof. Shirakage Mouse has a valid point. She’s not allowed to race with us regarding this debate. Danger Mouse, you should also know that Shirakage faces so many beginner players each night...that beating them is 2nd nature to her. She continues to win nonstop while simultaneously watching a daily game show on EweTube.

Deadly Danger Mice: I am not a rookie racer, Squawk!! I just happened to get demoted by 2 ranks since the Danger Games app’s system locked me in with her.

Chappy Blue Mustache has joined the Chat Room.

Chappy Blue Mustache: Ah, DM. Good show! Lucky I found you here with everyone.

Queen Orange Skirt: .... You’ve got to be kidding me...!

Chappy Blue Mustache: Great Scott!! It’s HER!! It’s Queen Orange Skirt!! I’ve got a bone to pick with you, Young Lassy!!

Handsome Hamster Glasses: Aw, Carrots. Not you too, Colonel!!

Pretty Purple Savage: Save your texts, Penfold. Shirakage Mouse has unintentionally put a price on her head through playing this game for more than a year now.

Glaring Smart Chick: I am so sorry, Professor Shirakage. Colonel K, we need you as our fourth opponent. If I earn at least 2 trophies, you leave Queen Orange Skirt alone.

Pretty Purple Savage: Danger Mouse, if I win 1st place, you are not allowed to date my cousin.

Deadly Danger Mice: Challenge accepted. I’ll make sure to earn those 5 trophies and ask the shy mouse boffin out before midnight.

Chappy Blue Mustache: I hereby order you to win, DM! I want you to escort that unstoppable player to HQ and interrogate her!

Deadly Danger Mice: Colonel, do shush, sir. Please....

Queen Orange Skirt: Mou.... Mattaku.... They’re all Bakas.

Deadly Danger Mice: ?Did you read that Penfold?! Shirakage just texted “Good Grief” in Japanese!

Handsome Hamster Glasses: ??I had no idea. Wow. Cor....

Glaring Smart Chick: Alright, you three!! Let’s race each other through Challenge Mode. See you later, Prof. Shirakage.

Glaring Smart Chick has left the Chat Room.

Chappy Blue Mustache: I’ll return for you, Little Miss Speedy.

Chappy Blue Mustache has left the Chat Room.

Deadly Danger Mice: Keep her company for me, Penfold.

Deadly Danger Mice has left the Chat Room.

Pretty Purple Savage: Ditto.

Pretty Purple Savage has left the Chat Room.

Queen Orange Skirt: ...

Handsome Hamster Glasses: ...

Queen Orange Skirt: So, uh...Penfold?

Handsome Hamster Glasses: Yes, Prof. Shirakage?

Queen Orange Skirt: Would it be too much trouble if I asked you to be my gaming tutor? I’m thinking about signing up to play Giraffe Warriors.

Handsome Hamster Glasses: Ooohh! Brilliant idea, Shirakage. Let’s log out of here and video chat. I’ll even help you on setting up your avatar.

Queen Orange Skirt has left the Chat Room.

Handsome Hamster Glasses has left the Chat Room.

Scary Gross Baron has joined the Chat Room.

Sneaky Tall Crane has joined the Chat Room.

Scary Gross Baron: Ha! I’m back, Queen Orange Skirt! I challenge you and Danger Mouse to a race! Prepare to be defeated!!

Sneaky Tall Crane: There’s a-no one here, Barone.

Scary Gross Baron: Curses! Meh. Come, Stiletto. Let’s go crack the next level on Giraffe Warriors.

Sneaky Tall Crane: Si, Barone.

Scary Gross Baron has left the Chat Room.

Sneaky Tall Crane has left the Chat Room.

Shirakage Mouse’s Love Bath For DM by AggretsukoofLondon

Author's page:
Picture page: (EBFAID36844586EB)

Tags: Danger, mouse, dangermouse, narrator, shirakage, courting, rejecting, humor, romance, colleague, jealousy, humiliation, feelings, sneeze, sneezing, cold, japan, bathhouse, hot, spring, holiday, penfold, mission, following, baron, greenback, shipping, plan, seductive, courtesy

Category: Story | Theme: All | Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Rating: General

Published: 2020-06-17 17:22:31

A/N Update 6/28/18: I sometimes end up daydreaming about having a Tsundere attitude towards my favorite fictional characters, who wish to cheer me up with a smile whenever I’m experiencing pride killing moments on my worst days.

I’m aware that imagining my OC behaving this way with DM during somewhere in my “Trial of Commitment” series universe may not always fit in with the main storyline plot line which I’m currently writing about. But creating these random Extras feels worth it.

Shirakage Mouse’s Love Bath For DM


The citizens of London ignored the female scream down York Road, as a white mouse with black hair was being pursued by another white mouse with a jet pack on his back.

“Get used to it, Ms. Shirakage Mouse. The whole city knows that Danger Mouse has fallen in love with you. Honestly.... Why can’t you see that big happy smile on his face?”


“What?! Did she just consider me as a non playable character in a video game!? Excuse me, ‘Ms. All Cool and No Silly’. I interact with the heroes in their adventures as much as my next job!!”

The female mouse with blue eyes looked back to her pursuer with a fearful expression. “ARRGHH! I’M NOT KIDDING, YOU LOVESTRUCK MORON! CAN’T YOU TAKE A HINT ALREADY!!? I’M NOT GONNA GIVE IN TO YOU!!”

Danger Mouse laughed in a mocked girlish giggle. “We don’t know about that, My Dear.” He was gaining speed until he was nearly behind her neck and upper back. “You can’t escape me for very long once I catch you like...” He stretched his arms out and grabbed ahold of her defenseless waist. “...This!”

Shirakage screamed in surprise as DM’s jet pack rose higher into the air with her trapped in his embrace. She struggled against his grip while he rubbed the side of his head and cheek against her shoulder in a happy, affectionate way.

“You Dumbass! Put me down right now!” She demanded angrily. But suddenly she smelled the faint scent of alcohol coming from his breath, followed by him giggling goofily with a stupid grin on his face.

“Oh, My God! You’re using a jet pack to catch me, AND you’ve been drinking!?” she deduced incredulously in disbelief. “Your agency is gonna kill you when they find out about you playing with their secret toys while intoxicated!!”

DM laughed deeply in a smug tone. “Well, this time you can’t punch me in the stomach since you’re flying through the sky in my arms.”

Shirakage growled at him. “Where are you taking me, you drunken idiot?!”

He hummed a playful laugh in his throat as they were now flying over the Thames river. “To my bedroom under the stars,” he replied seductively.

An unexpected kick to his groin caused enough pain in him to drop the female mouse into the river.

“Woah, woah, woah! Shirakage Mouse would rather fall to her death than ignore a tipsy Danger Mouse’s false intentions?! Well, she did possess a confident sense that the river would break her fall better than solid ground. But honestly! She’s the only woman in London to have the nerve to hurt Danger Mouse in the one place that is forbidden to be a weak spot in a fight while this show is under PG-13.”

DM watched in horror as his mate of fate fell into the water, only to sigh with relief moments later when Shirakage swam to the bank and ran off into the streets.
“How could you be so reckless, Shirakage!?” A male sengi (or elephant shrew) named Dr Spencer Sanders exclaimed to her during their lunch break at an indoor pizza restaurant.

“Will you relax, Spence? That happened a week ago.” She took a bite out of her chicken and vegetable Sicilian slice and sighed. “Geez, why does everyone in my life have to be on my case over a little skydiving escape and a speedy swim to shore? You didn’t have to call the paramedics after you saw me on the news! Those overreacting dunces interrupted my shower when they barged into my home!”

Dr. Sanders grimaced sheepishly. “I deeply apologize on my part, Prof. But the whole town was on the edge of their seats when you escaped Danger Mouse’s clutches through a risky move. Shirakage, for someone who’s trying to push away his persistent attempts of getting you to like him, your desperation last week showed that that stunt is exactly how DM lives his life every day.”

“I am NOT like him!” She argued with a light blush on her white mouse cheeks. “Sir Danger Dumbass tried to kidnap me under the influence of alcohol and lovesickness! What was I supposed to do when the opportunity to escape him eventually went in my favor?”

Suddenly, her Pear phone vibrated and she picked it up to see what notification popped on her lock screen. “Uh-oh.”

“What?” Dr. Sanders asked. “More bad news from your inside colleague in DM’s agency?”

Shirakage sighed heavily. “Yeah. She texted me saying that Danger Mouse used his ipatch to hack into one of the city’s security cameras to spy on my whereabouts. If you put two and two together, guess where this problem is heading.”

Her work colleague froze nervously. “Oh, no! If that camera in the corner of the ceiling above us has been compromised by him, does he think that you and I are...” He gulped as Shirakage waved to the camera behind her booth and glanced at her phone again.

“Yep,” she replied with an unfazed expression that matched her tone. She then showed Dr. Sanders a received photo of Danger Mouse, his face heating up in angry red jealousy. “My stalking agent thinks that we’re having a lunch date.”

Her friend started to fidget frantically in his seat across from her. “B-But this is all a misunderstanding! I’m just a good friend of yours since our Grad school days. What’s going to happen if Danger Mouse gets here himself!?”

She smirked coldly. “That might depend upon how he plans on confronting us. We might have to rely on the background music that the narrator will play to indicate DM’s next move. I am fascinated by how one of the music pieces’ first starting chords and melody reminds me of those Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck cartoons, that involved ‘In The Money’ song.”

“Oh, Shirakage,” Dr. Sanders frowned in an exasperated tone. “What is it about the social artifacts from the extinct human race that you find so fascinating than the rest of us people?”

She wagged her finger at him with a playful smile. “Sorry. But that’s my special secret.”

“Oh, Chief!! Don’t go ruining people’s lunchtime half-cocked with a bad temper!”

Shirakage and Dr. Sanders turned to the entrance of the pizzeria, where a small brown hamster in a blue blazer and glasses was failing to hold back an angry Danger Mouse by his trousers. Sadly, DM’s stomping strut ended up dragging his companion behind him.

Once he approached the coworkers’ booth while breathing hard with rage, Shirakage sneered at him. “What, no waiter disguise to infiltrate a lunch break between two people who are employed at the same job site? Wouldn’t matter anyway, because I’m too smart and I’d see right through you.”

“I know that,” he seethed between clenched teeth. “You’ve done remarkably well at pointing out the important details of every disguise and impersonation that I pull out to get close to you. My white fur, secret agent jumpsuit and right eye always seems to stand out; no matter what I do to hide my body structure, I could never fool you, Shirakage Mouse.”

She smirked smugly at him. “Hmph. I guess that means a colored eye contact wouldn’t do you any good either.”

“I’ll hold on to your remark and get back to you in a moment!” DM snapped before turning to the frightened sengi. “As for you, you woman snatching fiend, you’ve got a lot of nerve going on a lunch date with my Girl! Aren’t you her coworker!? I thought you and her were just friends, Dr. Spencer Sanders!! Explain Yourself!!”

Dr. Sanders stared timidly back at his accuser, looking as if he was about to soil his trousers.

“Chill out, dummy,” Shirakage said with an irked tone. “The two of us are just taking a lunch break from work as friends. If you hadn’t been spying on me again, you wouldn’t have to come to such irrational conclusions.”

“She’s telling the truth, Mr. Danger Mouse, sir,” Spence added through his nerves. “I may have once had a crush on her at one point in the past. But she turned me down gently. I respect her freedom and friendship, so the last thing that I want right now is trouble with you and your fight for her.”

The words from the two boffins seemed to have gotten through to DM. Tight lipped and embarrassed with himself, he apologized to Dr. Sanders and left.
Shirakage Mouse sighed. For once, she agreed to join her fellow coworkers on a girl’s night out at an ice skating rink. They had been begging her nonstop to come out of her stoic, cautious shell and have some fun with her own lady friends.

She was sitting in the bleachers, dismissing everyone skating with their soulmates, or—for whatever stupid reason the London officials weren’t alarmed with—Baron von Greenback ice skating with another pathetic reality Bachelorette T.V. royal Queen star. Shirakage rolled her eyes at the absurdity of the other civilians ignoring the villain skating among them. She was about to head out to the food court to join her girlfriends, when her blue eyes caught the sight of a bored and unhappy Danger Mouse sitting on the steps near the ice’s edge.

An uneasy feeling in her chest began to take hold of her instincts. Something was wrong. Whenever Greenback and Danger Mouse were seen together, there would be a battle to arrest the Baron. So why the hell was Danger Mouse just sitting there? Shirakage wasn’t used to him looking displeased and troubled. And for some strange reason, it was beginning to bother her.

Her legs started to move on their own before her mind could comprehend her logical actions. As she attempted to confront her usual charming stalker, Baron Greenback had thrown his ice skating partner into the air. And before Shirakage could call out to DM, a hard body slam from the green toad onto her dazed and comically crushed acquaintance made her freeze in place.

Forget about the Queen T.V. idol being annoyed at Greenback when he failed to catch her during their dance on the ice. A dark cloud began to taint Shirakage’s heart, as she witnessed the Baron laughing at what he just did to Danger Mouse. And DM did nothing to retaliate for his dignity. She had this impulsive urge to either destroy the entire ice rink with her furious strength, or beat the ever loving shit out of that evil toad. But instead she decided to follow them to the park.

After sending her female friends a fake text of going out to shop for a new dress, Shirakage realized that DM was escorting the Baron, his legitimate daughter, and the head banged Queen everywhere around town. She couldn’t explain why she was so upset over her idiot mouse stalker being mistreated by his enemy. But if DM had been ordered to do this by his moron of a boss while he had to suck it up, Shirakage strongly believed that nobody had any right to force him to do this, no matter who he was playing bodyguard to.
Fifteen minutes later, Shirakage Mouse had rejoined her coworkers. She had given up spying on DM’s unpleasant mission, once she saw him finally lose his cool over the last cruel thing that the Baron forced him to do.

Still, she couldn’t help but feel equally outraged over his humiliation. She even checked Spamchops on her phone and witnessed an amateur video footage of DM getting whipped by the Baron while he was carrying the couple in a chariot carriage like a horse, or worse, a slave.

But out of all of the cruel acts that the witnessing civilians had seen of DM’s misfortune and posted online, Shirakage agreed with DM that making him pose and allow bird crap to cover his body while the Baron fed them pigeon feed was the last straw.

To be completely honest with herself, it had been a long, long time since she felt this way towards the main protagonist who was important to a story’s world. She hadn’t regained such a feeling since she once another world when she was once...a human being.

Perhaps this was the turning point that she had been looking for to help her realize her true feelings for DM. Now, she won’t try to avoid him anymore. It was time to accept his love for her.
Shirakage Mouse stared at the phone number from the Spamchops page and shook her head. To this day, she couldn’t understand why people weren’t worried about revealing their personal smart phone numbers on their profile accounts. But that wasn’t important to her now.

After a few moments of hesitation, she punched in the number that was viewed on her tablet and brought the phone to her mouse ear. When the person on the other end answered, she said, “Hello. Are you Ernest Penfold? It’s me, Shirakage Mouse.”

Penfold’s voice gasped. “Cor! You’re the Chief’s crush. Why are you calling me?”

“Penfold, before I go on and explain my reasons, I need to be sure you’re alone somewhere private and away from Danger Mouse,” she said insistently.

“Don’t worry,” his voice chirped proudly. “The Chief’s in bed with a cold, and I’m making soup for him in the kitchen.”

Shirakage’s eyes widened slightly. “Is he alright?”

Silence suddenly greeted her. “Penfold, are you still there?”

“Um, yes,” he said cautiously. “But, did I hear you correctly, when you asked if Danger Mouse was alright? You never seem to like him, Ms. Shirakage because he’s always chasing after you out of foolish love.”

Shirakage smiled over the hamster’s consideration of her privacy whenever it was violated by his lovesick stalking senpai. “I think my usual displeasure towards DM has changed now,” she answered plainly. “I was hoping that you could help me set up a nice surprise for him.

“You see, I...” her voice softened as she opened her thoughts to Penfold. “I’ve witnessed the humiliating mission DM had recently been on when he was forced to protect Baron Greenback and the Queen of Goldlandia. I just feel so angry and sorry for him when he had to go through such mistreatment.

“So that’s why...I want to plan a surprise and confess my love for him.”

Penfold gasped. “Awww! He’ll be so happy that you’ve changed your mind over him, Ms. Shirakage. It might take a couple more days for the Chief to feel a little bit better from his cold. But I’m dying to hear what you have planned for him now.”

“Thank you, Penfold,” she said gratefully. “While we keep this a secret from DM, I want to see if you could pull a few strings for me on your end. Try to convince DM’s boss that they should go on holiday to Tokyo. I’ll also be heading back to my birth country as well, because I haven’t used an extra week of my worksite’s holiday points yet, which my boss had saved up for me a month ago.”

“Ms. Shirakage,” Penfold chirped humorously. “The Colonel would be delighted to be involved in your plan because he secretly ships you and the Chief.”

She sweatdropped quietly to herself when she heard that. “Um, I’m glad that’d make things easier for us, then. Moving on.... I know a great hotel in Tokyo that includes a luxurious bath house. If I give you the address name and information of the place, make sure to set up a reservation for you and Danger Mouse. I’ll make my own once you give me the heads up that he’s feeling better for his mystery holiday.”

“Cor! I’m starting to like your idea more and more,” Penfold giggled. “Do you plan on meeting him in the bath?”

She giggled mischievously. “Well, he’ll need to be blindfolded first, so that he won’t know which specific hot spring room he’ll be soaking in. Once he settles down into the water, I want to give him the cleanest bath he’s ever taken.”

“Ooooohhh. You are a cute, romantic, but naughty one, Ms. Shirakage Mouse,” the hamster giggled on the other end. “You must have hated seeing the Chief getting covered in pigeon-“

“Yeah, I know,” she interrupted him in annoyance. “I remember it because I followed him and the Baron to the park that day. Now, are you with me on this, Pen-chan?”

“100%, Madam,” he replied proudly.

“Great. I’ll give you my number and text you the hotel information from Tokyo. Thank you so much, Penfold.”
Shirakage Mouse took her week long holiday as the weekend came around. After her flight back to Tokyo, she stopped by the humble family of white boar and settled into the guest room for the night. She hadn’t seen them since her senior high school exchange year in her birth country.

Despite that, they treated her like a member of their family; they’d always let her feel welcome in their home. It was one of the few spots in Japan for her take temporary residence, aside from the full time membership at the hot spring hotel which she’d check in during her holiday time. She just wanted to spend the night with her home stay family before visiting her birth parents’ grave sites the next morning.
“Hi, Mom,” she spiritually said to the tombstones while staring down in stoic nostalgia. “Hi, Dad. It’s been a while since I last came to visit you. The Inoyama family was happy to let me stay in their home again last night. They’re always very warm to me whenever I come back here for holiday time from work in the U.K.

“I’ll be checking in at the Hara no Natsu hotel in Tokyo again this afternoon. This stay in Japan will be different for me than my usual trips, though. I plan to accept a certain man’s heart tonight, if all goes accordingly well. Please watch over me, Otousan, Okaasan.??”
Shirakage Mouse waited anxiously inside her hotel suite. Two days of her one week holiday points had gone by so far. When Monday came, Penfold had phoned her, giving her the heads up that Colonel K just granted him and a well enough Danger Mouse a holiday time in Tokyo.

Shirakage informed her matchmaking accomplice to reserve the vacant hotel suite next to hers before their flight. Once the reservations were made on both ends, it would still take another 12 hours before she would be able to hear them arriving down the hallway.

By 1:21am on Tuesday morning, Shirakage Mouse awakened suddenly when a familiar violent sneeze echoed outside her room.

“Aaah-CHOOO!!! Snfle. Ugh.”

“Bless you, Chief.”

Shirakage smiled when she heard those two voices. They were finally here.

“Oh, Pednfold,” a stuffed up DM moaned as Shirakage heard them enter the empty room from behind her wall. “I still feel terribly awful about disturbing the other passedngers as they slept during our flight. I’ve dnever seedn so madny civilians glare at bme for just...hih-heh-heh-CHOO!! Snf, heh...Huh! Ah-Choo! Choo!! HiikShHUU!!”

Shirakage’s heart started to beat with a throbbing urge to go over next door and shower Danger Mouse with her newfound affection for him. But she had to be patient, and stick to her original plan.

“Now, Chief,” Penfold began brightly. “I think you should go straight to bed and sleep off that nasty sneezing fit which you couldn’t stifle very well on the plane. And your cheeks...Ooohh, Eck. You’ve caught another fever!”

Shirakage heard DM in the bed against the other side of her wall by her room’s bedpost’s headboard and pillows. Her poor stalker mouse sounded horrible. Was his cold really that serious?

“Snfle. Uuughh.... This holiday to Tokyo that you and the Colonel insisted me on taking while I’bm ill....Snf. Is there going to be a surprise for bme?”

“Just rest, Chief,” Penfold told him gently. “We’ll talk more about that tomorrow.”

When Shirakage heard everything go quiet (except for DM’s congested breathing and sniffling), the female white mouse then joined her next door hotel guests into dreamland.
While Danger Mouse slept through most of the following day, a fully rested Shirakage and Penfold woke up during the local hours of the morning. She then asked Penfold to wake DM around sunset, and have him visit the hotel’s bath house area.
“Please have Danger Mouse blindfolded while directing him to the Couple’s bath house room, which I’ve reserved for me and him at 7:30pm. I’ll be hiding in the room, because I don’t want him to know that I’m there. The room has an outdoor patio, where we can get a great view of the setting sun and the night sky.”
As silent as a water ninja, Shirakage hid her naked white mouse body in the cool water bath section of the hot spring tub. It was 7:29 pm, and right on schedule, she heard a familiar round of sneezes grow louder. Just as her friend promised, Penfold guided a blindfolded, runny nosed Danger Mouse through the tapestry covered doorway. Her lover to be had also been stripped out of his secret agent attire and wore only a towel, which was securely wrapped around his waist.

“Cobme odn, Pednfold,” DM whined childishly. “This is getting ridiculous dnow...ahh-Rrrahht-CHHUU!!”

“Danger Mouse,” Penfold replied sternly. “Do shush, sir. You can unrobe yourself now. The warm hot bath tub’s just in front of you.”

Shirakage Mouse hid her head underwater to prevent herself from squealing in embarrassment. She didn’t want to see her mate to be’s intimate areas without him giving her his consent. When she saw that DM had submerged himself into the hot water pool through the transparent glass which separated her tub from his own, she resurfaced again to witness him sniffing more clearly than last night.

Shirakage smiled as she noticed that Penfold had exited the chamber moments ago. Now she just had to get the sick, blindfolded and bored Danger Mouse’s attention.

“‘Don’t take off the blindfold until you either smell or hear a hint of your surprise, Chief’,” DM mockingly quoted his best friend to himself. “Oh, honestly. The only thing this hot bath is doing me any good is its steamy atmosphere relieving me of my congestion.”

A breeze from the open doored patio made the male, blindfolded mouse shiver. His nose twitched, and his breath started to hitch, causing his jaw to slack as another sneeze was building in his expanding chest.

Shirakage Mouse silently slipped herself out of the cool watered pool and perched her bare white furred body behind DM’s reared back head. She made sure her face was inches behind his right mouse ear.

“Heh-h-h-h-Ah-gkt’SChOOO!!” Danger Mouse sneezed wetly and sniffled out a groan. “Snfle. Ugh.”

That’s when Shirakage leaned into his ear and whispered, “Bless you, my Dear Nezu-chan.”

The off duty agent’s body froze. Only one person he knew and loved so much would always call him by that nickname. “It...can’t be...!”

She giggled softly. “If you can recognize me by my voice, then you may now remove the blindfold, Ne. Zu. Chan.” She enunciated the nickname to him playfully.

DM’s face was beginning to redden as his trembling hands lifted up towards his head to see the goddess behind his crush’s voice. But his eye widened to the size of a dinner plate as it glued itself upon the indecency of Shirakage Mouse’s body.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!” Danger Mouse yelled a manly terrified scream, and turned his head away from the naked female white mouse crouching by the rim of the pool. “OH, GOOD GRIEF A THOUSAND TIMES OVER,” he blushed in mortified shame.

“No, Danger Mouse, it’s ok,” she hushed him soothingly. “I’m allowing you to see me bare. I’ve reserved this bath house room for us to share together; we’re in the Couple’s bath.”

DM blinked his eye open and turned to Shirakage, yet kept his gaze slightly averted due to his gentlemanly courtesy. “You, Penfold and Colonel K planned all this...for me...?”

“For us,” she corrected him with a warm smile. “May I join you in the hot tub?”

He gulped hard and felt his cheeks flame up even hotter, wondering if the fumes of the spring was making him hallucinate. But another slight breeze from the twilight, orange sky outside teased his twitching congested nasal passages, and DM sneezed several more times.

“Hehheh-ATCHU! Ah-AH-CHOOO!! Eh-tchoo!! CHOO! CHOO!! CHOO!!”

“Goodness, Nezu-kun,” Shirakage said with a soft concerned tone in her voice. She submerged her body into the hot tub and waded to his side. DM’s sharp sneezing fit left him blinking his teary amber eye, and sniffling thickly back another river of runny mucus.

“Snff. Ugh! Snf, snf. Forgibe bme, Shirakage BMouse,” he apologized bashfully with a nasal accent. “I am pleased that you are giving bme your consent to see you naked. However, it’s because I know you so well that I can’t help but act a bit mortified from shock. This would be the last thing that I’d ever expect you to do for me, since you’re always running away like a stubborn...heh...born-CHOO!!”

The female mouse smiled at her mate’s thoughtful kindness towards her feelings. “I know, Danger Mouse. And I thank you for understanding how I am with you. But now, I believe that you’ve been patient with me long enough.”

She then sniffed his tiny scalp and behind his large mouse ears before scrunching up her snout with a wrinkling frown. “Ugh! You’re such a boy! Did you even have a shower before you entered the Couple’s bath section? I can still smell the pungent scent of pigeon crap on you.”

A dark bitter grimace clouded his face. “So you found out about that blasted humiliating mission the Colonel ordered me to do, too. It’s clear to me now that the real reason you’re giving your love to me finally is only because you feel sorry for what that damned Baron put me through.”

Shirakage flinched slightly when she heard him speak so spitefully in his tone. “Are you mad at me, now that you know the truth behind my planned setup for us?”

Danger Mouse sighed tiredly and pinched his small forehead. “I could never be mad at you for devising such a lovely surprise of Teen rated romance, Shirakage-San. I just wish I could have done something else that would have convinced you to accept my love for you without a bit of embarrassing torture.”

“It’s alright to feel disappointed over imperfect accomplishments, Nezu-Chan,” she assured him gently. “But if your dreams eventually turn in your favor when everything has been said and done, your desired steps in your plan may not have been necessary to you anymore.”

DM smiled happily from her inspirational words. “Thank you, Shirakage. I don’t know how I would have handled a broken heart if you brushed off my misfortunate mishaps in addition to your usual routine of rejecting my love all of the time.”

She kissed the tip of his nose. “My pleasure, Nezu-kun. Now let me give you that special bath....?”
Shirakage Mouse poured a wooden basin of warm water on Danger Mouse’s head. He grunted in surprise, but allowed his girlfriend to begin scrubbing his fur around his scalp and behind his ears.

DM’s heart raced faster as Shirakage pulled him to her bare breasts. Sh hummed a foreign tune, then sniffed the top of his head. “Mmm. Your hair smells much better now, Nezu-chan,” she mused happily. “Not a disgusting whiff of bird crap to be smelt.”

DM was about to grumble at her for bringing up that memory again. But he suddenly burst into a laughing fit, as Shirakage started scrubbing his sides, armpits, torso, and belly with her damp washcloth. “A-Hahahaha!! Ha ha ha!! Shira-San, stop it!! Haha!! Th-That tickles!! Hahaha!!”

Shirakage Mouse’s heart flew every time her gentle scrubbing around DM’s body would tickle him enough to giggle and laugh loud and silly.

The Stolen Allergen & Quark’s New DM Kryptonite by AggretsukoofLondon

Author's page:
Picture page: (EBFAID36844838EB)

Tags: Danger, mouse, dangermouse, shirakage, story, allergen, perfume, doctor, sneeze, sneezing, allergy, lying, romance, humor, silly, date, agency, penfold, fear, protective, karaoke, care, discovery, colonel, k, carnival, tough, girlfriend, suspense, comfort, resting, guilty

Category: Story | Theme: All | Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Rating: General

Published: 2020-06-17 17:42:34

The Stolen Allergen & Quark’s New DM Kryptonite

When DM and I heard the report from K Taisa that Baron von Greenback wasn’t after me anymore, my boyfriend became thrilled. This meant that the peril loving rodent was discharged from protecting me 24/7 and return to his daily mission routine again.

My flat that was located across the street from Danger HQ needed a few more days of rebuilding before I was allowed to move back in. On the plus side, I was permitted to return to my normal employed life at King’s College. Everyone there had been very worried when they learned that my flat was destroyed a week ago, and that I had been placed under protective custody by Britain’s Secret Service Agency.

DM’s villains tried to come after him through me while we were away from each other during our busy schedules. But thanks to his Mouse Fu training lessons and shuriken tools [that he’d been teaching me to learn], they were more scared of me than they were of him.

When we had free time away from work and missions, Danger Mouse wasn’t afraid to take me out on public dates. Unlike the events when every villain would go after Scarlett Johamster during her dates with Penfold, Camembear, Burt Bad Boy, and others (who weren’t worth naming) never went near me again.

One look into my cold, murderous, beautiful blue eyes; receiving a punch to the face that eventually sent them flying into solid concrete, which left cracks in its structure from their powerful impact; getting my signature ear will and strength scarred them for life.

DM and I went on three more public dates since our first one last week. We went out to the movies to see an Action and Romance genre film, compromising the difficulty between my likes from his own.

On our second date DM took me to a carnival game festival in London’s Clowntown district. There, we visited a “Build a Clown Workshop”, where I asked the doll maker to create a Mr. Mime stuffed doll for me (although technically, I had to draw a picture of the other worldly Pokémon’s character design; plus a Mime Jr. doll that I planned on giving to Squawkencluck since she had gotten over her fear of clowns a few days ago).

Speaking of my past anime fandom lifetime, I admit: I do miss all of the media from the real world that DM’s universe lacks. And so far, a few gifts that I’ve been discovering in my Guest bedroom from a mysterious secret admirer of mine hasn’t been totally all bad.

In fact, my secret admirer left me a hinted note in my bedroom, saying that Danger Mouse will win me my old Kakashi Hatake doll, which had been cleverly stashed away in the mix of other prize items at a shooting practice booth during Clowntown’s carnival game festival on my second date.

I believe it went down like this...
“Awww,” DM cooed over my newly stitched Mr. Mime doll. “He looks more of a clown than a mime, it’s a brilliant piece of craftsmanship, Shirakage!!? And the Mime Jr. doll is adorable too.? I’m certain that Squawk will love it.”

I giggled. “Thanks, Nezu-chan. She’s really warmed up to clowns since her abduction by the Bozorian ambassador’s identical twin brother and ex-leader, Pom-Pom. You, Penfold, and Agent Cupcake may have been a factor in curing her coulrophobia.”

“Well, I do love gaining another friend who can share my love and laughter with clowns,” he smirked dashingly.

I rubbed my nose against his own and smiled. “I’m not lying when I paraphrase this quote: ‘Clowns are funnier to laugh at...when you share the bleachers with friends’.?”

His eye widened with joy, earning me a kiss from him. He kissed me on the lips so intensely that after five seconds, our chemistry for each other started to draw another public crowd. And it wasn’t just the Bozorian clowns who were admiring us snogging in their district; local Brits were taking photos of us again and posting their comments of another “One True Pairing” on Spamchops.

“Danger Mouse,” I hissed under his snout warily. “People are shipping us again.”

DM huffed proudly. “I don’t mind.” Then he took my hand. “Come on. You said you wanted to go to this target practice prize booth here, right?” He flashed me a cocky grin. “I’ll win any prize you fancy.”

I briefly sighed off my embarrassment from the nosey spectators. Finally, I beamed happily at him while leaning my head against his broad, but skinny shoulder. “You da Mouse.☺️”
My eyes sparkled as they locked onto the 12 inch Kakashi Hatake plush doll. It was hung on the prize rack, meshed in among the other cute items. My old Jonin Ninja doll was the only stuffed toy that stood out from the rest of the carnival themed goodies. And the only human figured one that remained unknown to DM’s world.

The clown in charge of the shooting target booth smiled wryly towards my lolling expression for the face masked ninja doll. “I’m glad someone’s interested in it. The former store owner who ran the ‘Human’s Antiques’ shop before joining the British Secret Service found this mystery doll in her shop.

“When it didn’t match any historical records of the other human relics in her store’s inventory, she gave it to me, prophetically saying that her favorite customer will own it one day while she’s on a date at the fair.”

I smiled to myself as I remembered Mandy and her fellow cat cult followers. Some of her most senior brethren still ran her antique shop, after she developed a change of heart towards Danger Mouse and Colonel K. Because of her desire to work for K’s Danger Network, her business was relocated from the outskirts of Arkwright Asylum to a more retro shopping district of London.

So it was my secret admirer who set the doll in her shop, planting the seeds for Mandy to give said doll to this Bozorian clown fair employer.

Nezu-chan raised his eyebrow as he witnessed me drooling over the monocular ninja doll. “Do you happen to know that strange ninja human doll, Shirakage?”

I nodded, my anime fangirl habits accidentally kicking in and failing to keep my real world cover. “It’s Kakashi Hatake, from the anime series, Naruto. He always reminded me of the Old You whenever I watched his mask covered mouth speak without moving.??”

DM looked completely lost. “Shirakage...I don’t understand. I’ve never heard of the words: ‘Kakashi Hatake’, ‘Naruto’ or ‘anime’. How can this suspicious doll make you think of the me who existed before my 23 year long holiday in suspended animation?”

Deciding to use a crazy illogical timeline fact of his universe to my advantage as an excuse, I replied with a smug smirk. “Says the mouse tolerating his boss in forgetting his best friend’s name, when said boss’s brain hadn’t been that stupid 35 years ago since he debut of your first cartoon series. Honestly, you’re more childish and less classy than how you used to be.”

A pouted frown and miffed grunt was his only reply. It was only when I gave him my own puppy dog eyes that he finally gave in. “Fine. If you fancy it so badly, I’ll win it for you.”

“Yayz!! You’re da best, Nezu.?”
I cuddled my long lost Kakashi doll to my cheek as we were leaving Clowntown’s carnival event. DM hit every target perfectly to ensure my happiness.

Unfortunately, due to the Bozorian tradition of slapstick humor, the rifles were rigged to produce a slight backfire joke not the shooter. Every time Nezu-chan fired a shot, a nano sized cloud of sneezing powder would shoot into his face, which was released from a hidden compartment near the rifle’s safety check switch.

Clown science. They are a weird bunch of face painted humans from a different planet, alright.

“Haahh-CHOO! Haaaahhh-CHoo!” DM sneezed loudly as we approached his car. “Snf. Huh. ‘Scuse me. Snf.”

I giggled cutely at him as he blushed and swiped at his nose. “I wonder if that Bozorian booth employer rigged the rifle especially for you, Nezu-kun.”

“HAAHH-T’CHOO!!” He sneezed again and turned to me with a watery eye. “Snf. What bmakes you believe that, Shira-sadn?”

“Well, you do carry a reputation for laughing very loud and hard at clowns in the Bozorian community since the three council members landed here a year ago before I met you. Maybe some of the immigrant Bozorians were curious to see if you sneeze just as loud and hard like your laughing style.”

DM blew his nose before starting up the Mark IV. He smiled thoughtfully at my speculated theory. “‘S a bit far fetched. But it may be a possibility. I’d say you have a 50/50 chance of being right on it.”
Yep, that was Date 2. We wouldn’t go on our third date until 3 days later which, by then, I moved back into my refurbished flat. But Date 3 had a few mishaps than romance.

I caught Danger Fan Ian recording a live video shot of us making out during a picnic date in Holland Park’s Kyoto Gardens. He was behind DM’s oblivious head and poorly hidden in the bushes. Forgetting that Nezu-Chan’s lips were still locked onto mine, I leaned my entrapped face closer to Ian while pushing my surprised date’s head with me.

My mortified impulsiveness then caused me to spray my hidden hairpin’s pepper spray into Ian’s face. The stinging sensation affected him immediately, and he fled from our private spot. However, the fuchsia mist had also hit DM in the face too. And the worst part was...I had forgotten to give the perfume sample in my hairpin to Squawkencluck.

Why was this important to narrate? Because the secret ingredient that makes my special unique perfume/pepper spray is the pollen of Arctic cotton plants. And unbeknownst to the Danger Network, DM was severely allergic to that grass’ pollen. This sample in my hairpin hadn’t been modified like my other samples yet. So that means...

“Iiihehh-CHOO!! Heh...erAH_CHOOO!! UrAH-CHOO!! Hhit’cHoo!! CHOO!!” Danger Mouse had immediately broken our lip lock to sneeze uncontrollably to the side. “Ahh-HAACHOOOO!!! Heh-heh-heh!”

“I’m sorry, Nezu,” I said hastily as I rushed my allergic date back to his car. Due to his excessive sneezing fit, I placed him in the passenger seat and assumed position in front of the steering wheel. “Danger Nav,” I spoke to the Mark IV’s built in computer. “This is the girlfriend of Danger Mouse speaking. Code name: White Shadow.”

“Shirakage Mouse, acknowledged,” Danger Nav replied. “What is your emergency destination?”

“My flat in Baker Street across from Danger HQ.” I planned to let Nezu-chan rest at my place before using his car again to drop off his kryptonite at King’s College’s chemistry lab.
I kept my watchful eyes on DM as he rinsed out the allergen from his face in my bathroom sink. Drained of energy and exhausted from sneezing his snout off, I guided him to my couch to let him take a long nap while I was gone again.

I arrived at the campus in less than a minute (you’d be amazed on how fast the Mark IV can go). I used my College Staff’s key to enter the building which housed the school’s chemistry lab. It was a Saturday, and there weren’t a lot of weekend courses being signed up this month.

Inside the chemistry lab, I had another private desk where I kept a secret compartment case that housed my latest unique formulas. And there was a vacant slot for a spare glass vial that I could fit my hairpin into under lock and key. The label for my prototype perfume sample was still engraved under said vacant glass vial slot. That’s where I’ll hide the allergen.

I have to do this quickly. I’m feeling another sixth sense chill about a crowd of shipping fan women, who might be rushing to my location...especially some space alien fans. Their presence usually gives off an embodying intuition that the alien villain, Quark wasn’t too far from this growing trend.
I left the school grounds successfully without any confrontation from fanshippers. However, as I was riding in the autopilot driven Mark IV, my wandering eyes glanced at an alarming sight in the car’s rear view mirror (I begged Prof. Squawkencluck to install one in DM’s car at one point).

I thought I saw Nezu-chan smirking at me from the backseat. My confusion over how he could have followed me so fast—knowing full well that he was in no shape to leave my flat after fainting on my couch earlier—was immediately obliterated from my thoughts as I scrutinized more closely at the white mouse’s reflection.

In a mirror, DM’s eyepatch on his left eye would view itself on my/the mirror’s left side, while his right, yellow eye would be located on my/the mirror’s right side as well. When I saw this familiar face’s black eyepatch on my/the mirror’s right side instead of my/its left, and a deep red eye being shown on my/the mirror’s left side instead of my/its right, I froze as I dreadfully realized who that mouse was and wasn’t.

I whipped my head to face the stealthy intruder, only to find the backseat vacant of any stowaway. I turned back to the rear view mirror to make sure I wasn’t going mad. Surprisingly, the monocular red eyed white mouse’s face vanished from the reflection as well.

I’ve heard about this “Sinister Mouse” from Penfold one time. He told me that this criminal alternate version of Danger Mouse came from a different universe, which a “Baron Silas von” version of Penfold had called it; “The Twistyverse”. could I see his face in the mirror if he wasn’t actually behind me? Why did I see the white mouse in red who shouldn’t exist in DM’s world? But another pit in my stomach affected my anxiety attack so badly that I rushed to my flat’s loo and vomited in the porcelain inanimate God.

Was Sinister Mouse after me? Nothing made sense. What does he want with me...!? What if-

“Shirakage...!?” Nezu-chan snorted himself awake, his voice containing a mixture of grogginess and concern. I heaved another slimy substance of saliva into the toilet, panting heavily as DM rushed to my side and hovered over me. “Shirakage, Darling,” he said more gently this time. “Are you alright?”

I didn’t realize how frightened my expression still looked when I turned to him. Danger Mouse’s eye clouded with a serious gaze. “Did something happen to you while you were at your office at the college!?” He tutted at me with worry. “Oh, Dear...Look at you, you’re pale with fear again.”

I felt him pull my trembling form into an embrace, comforting me against his chest. What should I say to assure him that no one attacked me?

“I’m alright, Nezu,” I replied softly. “A stomach bug’s going around the school’s grounds this term. I must have picked it up from Brian two days after our date in Clowntown’s carnival game festival. Perhaps my shock of catching this virus is due to the fact that I don’t remember experiencing these symptoms very recently for a long time after Middle School. That’s all.”

I then looked up at his worried face, ignoring a heavy wave of fatigue warming my face and eyelids. “How are you feeling? I’m sorry if I woke you. Have your allergy symptoms abated?”

He nodded. “I didn’t nap for long, but I am breathing much better. Although the arm rest on your sofa may have a spot of drool and boogey on it while I was sleeping.”

My fondness for his sloppy guy habits increased, yet also strengthened my fatigue. “Oh, Nezu-kun. You slept with your mouth open again and you sneezed in your sleep?! Sorry I missed that. It would have looked so cute.☺️?”

He frowned at my comment. “Manly agents are anything but cute, Shira-San.” Then his eye widened when I felt his hand touch my cheeks and forehead. “Good Grief! You’ve got a high fever, Love!”

I laughed weakly. “Must be from the stomach bug.” I had to fool him to remain oblivious to my hormones heating up my face. The stomach bug going around King’s College was true; it was my story of catching the virus that was the lie. “All I need is a cool bath and-“

But DM suddenly grabbed ahold of me, lifted me up into his arms while standing up again, and carried me bridal style. “Come on,” he chirped suavely. “I know a good old recipe from my Mum that will cure that nasty stomach bug of yours.” He winked at me. “Trust me. It’s done wonders for me whenever I fell ill as a young mouse pup.”

I didn’t utter a sound of protest as he carried me to my bedroom and laid me down in my bed. Plus, I was feeling very sleepy cuz I mumbled lightly through my fuzzy vision.

“Don’t fall asleep yet, my Dear,” he coaxed me again. “You need to take some medicine and my Mum’s broth to get your fever down. I know that if she were here, she’d say,” DM then raised the pitch of his voice to sound more feminine. “‘I’ve felt foreheads hotter than yours, Darling. Still, your moderate fever will get worse if I don’t treat it right away.’”

I giggled at his silly impersonation of a woman’s voice, making him grin with success. “Are you really confident that my fever isn’t dangerously high, Nezu-kun?” I asked him tiredly.

DM kissed my forehead, pushed my head back gently against my pillow and tucked me in. “I can tell from your spunky spirit that your illness is certainly not that serious.” His smirk widened. “By the by, are you secretly wishing for me to do something for you before you konk out for the night?”

A coy smile spread on my face. “Well, I was hoping you could lip sync the song ‘One Step Away’ by the rock band ‘Ratt’ for me as a lullaby. I find the lyrics quite symbolic whenever I think about us.”

His grin returned. “Ha! I’ll do more than lip sync that song to you,” he gloated cheekily.

“I don’t know,” I replied doubtfully in a playful tone. “I’m not sure I can picture you singing one of their hoarse voiced songs with your deep baritone style.”

His face twitched with a repressed grin, and he squeaked out a C Minor tuned whine. “Oh, Shirakage, please tell me that you are not implying a challenge to me...! You know I’ve been fighting that addiction lately.”

My smugness returned. “Then prove that your voice is good enough to sing Ratt’s song ‘One Step Away’ just like how you sang Owl City’s song ‘Deer in the Headlights’ to me on our first date.” I then went in for the kill. “I challenge you.?”
How could I konk out before he finishes singing? Just look at him, Inner Me. When I first moved back into my flat, DM started leaving a bit of his fun stuff from Danger HQ at my place. This included an extra flat screen tv, speakers, and a karaoke video game disc for his favorite game console.

I had stopped expressing any surprise when he managed to move said karaoke stage equipment into my bedroom. This mouse would go all out just to make his girl happy. Of course, his CCD couldn’t consume him completely until after he had me drink his mother’s special broth. Perhaps I meant a lot more to him than his Compulsive Challenge Disorder while he believed I was ill.

To help get himself into the karaoke groove, DM dressed himself up in red sneakers, blue jeans, a black jacket and shirt, black spiky punk wristbands and sunglasses. The only thing that I forbade him to wear was a long brown haired wig, informing him that I’d refuse to take a photo of his boy band getup with my Pear phone.

We had to rule out the exploding smoke effect machine, because the cocky silly idiot coughed comically to the dust. I couldn’t stop laughing towards his mishap until he turned the machine off and began to get my lullaby started.

“??I waited for you baby on that hot summer night
I was so hot for ya, you were nowhere in sight
You thought I was foolin'
So your heart took a flight
I guess we're star crossed lovers
We just can't get it right

“Two years later I was out on the town
I saw you on the street and my heart hit the ground
I guess love is like a chain
And you're always bound

It's better late than never
Girl am I gettin' through
It's better late than never
Than livin' without you

“I'm one step away
We're ships in the night
But tonight you ain't gonna get away
I'm one step away
The timing is right this time
And I'm gonna make you stay
One step away, one step away

“I'm callin' on you baby
Like a blast from the past
I heard your heart was broken
I knew it wouldn't last
Some things are forever
And some things burn out fast

“It's better late than never
Girl am I gettin' through
It's better late than never
Than livin' without you

“I'm one step away
We're ships in the night
But tonight you ain't gonna get away
I'm one step away
The timing is right this time
And I'm gonna make you stay
One step away, one step away

“I waited for you baby on that hot summer night
I was so hot for ya, you were nowhere in sight
You thought I was foolin'
So your heart took a flight
I guess we're star crossed lovers
We just can't get it right

“I'm one step away
We're ships in the night
But tonight you ain't gonna get away
I'm one step away
The timing is right this time
And I'm gonna make you stay
One step away, one step away??”

I listened to DM sing until the song’s chorus started to repeat and fade out, its volume lowering into silence. He posed like a silly boy in an amateur startup band, clicked his grinning teeth at me with a cheeky wink.

I applauded at the conclusion of his performance, and laughed joyfully before drowsiness took control of my facial expression. A yawn escaped me, and I felt a pair of strong, gentle hands pushing my head down on the pillow. The soft fabric underneath my furred face dragged me deeper towards the path of Dreamland. But not before I felt DM’s four fingered paw touching my forehead.

“Mum’s special broth works every time,” he mused gently to himself. “But then again, you’re too strong willed a woman to need a lot of her remedy to get better for tomorrow morning. Sleep well, my Love. I have to get back to HQ. I’m expecting a late night mission soon.”
I woke up the next morning on Sunday, feeling a lot better and refreshed from a good night’s sleep. Yawning with a long stretch, I looked out my window to see the view of London in clear and sunny skies.

My phone on the dresser near the window suddenly lit up and vibrated. I picked it up and saw a new text from Nezu-chan.

BondCharming: Good morning, my lovely White Shadow. Do you fancy a lunch date with me 3 days from now, shall we say Wednesday at Daphne’s Coffee and Sweets Factory?

I beamed a compliant response, and then began to take one of my rare morning showers.
Do you remember that scene in one of those “Dial M For Monkey” cartoon episodes (which coincided with Dexter’s Laboratory) where Monkey has a flashback of when he was on his off duty dates with Agent HoneyQ, and they’re sipping a milkshake together, sitting on opposite sides of the table while looking into each other’s eyes?

Well, that’s how my lunch date desert with DM resembled to when Wednesday came, after we finished our main meal. I loved vanilla milkshakes. DM decided to let us share a huge sundae glass of it, as a large amount of whipped cream with a shiny cherry covered the top of the delicious treat.

It was just another romantic afternoon...just two white mice in love...sipping a vanilla milkshake through our own straws...staring into each other’s eye-

“Hhhh’UTCHhH!” A strong sneeze forced DM to flinch his face downwards into the giant sundae’s whipped cream surface. His sudden sneeze startled me enough to jump slightly in my booth’s seat. We both froze in place for a moment until DM slowly raised his head to look at me. Whipped cream had covered parts of his face, while the cherry balanced itself delicately on top of his snout.

“Snf. Do excuse me,” he sniffed sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to-“

I kissed him on the lips, interrupting his apology. He tensed up a bit for a second, but then eased into our brief special chemistry. I parted my lips from his to scoop up the cherry from off of his snout with my tongue. When I finished eating the sweet piece of fruit, I kissed his cream covered cheek, licked it off of my own lips, and giggled with a smile. “Bless you, Love.”

He smiled as well, a blush coating his face as he wiped the cream off with a napkin. “Th-Thahh...” His voice faltered and he quickly buried his nose into the napkin while hunching over his booth’s side. “Ah-hh’UKChh’oo! He’ETSH!” He sniffled wetly.

“Nezu-kun,” I said while he tossed the mucus slimed napkin on the table and grabbed another one to clean up the rest of his face. “Are you alright?”

“Y-Yes, I’b fide,” he replied evasively, but failed to hide the growing congestion in his voice. “Snf. Thank you. Come on, Shira-San. This scrumptious milkshake won’t eat itself.”

He smiled nonchalantly, as if he was assuring me that he was, indeed, ok. Despite a developing a concern that DM might be lying about something, I nodded at him and we resumed devouring our tasty treat.
After lunch, we walked down Great Marlborough Street in London’s West End. DM blushed with an embarrassed smile as I pointed to one of the black jackets, being worn on a displayed mannequin in the window of a clothing store titled “Cheap Monday”.

“Really, Shirakage,” he insisted halfheartedly. “The jacket that I wore during the Undercover Boy Band mission is not one of Cheap Monday’s Nightshade products.” (A/N: I love doing research through Google Earth?)

“Yeah yeah. Keep denying it, Modest Mausu,” I teased platonically at him. My chuckling died down suddenly when my wandering gaze fell on a pair of displayed wedding dresses in a Bride and Groom clothing store past Cheap Monday. (A/N: I take it that this detail in my fanfiction is false to the locals...??)

DM happened to catch my distracted stare towards the shop. Then he chuckled with a smug like smirk. “My my. This is our 4th date together, and already you’re thinking of marriage, Love? Why, Shirakage Darling. I never imagined you’d wish to take our relationship this fast so soon yet.?”

My face flushed a furious bright red and I spun around to glare at him. “N-No way!! Like Hell I want to daydream about marriage at this stable point in my life. I’m fine with the way things are between us now!!”

DM laughed merrily towards my spluttering unconvincing defense. “You’re adorable when you’re embarrassed. But you shouldn’t get your knickers in a twist. I was only joking.”

My pouty expression softened slightly until he added cheekily. “Then seemed a bit mesmerized by that beautiful white gown in the shop’s window...”

“DANGER MOUSE!!” I yelled in a girlish fluster, then started pounding his arm repeatedly in a sissy like manner. “Idiot! Moron!! Baka!!”

He chuckled again at my childish efforts to punish him.

As for the other random people who were walking by us down the street, they’d been used to the way we behaved on our public dates. And today in particular, a lot of women were out taking strolls around where we were standing.

Suddenly, Nezu-Chan’s laughter died down, and his breathing hitched rapidly. “Looh...Love,” he said, as his hitching breath interrupted the single syllable. “I...I...” He quickly brought out a handkerchief and pressed his large snout into it. “Hhh’IKChhH! Itch’oo! H-H-H-Hehh’IshhHOO!”

“God bless you, Nezu-Kun,” I said, a blush coated my cheeks more lightly as I wasn’t sure if he was fine.

My poor idiot agent caught his breath for a moment with a few quick sniffs...before another round of sneezes overcame him enough to throw his head and entire upper body forward. “hhh’UTChh’ew! Hit’cheww! Hishh’ooo! Hhh...ISHH!”

“DM, your face is a bit red,” I said, sounding concerned. “Have you got a fever?” I reached out to feel his head, but he didn’t let me, and I spotted tears forming in the corner of his fluttering eye.

“D-Don’t cobme adny...” he couldn’t finish his warning to me. And with one last apologetic look, he hunched his stuffed up nose into the soaked handkerchief. “Hhhn’ISHH! ItchH’ew!”

“Bless you!” I repeated, more urgently this time. Something was definitely wrong with him. The more his sneezing fits increased in length, the few moments he had in catching his breath was reduced as well. By mere seconds in between intervals of each fit, DM was starting to hack and clear his throat for air.

He gasped out a cough and sniffled. “Oh no...Huhh’UShhH! Shirakage, the civilian women...they’re-Hhh’iShh!”

And that’s when the thick potent scent from the passing women hit me. I stopped a short beaked bird women and asked her what kind of perfume she was wearing.

“Oh, it’s the latest popular scent that you’ve sold to the new cosmetics store which just opened up across this street,” she replied cheerfully, gesturing her feathered thumb over to a store that was on the other side of the road. “All of the women here wished to buy your special perfume, since it represents your relationship with Mr. Danger Mouse. And it really does smell lovely.”

I froze in confusion and shock as I saw a lot of female animal species coming in and out of the suspicious department store. But my mind could barely focus on the titled letters above its doorway and painted windows.

Danger Mouse was gasping heavily now. “Shira...hhh’IshH! Oh God. Snff!” Suddenly, his knees buckled beneath him. And I swiftly dove towards his left side to steady him to his feet.

“Nezu...!” He looked really bad. The way he was coughing and wheezing had me fearing that he might be having an asthma attack from my stolen perfume sample, that was still wafting in the air around us.

More sneezes shook his upper body while he bobbed his head down forward towards the ground. When he finally caught a moment to lift his head and give a terribly congested groan, I saw his miserable face. His right amber eye was now red rimmed and shiny with tears, and his large red nose was streaming.

“Hang in there, DM-Kun,” I told him as I positioned the nearly choking mouse to ride on my back. “I’m taking you to your agency’s head doctor at the Danger Flat.”
As the Rhinoceros doctor at HQ’s infirmary clinic examined DM’s tongue, eye and nose with his medical tools, K Taisa, Penfold and I watched the diagnosis process from a few feet away.

There were a couple of times when I had to intervene and suppress an impending sneeze from Nezu-Chan. When the doctor shone his small flashlight to look up DM’s stuffed nose, one twitch with a sharp gasp from my inflicted boyfriend was quickly stabilized by my finger, pressing itself against his runny appendage.

“Snff. Thag you, Love,” he croaked gratefully at me. The rhino doctor had now finished examining Danger Mouse, which allowed me to approach him again and give him a comforting back rubbing hug.

“You made a wise decision in bringing Danger Mouse here as soon as he was showing serious allergy symptoms, Prof. Shirakage Mouse,” Dr. Johnson stated sternly. “According to the results from his new blood test, I discovered that our top agent here has been hiding a fact about his health to the entire medical section of this agency.”

Colonel K’s brow narrowed with clouded suspicion. “Go on, Doctor.”

DM cringed with guilt as the Rhino Dr. continued to explain his secret.


“The Chief’s allergic to the pollen spores of Arctic Cotton Plants...!?” Penfold exclaimed in disbelief.

Dr. Johnson nodded his horned grey head. “And that plant’s herbal genome sequences is also part of the new popular perfume product’s main ingredients. Whoever stole Prof. Shirakage’s stored and unmodified sample from her College’s office and lab...must have replicated its fragrant properties, and is selling it to the women in Britain here illegally.”

The three of them turned to us. “Prof. Shirakage,” K Taisa started firmly. “Did you know DM was concealing this secret of possessing an allergy weakness, and promised him that you wouldn’t inform the rest of the British Secret Service about it?!

“And DM,” he continued while staring coldly at his best agent. “How could you lie on a medical assessment report about your personal health to us for so long!? Bad show, my boy!”

DM lowered his gaze, ashamed of committing such a disclosed matter from his Boss and Penfold, now that it was out in the open. “Forgive me, Colonel. Penfold. You weren’t supposed to ever find out about it like this. I could have told Shirakage not to bring bme back to HQ whedn I...” He broke off suddenly, his large nose flaring again. “H-hit’CHEW! Oh Gosh, sorry!”

“Bless you,” said the four of us to him as he rubbed his runny nose with the back of his hand. When he started to sniffle miserably, my pity for him urged me to pull him into a tighter hug.

Penfold seemed equally cross as the Colonel towards his best friend. “So, what made you decide to confess your secret allergy to us now, Chief?”

I felt him tighten his grip slightly around my white mouse paw.

“Hmm. Perhaps I finally got tired of keeping it frobm everyodne here, Pednfold. Shirakage was the one who found out about it during our first date a while back. But she never told a soul for my sake. Snf. I’ve dnever encountered a lovely woman before who has given bme this bmuch devotion to honoring bmy secret agent pride. So, this current incident that has now exposed me to the world only widens bmy trust in my friends a bit more.”

Once again, a light blush coated my cheeks in a faint pink hue. ‘Nezu-Chan’s telling his reasons for admitting his allergy now...because of me...?’ This was so making me self conscious and proud in his growing maturity.

Colonel K gave DM a hard look, but then sighed. “Well, I suppose we owe Prof. Shirakage a jolly Thank You, DM. If it hadn’t been for her becoming your girlfriend, we may have never known about your hidden medical problem.”

“He’s right, Chief,” Penfold agreed with a softened stare in his specks. “You’ve never even shared this history of yourself with me, your best friend. Does it really take a girl in your life to help you be more honest with us?”

Danger Mouse stared at him, guilt heavy in his eye. “I’m really sorry, Penfold. You, of all of my friends and colleagues here at HQ, deserved the right to know from the start.”

DM’s sweetness was beginning to seduce me into a lovey-dovey snuggle moment. And his allergy induced sniffling was still luring my mind away from any anger I once may have felt when my perfume sample had been stolen.

Seeing me affectionately rub the side of my head against DM’s shoulder, K Taisa smirked in amusement. “Right then. Danger Mouse, we’ll discuss about a suitable and minor penalty for your deceitful act in withholding medical information to the agency in a moment. What’s most urgent now is to deal with the thief who’s broken into King’s College and replicated Shirakage Mouse’s stolen perfume sample for marketing purposes.”

Nezu-Chan’s sinuses had completely clogged up his nose that he had to breathe out of his open mouth. “I believe it’s Quark, sir,” he replied with a liquid sniff. “Snf. I caught wind of what he was up to earlier today, minutes before bmy lunch date with Shira-San at Daphne’s Coffee and Sweets Factory.

“I do wish that I’d be willing to apprehend his illegal dnew business scheme. But I won’t be able to in this state.” DM’s breath started hitching slightly as he continued. “BMy dnose is rudding like a faucet, and I...” He shook his head to the opposite side from me, putting up an apologetic hand in the process. “Hahaha...hhh’ISHH! And I’b dnot able to fidish every other sentence I bmake without...Hhh’IK’choo! Dabmn! Sorry.”

“Bless you,” the three male animals said to him. I, however, hummed adorably and pulled my sniffling secret agent boyfriend into another hug.

Penfold narrowed his specks before rolling the dots to the side. “You went undercover on an unassigned incident in London before heading out to your date with Prof. Shirakage,” the unsurprised hamster mused out loud at his senpai in disappointment. “A shock that she’s not cross with you, Chief.”

I peeked out a blue eye at Pen-Chan’s sour frown and giggled. “Jealous much, Penfold-San?☺️”

He pouted with an averted gaze. “Not quite as much as you’d think, Shirakage.”

Colonel K cleared his throat to help reroute our conversation to the original topic at hand. “DM, I’m assigning Danger Moth to arrest Quark,” he ordered professionally. “Once we’ve confiscated all of those manufactured perfume products, Squawkencluck will decide whether we should dispose of them by exploding destruction, or modify their potency in the same way which she had done for Shirakage 10 days ago.

“Until Danger Moth’s mission is a success, you are to remain here in Dr. Johnson’s office.”

“But sir, I’m fine now,” Nezu-chan argued lightly. “I don’t have to stay here while I recuperate from these wretched symptoms.”

K Taisa smiled slyly and turned to the rhino in the white coat. “Doctor, didn’t you talk about your new nurse practitioner going cosmetic shopping earlier today?”

Dr. Johnson’s expression then matched with the Colonel’s. “Yes, Colonel K. I do believe I did.” He faced to a closed door on the side of the room, which connected to another examining room. “Oh, Nurse Peril Hippo,” he called out nicely. “If you’re still wearing that new perfume which you bought down in Great Marlborough Street, could you pop in here for a moment with your purchased item?”

I opened up a sedated eye to see a female grey hippo walk into the room. She was holding a shopping bag that read, “White Mice Romance Perfume” on the front.

“What is it, Head Doctor Johnson?” She asked innocently. “Why did you ask me to bring my shopping item into this exam room?”

As if on cue, Danger Mouse’s body stiffened under my touch. “Hheheh!” He pitched forward with a trio of breathy sneezes. “Hhh! H’ksssh!! Tssh’u! Hih’ksshu!!” He then sniffled out a jaw slacking groan. “Ugh. Oh, God! Colodel, Doctor, wh-what are you...yuhh-hhh’Ishh’ew! Ugh. Snf, Doing to bme!? Iiehh-CHOO! CHOO! CHOO!!”

“Consider your misery to this contraband perfume as punishment for breaking a code of shared confidence from us for years, DM,” Colonel K beamed mockingly as he took the bag from the nurse licensed hippo; the confused Peril medical agent was then briefed on the situation by her higher ranking senpai.

“Ms. Peril Hippo’s presence here clearly proves to what the Doctor had uncovered about you,” K Taisa continued promptly at the desperately sneezing mouse in my arms. “You shall be exposed to her scent until Dr. Johnson can create a special allergy shot for your ailment.

“Shirakage Mouse,” he then addressed me suddenly. “Please be a sweet Dear and make sure the good Chap doesn’t escape.” He stared at us in amusement. “You do seem like you’re enjoying his punishment yourself. Am I wrong?”

I nuzzled my happy face against Nezu-Chan’s trembling shoulders. “As long as it keeps me away from pummeling that NY accent talking alien hustler to a bloody pulp, I’ll leave my worries to you and the other agents, K Taisa, sir.?”

The chinchilla in the blue blazer nodded, feeling satisfied. “Very good, then. That is all for now. I’m popping back into my office. Nurse Peril Hippo, don’t forget to wash that perfume off from your neck.”

“I won’t, Colonel K, sir,” she nodded affirmatively at him. “And Dr. Johnson won’t let Danger Mouse leave this room until his new allergy shot affects him to be 100% sneeze free.”

“-hd’ISSHuh! Hh-huhhh... HETSCHHIEWW!!” Said secret agent mouse couldn’t utter a protest as his harsh, masculine sneezing grew intense again. “Snrrk. Uhhh... HUTCCHHIEWW!! Snnff uhhh...”

Penfold looked unsure of his best friend’s condition. “Cor! This seems a bit much for the Chief, everyone. Don’t you all think he’s suffered enough? His sneezing is already sounding a lot more painful to me ears.”

After handing my nose twitching, gasping boyfriend a fresh new tissue, I gave the cute hamster a weak smile. “You’re welcome to stay and keep us company, Pen-chan. I don’t mind an extra friend to help support Nezu-chan with me.?”

DM’s Villains See Potential In His Mate by AggretsukoofLondon

Author's page:
Picture page: (EBFAID36845409EB)

Tags: Danger, mouse, dangermouse, shirakage, Crumhorn, pinkdawn, sinister, jail, cell, narrator, parting, gift, role, play, threat, life, secret, death, plan, Twistyverse, story, heartache, violence, romance, suspense, angst, taunting, anger, drama, villains, trick, shock, agency, kiss

Category: Story | Theme: All | Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Rating: General

Published: 2020-06-17 18:28:23

A/N: I am aware that anyone who has come across this DM fanfic here or on will notice that I had ignored the plot line of Crumhorn landing on the planet of flies at the end of the Series 2 episode, “Darkside of the Mouse”. However, what I couldn’t ignore was the nostalgia of getting all fired up when Mind Control was used on a character who is most precious to me in the current moment of time.

I started writing this story in my notebooks after watching the broadcast/ premiere of “The Toad Who Would Be King”. And then resumed the story after watching “Darkside of The Mouse”. But I couldn’t conclude it officially until I went back to my anime binging routine to gather more inspiration.

DM’s Villains See Potential In His Mate

“Oh come on, Shirakage Mouse. Why don’t you admit that you have feelings for Danger Mouse?”

I face smacked my head onto the table in my favorite coffee shop. I can’t believe that the stupid Narrator of DM’s world forced his way to break down my fourth wall barrier again.

“What the hell are you doing back here?” I asked icily. “Why aren’t you following Nezu-chan’s adventures like you’re always paid to do?”

“I just felt like running a quick social experiment to see if you actually love him.”

I snorted. “Oh, please. What possible dirt on DM could you be holding onto which you think might get under my skin?”

“Why don’t you come by the T.V. station after your work hours? I have an interesting file on one of DM’s recent missions that may prove to be worth your while.”

I groaned again. It felt like I was talking to the lowest member of an ancient group of Gods that had kept up with the times of the modern world. And this particular God had permission to communicate with the mortals on Earth.

“Rrrrrr!! Fine. I’ll meet you at the T.V. station at 6pm.”
Third P.O.V.

Danger Mouse sighed solemnly as he stared up at the ceiling while laying down on his bed. It had been 13 months ago since he’d met Shirakage Mouse. But when her flat was finally rebuilt and the Narrator began to converse with his newly romantic mate, Shirakage moved out of the Danger Flat and told him that she needed some time to adjust to another layer of crazy individuals in her boyfriend’s life.

DM’s heart was nearly crushed as he remembered her request for a temporary separation in their relationship. If only the Narrator didn’t have to interfere in his happy new love life, Danger Mouse would have completely reconverted his tsundere devilish, but lighthearted prank playing girlfriend to his side of humor.

There was also the recent puzzling mystery as to why Baron Greenback had suddenly decided to stop persisting to abduct Shirakage Mouse. But to this night, DM still couldn’t figure it out.

Before Shirakage left him, word got out that The Great Danger Mouse had a beautiful, cute girlfriend. And the fashion business markets were still selling the secret perfume which she had created for herself. He immediately furrowed his brow as he remembered the event in which Quark stole one of those special perfume samples from Shirakage’s lab at the college. The main ingredient for its scent was Alaskan cotton flowers...the same kind of flowers that he was allergic to. Shirakage was the only one who found out about his secret allergy during a sky diving activity on their first date.

As he wearily wondered if she was still thinking about him, Danger Mouse closed his eye and relaxed his mind. ‘Shirakage,’ he thought. ‘What will it take for me to get you to give your all to me? What more difficulties in my missions must I face to convince you to move in with me here?’

However, before Danger Mouse’s consciousness slipped into dreamland, Colonel K’s hologram lit up over his resting body.

“DM!!” Colonel K cried out in alarm. “You’re not going to like what I’m about to say. But our agency had to arrest Professor Shirakage Mouse.”

Danger Mouse’s eye shot open, sat up swiftly and stared at his boss’s holographic projection in horror. “WHAT!!? WHY!!? What on Earth could my darling have possibly done to brand herself as a criminal!!?”

The chinchilla in the blue blazer deadpanned. “Well, why don’t you ask the Narrator? He’s back in his audio booth at the T.V. station after we released him from custody earlier around 8:30 this evening. He had to be brought in for questioning once Shirakage Mouse hinted out a tip that he’d also been involved to help motivate her violent actions towards Baron von Greenback.”

DM’s head was spinning. He tried to consume this shocking report, driving him to learn more over the fate of his girlfriend. “Colonel,” he began in a low breath. “Did the Narrator show her an episode of one of my recent missions which featured the Baron...”

Colonel K hung his head shamefully. “I believe so, my ol’ boy. You know how desperate the Narrator is to get Shirakage to acknowledge him as part of her life with you. Perhaps he also wanted to use that episode to find out for himself if she was still loyal to you. And it seemed to have proved him right.

“Shirakage then left the T.V. studio in a bloody rage of anger and sought out the Baron with her own villain locator device, which she had hidden and designed in an ordinary compact makeup/mirror product.”

Danger Mouse growled and face palmed. “I sometimes forget that my lovely sweetheart is a scientist like Professor Squawkencluck.”
My P.O.V.

The London police department officer had placed me in a jail cell at the closest precinct where I had taken my wrath upon Greenback. It was around 10:30 pm when one of the officers had informed me that they called the Head of the Secret Service Network about my little violent retaliation, adding that Danger Mouse would be coming here to bail me out.

While I moped at the unsurprising situation which I put myself into, I tried to ignore the five pairs of eyes and diabolical smirks from my other cell mates, who were staring at me (well, one of them was invisible. But I could still feel her presence.).

“Oh, it is such a lovely sight to see you here as one of us now, Shirakage Mouse,” Crumhorn mused wickedly. His pink loving daughter Princess Dawn, Mac the Fork, Dudley Poison, and Ivana the Invisible were all in a group on the other side of the bench area.

“Shut up, Crumhorn,” I seethed icily. “My reasons for committing violent assault upon a paroled individual had nothing to do with crime. I only wanted to defend Danger Mouse’s honor.”

“If your On and Off boyfriend means so much to you,” he taunted in a mockingly sweet tone. “Why haven’t you pummeled me and these two...” he gestured to the purple masked snake and owl. “ near death after you have seen the rest of this world’s second series?”

I rolled my eyes towards his goading techniques. “Your mind control ideas of humiliating Danger Mouse weren’t good enough. The background music that your lackeys had added into the videos was more embarrassing to hear than watching him dance or dressed as a Rugrat. The plan you’ve previously thought of back during the end of Season 1—where you made your debut—involved trying to kill him off the face of this wacky version of Earth. If you were truly evil, you’d use your mind control blaster to have my beloved Nezu-chan kill himself.”

Four faces (plus an invisible one) flabbergasted at my reply in stunned silence. “Are you sure you don’t want to consider yourself a villain, Big Sister Shirakage Mouse?” Dawn asked me warily. “I knew from the moment we’d become aware of you entering that stupid mouse’s life, I could sense that you were quite different from the rest of the bloody civilians.”

“I don’t care what you intrigued people think of me,” I retorted coldly. “And since when did I give you,” I pointed my finger at Dawn. “...permission to think of me as your Onee-San!?”

“Would you change your mind if I went back to being Dark Dawn for you?” She suggested cutely.

“Nice try, Barbie no Hime. Where were you when I bumped off Dr. Loocifer from the life of crime? From all the dress up parties you enjoy playing with your animated toys, I’m surprised that you actually tolerated being near that clothes staining, prick of a girl’s nightmare.”

She giggled loudly. “Oh, Daddy! I like this lady! If we ever get out of jail, can we use her in our plans to kill Danger Mouse?”

“Oi! In case you haven’t noticed, you cocky poodle brat,” I interrupted irritably. “The cops can hear our conversation through the bugs and cameras. So the more I indulge myself in a conversation with baddie lot, the better my chances will be on getting placed on the authorities’ watchlist of suspected villains.”

“On the contrary, Lady Shirakage Mouse,” Crumhorn sneered confidently. “I’m afraid that you’re quite mistaken with that assumption.”

I raised my brow at the megane evil Doberman. What was this sudden chill running down my spine...? “You’re planning something again, aren’t you?” I accused him nervously.

“Well, let’s just say that my hidden partner is currently pulling some strings for me, so that I can offer a little acquisition to you in private.”

I narrowed my sapphire eyes at his cryptic explanation. “You’re gonna have to elaborate this scheme of yours a lot clearer than that, Oh Great grandson of an evil wolf boffin.”

Crumhorn frowned at me with a deadpanned stare and frown. “Dr. Augustus P. Crumhorn III was my father, you human souled Mouse girl, not my great grandfather!! Urgh! Honestly! I don’t know why this ‘Sinister Mouse’ from the Twistyverse wants you so badly!”

While ignoring the silly misinterpretation in words between us (including Said Son of a female Doberman failing to sense sarcasm in my tone), my eyes widened when he stated the name of Nezu-Chan’s evil twin out loud. Crumhorn...was in league with Sinister Mouse now...!? When and how did this happen!? And how did Crumhorn and the others know about my secret...!? The real reason that I left Danger Mouse and moved out of his Danger Flat HQ wasn’t because the Narrator wanted to break down my Tsundere girl 4th wall.

It was because of my secret. When the old anime possessions from my real world started to fill up the guest room, I was confronted by Sinister Mouse one night. He explained to me that he was the original brains behind the murder of my physical human body from my past life. Danger Mouse wouldn’t have to find out the truth about his evil twin using me to reveal who I truly was to him...if I swore to break up with him and never see him again.

Of course, I desperately wished that all of the anger and rage in my emotions could have taken over my actions, forcing me to kill Sinister Mouse and Baron von Penfold for stealing my first life from me. But I remembered when DM had burned some of my anime DVD’s that I accidentally left lying about the flat. Watching the graphic animation left him completely horrified, and he vomited one time in the sitting room. It never came to his mind that I’d be a possible suspect of possessing any knowledge of these other worldly entertainment lifestyle.

The only thing that had kept him sane was the fact that Penfold hadn’t been around to observe his senpai’s observation of my horror anime series. I couldn’t allow that look of pain and trauma return to Nezu-Chan’s face. So I broke up with him and moved back into my refurbished flat. If going back to my mundane life was successful, my secret would remain safe from everyone in Danger Mouse’s world. But now...

I glared at Crumhorn, tightening my fists at my sides. “How much did that ugly rat in disguise tell you!?” I demanded angrily. “Is he the one tampering with the security monitor and audio connections in here!?”

Ivana laughed from her invisible form. “The mouse of evil is doing much more than using his technological expertise to tamper with the surveillance system that’s focused on our cage.”

“With the ingenious ability of Baron Silas von Penfold, who can create a wormhole that connects his world to this one,” Crumhorn continued as he flashed a malicious grin. “...Sinister Mouse was able to bypass the Anti-Magic Dampening Field of The Queen of Weevils’ prison cell in Arkwright Asylum. He’d confronted the magical witch, offering her a deal...from the inside of her confinement.”

My jaw dropped, and I felt my blood running cold. If what my jail mates were saying was true, then...

“Sinister Mouse is using The Queen of Weevils’ magic to cast illusions on any police guards who might happen to approach this cell room to check up on us,” I deducted lightly through my shock. “They’ll hallucinate and think we’re just sitting here quietly and sulking about.”

Mac the Fork smirked. “The Mouse lass catches on quick.”

“Sinister Mouse wants you to be his Queen Of Crime, Big Sister Shirakage Mouse,” Dawn beamed at me in fake innocence. “He promised The Queen of Weevils that if she helped him persuade you to rule the Twistyverse with him, he’d offer the magical sorceress asylum in his own world.”

“You see, The Queen of Weevils has also been helping Sinister Mouse pluck through the memories of your anime fandom past times,” Crumhorn resumed his bit once more from his cohorts. “After he enjoyed observing of what the humans in your old world were capable of creating for you to maintain your energizing hyper mood, he shared with me the deepest secrets of your favorite evil villain scheming plans, which you have been known to call, and I quote: ‘Clique’.

“The pleasure of seeing you fall for my bluff, when I asked for your opinion on how a true villain should use mind control manipulation on the person who’s most dearest to the hero of the world—a plan so heart wrenching that can be strong enough to move you.... Your answer confirms sheer proof of some of those memories that were shown to me through Sinister Mouse’s sources.

“It seems that my judgement in testing your experience of being a former pop culture fanatic from another world was the correct call to conduct. I must say, Mouse Woman, that I am a bit saddened by the passing of the human race of this world. If they had continued living alongside our community and social disputes, we might have had more anime and manga series to learn from.

“This ‘Marik Ishtar’ character from this virtual monster duel anime called ‘Yu-Gi-Oh!’, has indeed influenced your knowledge on how our creators should have taken notes from to spice up my earlier plan in the first place.” Crumhorn laughed wickedly. “Oh Dear! I should have been the one to cuff Danger Mouse to an anchor and manipulate him to drown himself in the sea! HA HA HA HA!!”



“That’s not a very polite name to call your future husband, my sweet Baroness Of Evil To Be,” a tantalizing familiar voice spoke out teasingly out of nowhere.

I froze as I knew only of one other person who shared Nezu-Chan’s new voice. Before I could move, a rift in time and space opened up behind my back. That’s when I felt a pair of arms in red encircle around my brown skirt and waist.

I shrieked and tried to jump out from Sinister Mouse’s grip. But he covered my short snout’s mouth with his red gloved hand. Dammit, he’s just as strong and deadly trained as Nezu-Chan. I couldn’t overpower him!! No...

“Oh, do cease your struggling, my Dear White Shadow of Darkness,” he cooed sweetly and suavely as my heroic boyfriend. “You do not need to fear me...for I don’t fancy controlling your will by force in order to gain a marriage commitment with you. False realities is not my forte.

“However, I believe that my next threatening revelation will leave you helpless to ignore me this time.”

I felt his hot breath against the back of my neck and under my left mouse ear. Then I smelled something strong and pleasantly potent from his exposed white fur. “That...That’s my-“

I could imagine Sinister Mouse smirking behind my line of sight. “Ah, yes. You recognize this scent. Thanks to Dudley Poison standing beside his snake friended colleague, he was able to master the secrets of your special perfume formula and transmute its chemical compounds to smell like masculine cologne.

“The unfortunate bit of difference between me and my opposite that Alaskan cotton flowered pollen doesn’t effect me as a main allergy symptom weakness. Therefore, Danger Mouse is still able to sneeze like mad if he ever tries to come close to me. As long as I wear this improved form of his kryptonite, he’ll be powerless to stop me from killing him!! Mwa Ha Ha Ha!!”

My eyes widened in horror again. “TINE NEZUMI!! Did that Dragon Ball Z/Super space alien character design reject, Quark manage to give you hidden samples of the perfume allergen which he’d once stolen from Squawkencluck’s lab months ago!? I thought we’ve confiscated all of them from him.”

I was really angry. Danger Mouse’s allergy attacks nearly had him gasping for oxygen when every female citizen on the streets in London was wearing contraband products of my perfume. They didn’t know that Quark was scamming them and the beauty markets through my popularity of being Danger Mouse’s girlfriend.

But back to the present: Sinister Mouse tutted me and caressed the side of my cheek with a gloved finger. “How I obtained this wonderful bio chemical allergen which can cripple Danger Mouse’s health should be the least of your problems now.”

I hated this sexist perverted villain in the body of a hot twin brother like my boyfriend. I attempted to jerk myself free from him once more. My efforts were still in vain. Then, I heard my restrainer turn to my five cell mates.

“Splendid job keeping Shirakage-Sama company, my fellow comrades of fiends,” he praised them proudly. “She honestly believed that the guards had you locked up in here before she arrived.”

“Pity she wasn’t curious enough to ask us what we’ve been arrested for earlier,” snorted Dudley Poison.

I was confused for only a millisecond over their comments until it hit me. “Mazeka...! The police never suspected you to be detained here at all lately...because they’re under the same hallucinatory spell from The Queen of make them believe I’m alone in this cell...!”

“We’ve been given orders to wait for you here by Sinister Mouse,” Ivana explained to me simply with a gleeful tone. “He and Baron von Penfold are our only means of an escape route out of this police precinct. And we’ll gladly follow him to the Twistyverse if it leads towards the demise of Danger Mouse.”

Her footsteps and presence slipped by me and her new boss. “Until we meet again, my future equal in the life of crime.” She parted fondly to me before she disappeared into the wormhole.

“Come on, Sweetheart,” Crumhorn gestured to his daughter sleazily. “Our ride back to paradise won’t last forever.”

“Yayyy!!?” She gleamed. “More playtime with The Queen of Weevils!!”

I could only stare out at the far wall of the dark cell in a blank trance. These villains had been fooling me right from the start since my detainment here. And the shock remained too great a force for me to glance at the last four visible antagonists, who followed after Ivana back to the Twistyverse.

“Enjoy your new powers, Big Sister Shirakage,” Dawn grinned back at me before skipping after Mac the Fork, Dudley Poison and her father into Evil Sanctuary.

‘Enjoy my new powers’...?! What the hell did she mean by that!? Luckily, my confusion to the mystery implication hadn’t blinded my senses enough to feel Sinister Mouse loosening his grip around my waist and upper body. Thanks to the Mouse Fu training that Nezu-Chan had taught me months ago, I zipped out and retreated a couple of meters away from my sneaky captor.

“What’s Dawn talking about, you Spectre Agent Parody!?” I demanded heatedly. “WHAT ‘POWERS’!? What are you going to give me!!?”

He chuckled darkly. “If I spoke of what it is—which is already inside you, I may add, that would ruin all the fun in letting you find out for yourself.”

Fear gripped my fighting stance with a stiffened chill once more. “N-Nani...!? When did you...” My mind suddenly flashed back to when the rat in red first grabbed me from behind and gagged my short snout’s mouth with his gloved hand. “H-How...?” I breathed helplessly.

Sinister Mouse sneered at me as he explained. “Danger Mouse’s world isn’t the only one to create a Shrinkitizer. The Queen of Weevils has created, upon my request, a magical orb especially for you. We shrunk it to a microscopic level. And by now, it is traveling from your lungs’ air sacks, into your circulatory system until it finds the vital organ to merge itself onto: Your Beating Heart.”

I started to freak out within my concealed emotions. But I was too angry to let my despair show completely on the surface. I glared violently back at DM’s threatening Twistyverse twin.


But he wagged a red gloved finger and tutted again instead. “Would you like a Sword Art Online role play illusion to go with your answers, my sweet, impatient Bride To Be?”

My blue irises dilated with surprise before narrowing themselves at the realization of his taunting proposal. “TIME NEZUMI!! Don’t you even think about elaborating that implied suggestion!!”

“What, you mean bring up any anime fandom memories of your past human life from your original world?” Sinister Mouse egged on cockily. “I’d be happy to contact the Queen of Weevils to cast such an illusionary spell upon us in this cell before Danger Mouse comes to fetch you.

“She can transform my appearance to look like Sugou, the monstrous villain who kidnapped many dormant SAO villains to use in his experiment. And you, being one of his victims, can appear to look like his childhood friend turned caged bird prisoner, Asuna Yuki.

“And since you had fancied using your well trained anime fan human ear to distinguish the many different voices of every anime character spoken in English, I can include Sugou’s two assistants, who were in the virtual forms of purple long tentacled slugs. Plus, if I remember correctly while combing through your precious memory data files, you had felt tickled pink when you heard the voices of the Ninja Turtle, Leonardo, and the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric, coming out of those two icky beings.”

“Like I told Crumhorn earlier, ‘STOP USING MY PAST LIFE’S MEMORIES FOR YOUR OWN POISONED GAIN’!!” I warned him again persistently.

Sinister Mouse only sighed deeply and smirked. “Fuss all you like over your stolen private fancies, My Special One.”

Then, the Twistyverse wormhole opened up in the space behind him. As he turned to exit my world, I reacted. “Hey!! I’m not done with you yet!! I want answers to what malicious magic that you placed inside my body!!”

He turned his head to grin and gaze his evil left red eye at me. “When the time comes,” he forewarned confidently. “ will have no choice but to join me in my own world and surrender your heart to darkness.”

Then he stepped into the swallowing portal. After the rift in space contrasted into nothingness, I was left alone in the cell.
Danger Mouse had bailed me out of jail a few minutes later after my ominous encounter with a bad lot of his villains. I couldn’t tell him what had really happened in my jail cell; Sinister Mouse had disappeared through his wormhole before the Queen of Weevils’ spell on the guards and cameras wore off.

I’ll never forget the hard, stern glare Nezu-chan had given me as the policeman was opening my cell door. But he wasn’t just angry with me. One big hug from him indicated that he was also worried.

“I still love you, Shira-San,” he hushed softly in my ear. “But next time, I forbid you to defend my honor in a violent way if you fail to receive my consent first. Am I clear?”

I nodded at him as I tightened my grip in his hand. “Crystal, Nezu-San.”

He smirked widely, and I felt that we were finally reconnecting as a couple again. “I’ve missed you so much,” he confessed sadly. “Why can’t you stay with me in the Danger Flat? The Baron may not be after you anymore, Shirakage. But that doesn’t mean some of my other enemies (whom you haven’t scared half to death yet, mind you) won’t come after me through you. The secret of us has been out for a while now.”

I feigned an unsure glance to the side. “Weeeeellll...I don’t know. It has been a while since you played a dashing romantic move on me....”

DM’s face immediately brightened as he picked up the implication I was throwing at him. “How about dinner tomorrow?” He asked suavely and wrapped his arm around my waist. “I’ll pick you up around 8.” He grinned at me with a sly look in his eye. “I hope you wear something fetching to my fancy.”

I giggled lightly. “Will flowers be included on this date?” I asked sweetly. What can I say? I’m a sucker for enjoying that kind of clique.

He fluttered his eyelid into my sapphire orbs. “Anything for you, Shira-San.” He kissed my cheek. “Come on. Let’s get you home.”
What started out as a romantic gesture of a walk to my flat’s front door, and how we ended up with having a make out session on my couch is a classified secret I do not wish to reveal.

A Sneezy DM Earns a Lucky Night With His Girl by AggretsukoofLondon

Author's page:
Picture page: (EBFAID36847054EB)

Tags: Sneezing, sneeze, flu, coughing, romance, care, danger, mouse, dangermouse, shirakage, narrator, comedy, drama, tsundere, boyfriend, holiday, rude, worry, professorsquawkencluck, mischievous, sniffling, weak, crying, cocky, embarrassed, teasing, overconfident, bedridden

Category: Story | Theme: All | Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Rating: General

Published: 2020-06-17 20:26:30

Author’s Note 6/17/2020: Fun Fact: I wrote this up back in 2017, exactly one year before the writers for the DM Reboot came up with the Frozen parody episode, “Melted”. You’ll see why when you read it.

“A Sneezy DM Earns a Lucky Night With His Girl”

It’s been two days now since I, Shirakage Mouse, have officially become Danger Mouse’s girlfriend. Nobody told me that once I enter into his social life, I’d have to hear that pathetic narrator barging into my newly refurbished flat at the start of another morning.

Good thing my earphones are plugged into my music player to drown him out as I turn over in my bed for a few more minutes. Otherwise, I’d beat him in a raging pillow fight of death.

Just because DM and I were starting to date each other didn’t mean that I was ready to move in and sleep together yet. Please…! I wanted our relationship to be a secret from the public, not only because I was technically still a civilian, but also because I do not like being the center of attention to strangers.

I sighed wearily to myself and finally got out of bed. I began to make my breakfast in my small kitchen while still wearing my hand made Inuyasha pajamas, which I secretly wore out of home sickness for my past human life in the real world. As I switched the setting on my music player from my digital music library to the morning radio station, a sickening familiar and obnoxious voice spoke into my earphones.

“London, home of the cockney, and-“

I melodramatically expressed my incredulous disbelief in silent horror. Oh God. The damned bloody Prima Donna infiltrated my favorite radio channel to get me to listen to him. God, why can’t I ever turn off this wacky side of this forsaken alternate dimension?!

Just as I was about to switch my music player’s setting again, I heard someone cough weakly into my ears as it interrupted the narrator’s opening speech.

The narrator cleared his throat and tried again, but-


I blinked as a charming sneeze interrupted him a second time. “Nezu-kun?” I said unconsciously as I recognized the pleasant male’s voice.

“Ugh…” An ailing moan from the mesmerizing voice sounded like Danger Mouse.

I began to ignore the childish questions of wonder from the stupid narrator in my ears and started to FaceTime my boyfriend over the new holographic video phone that he gave to me.

When the projection lit up above the touch screen, I saw Danger Mouse sitting up in his bed with his head tilting upward before he lurched forward and sneezed horribly on my FaceTime camera.

“Gasp…iik’ScHOOOO!!!” His wet saliva and snot dampened the camera lens on his end. He coughed harshly and sniffed.

“Bless you, Nezu-chan,” I greeted him softly. “Baby, you look terrible this morning.”

My FaceTime camera moved slightly to hover over his head as he collapsed back down onto his pillow. DM moaned and closed his eye due to an apparent ailing fever.

“Sh-Shira-San,” he replied weakly. “Your concern over my well being is much appreciated. And your voice is like a driving force to help me fight this debilitating illness.” He smiled slightly and opened his eye to gaze at the camera.

“What happened, Nezu-Kun?” I asked him with worry. “You didn’t catch a bad cold, did you?”

DM grimaced fearfully. “You’ll probably get mad at me for doing something stupid again, my Dear.” He coughed a bit more and blew his nose before continuing his confession. “I…overestimated my immune system, got too overconfident and skipped the annual flu shot.”

I frowned at him with disapproval but remained unsurprised. “Oh, Nezu…” I scolded him lightly.

“Ahh-choo! Aachoo! Snf.” He rubbed his nose and mumbled an apology. “Don’t worry, Love,” he assured me with a determined tone. “I’ll get better for you real soon. I mean, even you must have once been afflicted from that world wide outbreak of elephant flu since many adventures ago, and before we had yet to meet.”

My face clouded as I remembered back to how ridiculous everyone looked at that time, including myself. “I refuse to acknowledge that that outbreak ever affected me, Danger Mouse,” I said coldly with a hardened glare. “Despite the outrageous fact that an animal virus’ most deadly effect was to change one’s appearance into said animal, I cannot accept nor forgive this forsaken reality’s physics to affect you.”

He beamed at me through the camera. “Why, Shirakage darling. I didn’t know you cared that much about my good looks since you fell for me.”

I scowled as he milked over my feelings. “Awww. It’s so cute how you think my face is more important than your own. And My, are we blushing in embarrassment?” He giggled. “You flatter me with your pride and silly denial of the world’s facts, yet you haven’t told me why so far.”

“Urusai,” I grumbled into the microphone. “Just rest up today and get better. I have to go to work now.” I was about to hang up, but DM cleared his throat specifically at me. I rolled my eyes as he reminded me of a promise that I’d made to him some time ago.

I sighed and said, “I love you, Anime Boy of mine.”

He snickered and I grumbled “shut up” to him in Japanese again.
“But sir,” I protested politely to my boss in his office. “The only time I had taken leave off from work was when my flat got wrecked months ago. I’m the only employee who works twice as hard when one of my colleagues goes on holiday.”

“Well, you see that’s the issue here, Professor Shirakage,” he replied to me respectfully. “You rarely ever have taken time off from work, or even choose to go on holiday unless it was a national holiday when everyone takes the day off. Hannah Sweetworth had once reported you pulling an all nighter in the lab and found you sleeping at your computer desk the next morning. You’re a fantastic boffin here at the plant, Professor. But I think it’s time you use some of your holiday points and take it easy for a week or two.”

I held my tongue and stewed quietly for a moment before agreeing with him. “Fine. But two weeks only, sir.”
I was so glad that it was a Friday. I wouldn’t have been pleased if my boss had ordered me to take my overdue holiday time during the middle of the weekdays if it was Monday. Now that the day was over, my holiday can officially start.

I yawned loudly with a huge stretch. Man, when did I start feeling tired after the end of a weekday? Was Hannah right when she felt concerned about me not getting enough sleep? I know she was just looking out for me, but she should try having to deal with an unseen but vocal fuckin’ weirdo who always tries to break the fourth wall in this ungodly world.

“So, Danger Mouse’s girlfriend finally takes her holiday points for the next two weeks. But what will she do within that time frame?”

Speak of the damned devil. “Drop dead, you dumbass.” I grumbled irritably.

“Oi! That’s not very polite, young missy. Such a foul mouthed half Yank! Honestly! Sometimes I don’t know why Danger Mouse had chosen you to be his sweetheart.”

“Go to Hell,” I persisted again and attempted to place my earphones into my white mouse ears.


A loud explosion rocked the very earth beneath my feet. I fell to the ground and started shaking violently until the ringing in my ears had passed. That man made shockwave must have rocked the buildings of London too. Although his voice may have changed, DM hadn’t lost his powerful yoga tranced abilities which would help manipulate the capacity of his vocal chords.

The effect of his earth shattering sneeze traumatized my nervous system and I passed out.
When I finally came to, I found myself in a soft bed and in a room that seemed too familiar to me.

“So, you’ve regained consciousness.”

I sat up and saw Professor Squawkencluck standing in the open doorway of the Danger flat’s guest room.

“Who brought me here?” I asked her.

“Danger Moth was flying near your location, spotted you not far from your work site and delivered you to us.”

I rubbed my head and yawned. “Hell of a lullaby for my insomnia issue. I would have preferred a Sing technique from a Jigglypuff.”

“Eh?” She raised a confused brow at my strange remark.

I waved away the issue. “Not important. Just ignore it.” I looked out of the window in the room, noticing the nighttime sky. I got out of the bed and joined her for some coffee in the kitchenette.

“Two weeks off from work, Shirakage?” Squawkencluck smiled humorously. “Danger Mouse is going to be thrilled with your enforced holiday time.” Then her smile wilted into a solemn frown. “That is, he will be…once his fever’s gone down.”

Judging by her troubled look, a growing sense of concern for my boyfriend began to rush over me. “Professor…? How ill is he?”

She seemed just as worried as I was when she answered my question. “Danger Mouse has caught a nasty bout of the flu. If he had any pigheaded ideas of running about on missions in his condition, a sudden case of pneumonia would have stopped him cold. His temperature is dangerously high at 40 degrees C. It’s a good thing he’s got a dizzy head to keep him in bed and sleep off his illness. Otherwise, he would have gotten worse.”

A warm deep feeling started to consume my chest. ‘Nezu-chan…’ “Does he know that I was brought here by Danger Moth?” I asked her quietly.

Squawkencluck shook her head. “He’s been sleeping for hours since his fever grew worse by late afternoon today. Coughing and sneezing is also clearly evident as other symptoms as he rests.” She then gave me a small smile. “Shirakage, I know you want to go see him now.”

I blushed rapidly, knowing she read me like a book. “Huh? I-I wasn’t that worried. I-“

“Oh, come on. It will be good for you to keep him company. And he’ll recover much faster if you’re there. Besides,” she leaned into my ear and kept her voice low. “Have you two even slept together yet?”

My blush darkened. “No! Professor, that’s personal!”

“You’ve received your annual flu shot at work weeks ago, haven’t you? Well, Danger Mouse can’t get one from me until he’s better.” Her soft look wilted back to concern. “Shirakage, he’s been suffering from delirious dreams whenever his fever rises in his sleep. He needs you by his side right now. So please stay over tonight.”
DM’s electronic bedroom door slid open before me. I cautiously entered the dimly lit room. Beyond his large wardrobe I could hear labored breathing coming from a bed on the opposite side of the room.

A gasping wheeze then followed as I crept closer towards the unseen person in the bed, before a horrible raspy coughing fit nearly choked his weakened throat. “P-Penfold…” DM wheezed sickly. “Are you there…?”

I came into his line of sight and saw how drained of energy he looked as he barely could lift his head up from his pillow. When his glassy amber eye fell on me, a weak smile formed on his face. “Sh-Shirakage…”

“Hi Baby,” I said softly with worry and approached his bedside. Danger Mouse was shivering under his thick covers, no doubt the flu had also given him a horrible chill. I placed my hand on his forehead and I was alarmed at how extremely warm he felt. “Oh, Honey, you’re burning up!”

He quickly turned away from me to rid himself of another deep cough. Once he was done, he sniffled thickly and faced me with an exhausted gaze. “Snfle…guhh…I’d forgotten that Penfold was visiting my mother today. But I’m so very grateful that you’ve come, Shira-San. This awful flu has made me miserable all day that I’ve found it difficult to sleep soundly alone.”

My brow furrowed over his flushed face and congested voice. “Nezu-kun, have you been taking medicine for your fever and lungs?”

“Hih…hhh-ngkt’shoo! Ikshoo!” DM sneezed a couple of times into a soaked tissue and sniffled his runny nose, which was also sporting a rather cherry red than its usual bright red color. He swallowed hard and pointed to his nightstand. A box of super soft tissues, cough syrup and a prescription of Tamiflu rested by his lamp.

“How about your appetite? Have you been keeping food down in your stomach?”

“Yes,” he croaked after another small cough. “Shira-San, I’m so cold….”

“Have you taken a shower today, or even a cool bath to bring your fever down at all?” I was feeling very concerned if DM had been taking care of himself, even with Prof. Squawkencluck looking after him while Penfold was away.

“Thi-hhhhih…this morning-Ikshoo! Tshuu! Tshuuu! Ehh! IKkSHOOO!!”

“God bless you, Nezu-Kun,” I said as his chest heaved with exhaustion again. “The Professor asked me to stay here at HQ with you for the night. Will you wait for me as I take a quick shower?”

His red watery eye widened in surprise towards my implied suggestion. “I…I bmust be hallucinating. Snf. We’ve never slept in a large bed together, let alone…” He flushed a brighter shade of red on his fevered cheeks.

“It’s alright,” I assured him kindly. “I know I’d feel terrible if I’d let you sleep alone again with a temperature that high. Just hang in there for a little while longer, and I might massage any achy place on your head and shoulders to help you relax, ok?”

A weak grin grew on his face. “Oh my. If this hallucination is fatal, don’t bring me out of it.”

I giggled. “Good thing you look cute when you think you’re getting special treatment, Nezu-Kun.” I leaned in and kissed his forehead, alarm returning to my attention as my lips felt the abnormal warmth radiating from his fur.

“Nezu, poor thing. You feel warmer every time I feel your head.”

He coughed under his layer of blankets, keeping his snout away from my face. “Snff. I’ll be fine, Shira-San. Now that you’re here, I’m feeling more content towards sleep than earlier today.” DM closed his shadowed eye and rested his head blissfully on his pillow with a peaceful smile. “I’ll try not to fall asleep as I wait for you to finish freshening up, my darling. But please, hurry ba-ahh…CHOO!!”

“Gesundheit.” I told him as he blushed from his involuntary sneeze.

“Snf. Sorry. Hihhh…hheh…hek’shhuu!! Hek’shHHUU!! Ek’SHHUUU!!!”

I gave him sweet little butterfly kisses behind his ears and head as he sniffled and blew his nose again. “Baby, if you keep sneezing like that, I’ll forget about my shower and would prefer to have you to freshen me up instead.”

Danger Mouse’s face turned scarlet and a small squirt of blood leaked out of one of his nostrils. I burst out laughing at how predictable guys could be to me.

“Oh, Good Grief,” he groaned. “Shirakage, how many times have I told you not to toy with any naughty thoughts that I might have about you with me like that? It’s so unladylike.”

I smirked despite his reprimanding embarrassment as he grabbed another tissue to clean the nosebleed from the tip of his nose. “But it turned you on anyway, right?”

“Snfle. Shirakage, shush. And please do take your shower. My stuffy nose can still smell the sensitive perfume that you’re wearing on your neck and shoulders. It’s making me sneeze more than when you phoned me this morning.” He wriggled his snout and grimaced as his breath hitched and his chest puffed out. “Heh…hihih…snf…snff…ahh…ahh…huh heh…!!”

I smiled coyly as I watched him struggle with a stubbornly trapped sneeze in his nose. “I’ll be back, Handsome.” I kissed his forehead again. As I turned my body to leave his bedside and the room, my hair brushed against his cherry red, runny nose.


“Bless you,” I called out from the hallway.
Tears ran down my face as water in the shower cleansed my white mouse body and black hair from all of the negative ions of the outside world. This wasn’t the first time that I would find myself crying over the loss of my first lifetime back in the real world while I bathed at night. But it always happened during showers, not a long soak in a nice hot bath.

Tonight I was thinking about my only younger sister from my true home. How would she take care of herself now that I had left her as her deceased older sibling? She has had Type 1 Diabetes since she was 3, an inherited trait from our grandmother on our mother’s side. I knew that she was currently engaged to a man before I had gotten killed, so she could be in good hands when that fateful day will come when our parents would finally pass on too.

Still, I couldn’t help but worry. My parents would sometimes drive her to the hospital’s ER at night when her key tones would drop too low for her to control. There were times when her condition during her time of month had gotten so bad that she would have to stay in the hospital over night with a packed set of clothes for her recovery there.

I’ve always hated her moans of discomfort whenever she would feel immense pain in her stomach and abdomen. Now, my only regret is that I had died too early to learn and memorize how I would have taken care of her if she would have ever crashed from lack of insulin intake.

Why would I worry over my little sister? Well, a male cousin whom I had grown up together with—and shared wonderful memories through 007 Goldeneye games and Mario Kart on Nintendo 64—was murdered overseas at the age of 22 back in the fall of 2009. He was a year older than me and was betrayed by his so called “friends” who set him up to lay a trap for him as they faked a call for help on his phone. They wanted his property, as he was building an apartment complex for a second home for him and his girlfriend in Mantra, Ecuador.

I still feel so upset for leaving my world…leaving everything that I had ever known and loved…and to be reborn here. My death happened so fast that something, the more I recall those last moments of my past life, didn't seem like an accident. And yet I knew the more I lingered on these emotions, the longer my sick boyfriend in his bedroom will be waiting for me.

With my body washed and my hair nicely conditioned, I wiped away the moisture from my eyes and face, then shut off the water. Once I put on my fur and skin lotion after drying my fur, I blow dried my hair as best as I could, instead of putting in my straightening foam cream as I usually let my hair dry naturally after a swift comb.

A light smile found its way onto my face as I eyed a pajama set on the hamper that DM had lent me to wear for bed tonight. It was a light, crystal iced blue nightgown that Penfold had once made him buy for me, when I had told him I’ve always loved the season of winter and sorceresses that can command the power of snow, wind and ice through their magic born fingertips. (To be fair, I wasn’t a big fan of the musical part of the hit Walt Disney movie, “Frozen”. But I still loved Snow Queens).

This wasn’t the first time that I had laid my eyes on the beautiful piece of clothing. DM and I got into a heated argument some time ago, when he caught me completing the finishing touches of my fabric painted message around the waist area of the front and back. In red paint, the front read, “I’m a sexy maiden from a frozen hell...”, and the message ended in the back concluding, “...with a picky taste in cocky guys.”

DM confiscated it as soon as the paint dried and before I could iron the inside out side of the shirt’s painted letters. I got even with him the next morning by flushing the toilet while he was still taking a shower. ?Heh heh heh. Every time I remember how loud he was yelling from the scalding hot water that I inflicted upon him, I can’t help but laugh again.

Now, that I’m seeing this gown again since Nezu-chan had last confiscated it from me, I noticed that someone had taken the liberty of ironing the fabric painted areas on the shirt’s inside out areas while I had moved out of the Danger Flat a week ago. Maybe my boyfriend has now forgiven me for embellishing my cute, innocent deviousness art style onto the Queen Elsa cosplay nightgown.

After I had put on the beautiful long awaited gown, I reluctantly headed back to DM’s bedroom. This will be my first time sleeping in a bed with him. I know I’d assured him earlier that I wouldn’t have minded sleeping next to him, as long as it would help benefit his health better. But the truth was...I was actually nervous. His white mouse fur touching my own. Oh, God. Maybe I’m the perv, not him.

Unfortunately, I’d already found myself outside his bedroom door. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and entered. ‘I can do this,’ I told myself.

As I made my way over to DM’s bed, I found him sitting up and coughing harshly with another tissue pressed against his mouth. Oh, my poor, manly mouse. Seeing him in a woozy daze, I proceeded in settling into the empty space next to his right.

He immediately caught onto my movements and nearly yelped out in surprise. “Sh-Shirakage Mouse! Do give a gentleman a bit of a warning when...when...when...ha-Ahh-IikshhHUU!!”

“Gesundheit, Handsome,” I giggled cutely as his sudden sneeze added more redness to his embarrassed cheeks. “Sorry if my boldness startled you while your head is all fuzzy with fever. Would you like that head massage that I promised you earlier?”

DM’s face went beet red, but I didn’t miss that goofy, impulsive grin forming on his face. “Ohhhh~” he moaned playfully. “I think I’m going to faint.” He collapsed his head back down onto his pillow.
“Mmmm. Ohhh~~” Danger Mouse moaned seductively as my gentle and firm fingertips relieved the aching muscles and pressure points around his skull. “Shirakage, my Dear...this feels so lovely....”

I laughed lightly. “I’m very pleased that you’re enjoying my treatment for your throbbing headache, Nezu-chan. You almost look like you’re about to fall asleep.”

“Mmhmm.” He hummed hypnotically. “I could get used to this a lot.” He then yawned loudly. “Oh, my Gosh. I do believe I am feeling a bit sleepy, indeed.”

“So soon?” I asked him teasingly. “But I haven’t gotten to your shoulders yet, Baby.”

“No matter, Love,” he responded and yawned again. “Why don’t we fall asleep together?” He sniffed, then narrowed his glassy, amber eye at me. “A little birdie told me your boss gave you a fortnight holiday today, which starts next Monday.”

My eyes widened. I haven’t told him that yet. Who could have-oh. I glared up at the damaged fourth wall, receiving the silent treatment from the narrator. “Traitor,” I muttered.

“Adult with the mind of an adolescent.”

“Pay him no mind,” DM assured me kindly. “You would have told me about your news eventually. If I wasn’t so sick...snf!...we could have gone on holiday to Naples.” He lifted his head from my lap and repositioned himself to lie back down on his side of the bed.

I pouted quietly to myself, thinking about how to respond towards his disappointment. Should I partially lie to him with a memory from my past human life? Nezu-kun wouldn’t usually want to fall asleep unless I’m smiling at him in bed.

Before I had a chance to speak, DM leaned far to the left side of the bed.

“Ah...huhngtshh! HuhhNTSHHew!”

“Bless you,” I said. But poor Nezu-chan wasn’t finished.

“Haaahh...huhIHHntschhew! Hah...huh uhh...huhngtSHHeew! Snf. Oh bloody hell....”

I saw his nose run and listened to his breath begin hitching again. After several quick, stuttering breaths, I watched Nezu-kun double downwards with a huge sneeze.

“Hih! Hhhhhhhhh...huhRuhhSSHHeew!!”

“Odaijini,” I blessed him in Japanese. I grabbed more tissues from the box on the bed by our blanket covered feet. I waited for DM to straighten up before handing him the white papered Kleenexes. His breathing turned into desperate wheezes, launching him back into another fit, but with stifled sets of sneezes.


“Let it all out, Daniel,” I said soothingly to him as his stifled sneezing turned into coughing again.


(Jun 18, 2020 12:25 AM) desmondthemoonwolf:
My son watches Danger mouse.

(Sep 15, 2020 05:47 PM) aggretsukooflondon:
The reboot, right?


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.