NI. fni ihor Will taken. CASUALS TO VISIT FUME Saturday Match Against the Town enthusiasts in From and district are Itsilinta forward to the visit of The 010 arc due at Badger's Bill on March 26th. Erome'v visitors hare a eery close connect pith the Corinthians, and a large number Of phyors are members of both clubs. They r.
rut alionet entirely from the Univereities mit Piddle and at full strength are a ind nrveh for any amateur side in Eng- lan.l in The oasualdi ranks are such onbc.inding playtrw as K. C. Tewkeebury, B. (:. Jenkins and A.
11. Fabian (all English burtutieual and Glyn Davies (the Welsh ifiu mat innui). it ie probable that the lastranwd will be included in the side to visit At The CaPualo wide is rather anpertain, hut .1. it Turnbull (who haa reprewaed both the Isthmian and Southern ArreueNr bragnerr). f.
K. Kingston an Oxford 11111 1 I. M. U. Briggs (the Army Internal: und other evil known players are in to Frome.
'the team and committee, to the nmalier of about 18. will probably go on to itnopenhare en the Saturday evening in for a match with Ghippenham Towa .1, r.i4er Monday GIRL WITH SORE THROAT Bath Mistress Criticised at Frame Rural Council Tho Itsv. K. C. Jackson asked the Cluainmitt ot Froine Rural District Council on Wodnostlay if it was true that recently a girl who developed diphtheria in Bath wa, sent hark to her home at Norton St.
Philip in a public, vehicle and that the folltaring day hhe was transferred to Frame. If ii, uns correct--and he had it loin the girl's was a very wrong thing tot Bath to do. The Chairtnan (Mr. E. Knox): Was it tlotto by the authorities in Bath? Mr.
Jackson: (do not know, Dr. (odd (medical officer): The patient ra4 a mid in a boarding house in Bath. On freling ill with a sore throat she asked ee a doctor, but the mistress sent her to her home at Norton St. Philip by 'bus. WLen seen by a doctor she had developed diphtheria.
The Chairman: There was no mason why kr 4 in liath should have imagined 11114 girl had an infectious disease. Mr. Jackson: The girl was refused her apphiation see 11 doctor. Chairman: I suppose the mistress lliih the best place for her was at home. Siws: And to get her out of the FROME MOTOR CLUB Presentation of Cups and Medals menAcrs of the Motor Cyt le 'Club and triends were present at a concert at the Ship Ina, 'thurztiuy la.t week.
'I um presented as Cup Mr. Lea Tuck. L'wL. Cup: Mt. N.
Bradley. Tlitnuas, N. Bradley, and E. 1. H.
Thomas (hon. sevretary) log Night A Frame aither of those notio forth Coming social frequently come from This time it is one of the Puts of the indance of the Promo Operatic itiemls at Promo are by no novices at organising ud other social athenngs, fir 4 of which Bathontans drive tomerous parties. The Op dance thi ear i on April t. it (lees not begin until 8) the time when "Aprtl 1 I of no avail. CONTEMPT OF COURT JUDGE IMPOSES FINE ON FROME MAN BROKEN PROMISE A fine of £1 for contempt of Court was imposed by Judge Gwynne James at Bath County Court, on Charles Tucker, Felthatn, Frome, on Thursday.
Mr. Percy Ames, said that at the Fromo Court on Tuesday week he undertook that wages to the amount of £lO should be paid forthwith to Ernest Fox, and that arrangement was confirmed by Tucker. Ho (Mr Ames) had advanced the money. Tucker had not sent on the £lO, and now wanted to raise the question of a cottage. The Judge: That is not an issue in the ease.
I ran only commit him for contempt of Court. Fox is a poor man, and must have his money. It was admitted before me that the money was due, and counsel gave the undertaking to pay forthwith. I afterwards adjourned the case. Suppose I fine him £5, to be paid within a fortnight, with the alternative of eight days, the fine to be reduced to £3 if £lO is paid within one week? ONLY WAY.
Mr. Ames: I think that will be the only way we shall get it. The Judge: If not paid I shall fine him again. Mr. W.
Y. Long, who happened to be in Court, said counsel was taking the case, and he (Mr. Long) was not present. He did not know that the undertaking was given, or he would have complied with it. Perhaps it would be better to consent to judgment for £lO, and he would see that it was paid.
The Judge: No. After further discussion the Judge said be should fine Tucker Cl for not paying the £lO. Mr. Long: Then I will undertake to pay it. The Judge ordered the fine to be paid in a week, and intimated that if it were not paid, Tucker would be committed.
FROME RURAL ESTIMATES No Call for District Rate For the Last Three Years For three years the Frome Rural District Council has not called upon the ratepayers in thoir district to pay a penny in rates for the Council's use, except in cases where a special rate has been levied in certain parishes for water supply and the sewerage schemes." This statement was made by Mr. W. B. Kent (clerk) to the Council on Wednesday, when it was decided that the rate for the ensuing year should be 7s. 7d.
in the 2. It was explained that the County Council required a rate of is. 6d. in the and that the other Id. was owing to certain re-adjustments in connection with gran k.
The estimated expenditure £6,683 aad the estimated income £3,759. The available balance on March 31st, 1932 would be £6,498 which included £5,0000 (invested). The Chairman (Mr. E. Knox) said everything possible was being done to effect a saving, particularly in connection with assessment matters.
The estimates were approved. BILLIARDS Mr. L. Webb Becomes Champion of Frome Mr. L.
Webb won the Billiards Championship of rrome on Monday evening, when he defeated Mr, U. Cordon, J.P., at the Conservative Club It was a slow match but by consistent Webb establiebed an half-time bond of 250 to 141. The Anal score was: Webb. 500. Gordon 382.
The highest breaks were: L. Webb 29, 27 and 22. and Gordon 38. 24 and 21 (teloe). Mr.
G. Runner wee the referee Both finalists are members of the Literary Institute. FROME HOSPITAL SCHEME A public, meeting was held in the Neils Women's Institute on Tuesday evening when members of the Frome Victoria Hospital Workers Scheme Oommittee attended and explained the scheme and its benefits. of all that is New and Fashionable, both in Outer and Underwear, specially suitable for Easter, and Furniture, too, at prices which defy competition. See this show and walk rould our Stores, you will not be pressed to buy.
Wonderful Offer of Figured Art Silitl Dresses in Women's O.S. and Ex. O.S. All ut Ladles' Flock Tweed Coats. Lined throughout.
With Belt. Lengths 44 and 46 inches. Outsize Nary and Black Smart Triestine Coats Ti. New Cavalry Coat with large revers and Buttons in Emerald, Rust, etc. Smart Cloth Coats in lied, with Black Facing Led The New Fleck Drosses with long sleeves, in Red, Orange, dy 1 1 Rust, etc, Ladles' Art Silk Jumper Blouses, long sleeves 2 Large Assortment in all new shades and styles, from to The Newest in Tweed Dregs Skirts.
All sizes front Child's Spring Coats in Coloured Cloths Tweeds front We have a Wonderful Selection of Child's Wear at prices to suit all. Ladies' Fabric Gloves, Elastic Wrist, Fancy Cuffs Ladles' Fine Quality Gloves in the New Green, etc. Ladies' Kid Gloves in Black and White Red and Black, JI 11i Fancy Tweeds, all new patterns and colours. 36 inch. Yard Special Offer All Wool Fleck Hopsack.
All Shades and Black. 36 inch. Yard 3-Nece Resins Suites. Well Made and 5 9 3-Piece Suites, with l'apestry Seat and Centro Panel. en.
Dark Oak Sideboards with Frameless Mirror AAP Dark Oak Dining Chairs with itexitio 4 Lovely Bedroom Suites, Triple Mirrors, Latest Style. Juts Velvet Rugs, 61t. 3ft. WHAT YOU SAVE "voguoigneu Art Silk. All the leading shades.
36 i Yard Special Line in Figured Art 1010. Silk. Lovely shades. Yard 1 The New Haircord Dainty Designs and Colours. Yard "Ewanlay" Taffetta.
Hundreds 1 of Shades, plain and figured. Yard HOUSEHOLD BARGAINS Safety Matches per doz. 6r Rivlints Flour Polish Largo Tin, now only Large Tablets Toilet Soap 2r Fairy Olive Oil Soap, 20. Extra Large Crepe Paper CiD. Toilet Rolls.
2 for "UM" Scouring Powder 'O. Large Tin 1.1 Bolsters, gm, Ladies Looknit Art Silk 1 Knickers. All shades If Lace Trimmed Coloured Lawn 1 Knickers. Full Size Ladles' Art. Silk Princess Potts.
Lovely colours Stiller Quality Fine Mere. Poplin Princess trimmed lace 1 and motif Pink Sports Corsets 4 I Underbelt Corselottas Pink Brassieres 611). Outsize Rib Chem. Vosts, with Ladies' Real Interlock Vests. 1211).
Worth 0 Ladies' Overalls, all patterns and styles. Women's and O.S. Rubber Aprons Ladies' Art Silk Hose. All Colours. Special Line.
Pair Ladles Full Length perfect Art 910. Silk Hose. Pair Girls' All Wool Jumpers, with 1 Collar, all sizes and colours Men's Tunic Shirts with 2 Collars to Men's Striped Oxford Shirts Ifardwearing, all sizes Painters' Aprons and Jackets, Grocers' Aprons and All Men's Working Overalls at Bargain Primes. Antique Capper Finish Box Seat Curbs Fire Screens to Inaki Companion Sets from Hardegaring Floorclothe, sq. yd.
ik Congoleum, all new patterns, q. yd. Strong Coco Rugs, from Strong COCO Matting, 36111 'Phone 4896 .11 rtft I i -lIPP--- SOMERSET GUARDIAN. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932. 3 1 A i Frome News EASTER EGG ivLIN 9 i I I 0.
SUPERSTITIONS All sorts of superstitions are tANABLE SCHEME" nected with eggs on an Eastern morn. A white egg, whether real or c0n- artificial, means that luck will come 1 Baker Amalgamation in some direction. Should an SPECIAL EASTER SHOWS i unmarried person receive an egg with Parishes a double yolk, he or she will be i married before twenty-one. Should a married person cat a double yolked of all that is New and Fashionable, both in Outer and Underwear, specially suitable for Easter, and Furniture, Ohl 1., a disagreement egg on Easter morn, he or she will of Ileaith and the receive money from an unexpected too, at prices which defy competition. See this show and walk rould our Stores, you will not be pressed to buy.
smell over the ques- quarter. Wonderful Offer of Figured Art Silk "Vogusaline" Art Silk. All i Ladies' Looknit Art Silk 1 'mation of certain A red egg is regarded as a token of Dresses iu Women's O.S. and the leading shades. 36 i 12 Knickers.
All shades county at a meet- love. Should it have a large ribbon Ex. 0.5.A1l ut Yard 1 1 District Council tied round the receiver will have Lace Trimmed Coloured Lawn 1 very pleasant surprisc during the next Ladles' Fleck Tweed Coats. Lined Special Line in Figured Art 1 011). Knickers.
Full Size few days. throughout. With Belt. Lovely shades. Yard 1 Council in a Chocolate eggs are considered lucky.
Lengths 44 and 46 inches. Ladies' Art. Silk Princess tie compuleory If the eggs are wrapped in silver The New Haircord Fabric. D. Potts.
Lovely colours Outsize Nary and Black Dainty Designs and Colours. ishes against paper the receiver will come into a Super Quality Fine Mere. Poplin Smart Tricotine Coats considerable sum of money before next Tie NOW Cavalry Coat with large revers "Essaniay" Taffetta. HundYredards 1 x) pointed Easter Day provided the silver ed lace 'th would wrapping is not thrown away. and Buttons in Emerald, of Shades, plain and figured.
Yard Rust, etc. some that with Black Facine Icier- CONTEMPT OF The New Fleck Dresses with long sleeves, in Red, Orange, 1 Safety Matches 1 D. per doz. 132 Pink Brassieres 6ID. Rivlin's Floor Polish i in Rust, etc.
14 Outsize Rib Chem. Vosts, with COURT Ladles, Art Silk Jumper Largo Tin, now only Large Tablets Toilet Soap 21. D. sleeves Blouses, long sleeves 2 Ladies' Real Interlock Vests. fitiD.
1 Large Assortment in all new shades Fairy Olive Oil Soap, 20. Worth JUDGE IMPOSES FINE ON and styles, from to Ladies' Overalls, all patterns and 'I FROME MAN The Newest in Tweed Skirts. All sizes front Extra Large Crepe Paper iD. Toilet Rolls. 2 for 0 styles.
Women and 0.5. I "UM" Scouring Powder 113. Rubber Aprons Child's Spring Coats in Large Tin Coloured Cloths Tweeds front Ladles' Art Silk Hose. All 1 BROKEN PROMISE 4 We have a Wonderful Selection of Bordered Damask Tablecloths, Colours. Special Line.
l'air Child's Wear at prices to suit all. 54 54 4.4 Ladies, Full Length perfect Art gliD. Ladies' Fabric Gloves, Elastic 1 Plain White Heavy Damask 1 silk Hose. pair i cCI for contempt of Court was Wrist, Fancy Cuffs Tablecloths, 54 x7O t.c. Judge Gwynne James at Bath 4 Girls' All Woof Jumpers, with 1 Ladles' Fine Quality NaPPa Cellar, all sizes and colours rt, on Charks Tucker, Fel- Fancy Pattern Table Squares Hum Glom in the New Green, etc.
AV 2 on Tltursday. Ladies' Kid Gloves in Black 7 Men's Tunic Shirts with 2 Frome, said that at Printed Jaspe Bedspreads 1 Collars 'rt on Tuesday week he and White Red and Black. to vages to the amount of Extra Heavy Large Fringed A Fancy Tweeds, all new patterns ilk Tapestry Tablecloths Ili Men's Striped Oxford Shirts id forthwith to Ernest and colours. 36 inch. Yard 1 lfardwearing, all sizes 1 Just Received! A further selection of agernent was confirmed il Mr Ames) had ad- Special Offer All Wool Fleck Hopsack.
Millinery. All Shades, Styles and Painters' Aprons and Jackets, Grocers' All Shades and Black. 1 Prices. Ladies front Child's Aprons and All Men's Working Overalls "ticker had not sent 36 inch. Yard 1 II Smart Matrons front at Bargain Primes.
ranted to raise the tan issue in the EASTER WEDDINGS To those who are. marnei this Easter and those who are 1 him for con- requirini aiditional Furniture to brighten tha ham. we are offering noor man, and some Mast Wipes. COM 3 arra look round. To all purchasers of £lO worth of Furniture Or was admitted over we are giving a Good and Useful Present.
1 as due, and 3 -Piece Resins Suites. 3ft. Oak Bedsteads complete 91 Antique Copper Finish Box 7 gto PRY Well Made and Finished. lee with spring Seat Curbs I tuned the 'be paid 3-Piece Resin. Suites, Full Size lit.
Sin. Fumed Oak Fire Screens to match with Tapestry Seat and At 8 Bedsteads, special Centro Panel. Companion Sets from cod to Mr. Dark Oak Sideboards 7 If t. elm Spiral Cone Spring with Frameless Mirror Ara 1 Mattresses.
Folding Hardwcaring Floorclothe, sq. yd. lk 1.1 Dark Oak Dining Chairs with 1 Single Size Overlays 113- liexitto Seat, I 11 Congoleum, all new patterns, Full Size Ditto yd. Lovely Bedroom Suites, C4Q 1 Triple Mirrors, Latest Feather Pillows Strong Coco Rugs, front Style. Feather Bolsters Strong Cue Matting, Jute Velvet Rugs, 6ft.
3ft. Fleck Pillows, Bolsters, yd. 13 WESTGA ff. STREET, BATH. 'Phone 4896 5 'HWICK'S PROTEST 7 ree CINEMA TAX PROTEST West of England Managers' Appeal Satisfied With Way to Chancellor 4 ell Had Met Them Poxes in Cinemas at Frome Bradford-on-Avon and several other places were represented 'sly of Puxwell, on the at a meeting of cinema managers in and Somerset, was Bristol on Tuesday: to protest against tho i I 't of a discussion at a Hole recent increase in the entertainment's 1., when Mr.
Noad, tax. sentative, said be They were menthers of the Bristol and parishioners of We hear that the other day the Bad- West of England branch of the Cinemato- against the minton Hunt set to work to dig out graph Exhibitors' Association of Great 7tion of public a fox from among rocks, and to Britain and Ireland. sstbury Council their astonishment discovered three The following resolution was passed 'rome R.D.C. foxes in the hole. One was a dog fox, That this meeting of members of the trding such another a vixen in young, Bristol and West of England branch of the C.E.A.
lames the Chancellor of the previously third was dead, having apparently Exchequer to remove the entertain- mid were upon it as they retreated. The vixen he view- been suffocated by the others pressing silents tax from all prices up to and Mr. was boxed up, to be sent to a part including Gd. in view of sf the of the country where foxes are (1) The serious diminution in attend, scarce. The dog fox was given law, arises at cinemas which, if continued, 047 and made its escape.
The dead one would ultimately have the effect of C. was thrown to the hounds, one of closing many of them through losses. '4 which took possession of the mask, (2) The hardships the tax has caused and carried it proudly for a couple of upon the poorer sections of tho coin- lit munity who have also been affected by miles. "economy" cuts, and the necessity for providing them with the cheapest 1 entertainment, especially SKITTLES under the present conditions of 'I 11 unemployment. tltitry Labour Club defeated Messrs.
a i and Tanner's at skittles on thin Hey, Emilie, on Saturday by 299 BATH MARKET i Another Fall In the Price of Eggs 4DIES' GOLF Egg prices dropped again at the Bath Market on Wednesday. The bottom price was 90. per doz. and the top Is. i Beaten by Burnham Messrs.
Tilley and Culverwell had 317 Imm on Monday. sheep and 122 pigs, and all were cleared. Lansdown. Cows and calves to £25 calves to Mrs. E.
B. nawtell 0 £7 heifers and calves to £2l 1 Mrs. Benson £25 15s Mrs. Gibbons (5 Togs to ewes to 48.5. ewes and and 3) 're C.
It. Bawtell 0 T. Ling ko porers to beeon to slips 00 Cl. Cooke lame 4TH BATT. SOMERSET LL 1 Battalion Orders by Males G.
W. It. Bishop, T.D.. Commanding. Strength of the Battalion March Bth, 428; 1 March 15th.
431. Reentits: Pte'. N. White, 0 Om N. J.
York, XO, and H. Gerrish. H.Q. Be-engagements: Ptes. E.
Harrison, B. A. .7. Clark, B. G.
Williams, A. Appointments: Pte. P. Ohannon, 0.. paid lance-corporal; Pte.
P. Brooks, 0, paid lances corporal (Bd) C. J. P. DORMAN Lieut.
13 WESTGA H. STREET, BATH. SOUTH WICK'S PROTEST Frome R.D.C. Satisfied With Way Mr. Fussell Had Met Them The water supply of Piixwell, on the border of Wilts and Somerset, was recently the subject of a discussion at the Westbury R.D.C., when Mr.
Noad, the Southwick representative, said he was instructed by the parishioners of Southwick to protest against the possibility of any obstruction of public rights and asking tho Westbury Council to co-operate with tho Frome R.D.C. with a view to safeguarding such rights. The R.D.C. had previously discussed the situation from the viewpoint of the residents of Rode, and were satisfied with the manner in which Mr. P.
J. Fussell, who is the owner of the Puxwell site, had met them. When a letter from the Westbury R.D.C. was read at the Frome R.D.C. on Wednesday, Mr.
W. B. Kent (Clerk) said he had sent the following letter to Mr. the public-spirited manner you met mo over this matter, I was extremely sorry to read about the Southwick Parish Council nnd the Westbury R.D. Council.
I still think we shall have no difficulty in coming to an agreement over this matter." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES "Substance" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text was front Hebrews 11, 1. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Among the citations comprising the Lesson-Sermon was the following, also from the Bible: "They that trust in the Lord shah be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abidcth for ever" (Psalms 125, 1.) The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science text book: "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy; "Substance is that which is eternal and incapable of discord and decay. Truth, Life, and Love are substance, as the Scriptures use this word in Hebrews: 'The substance of hoped for, the evidence of things not Spirit, the synonym of Mind, Soul, or God, is the only real substance" (p. 468).
Three Poxes in a Hole We hear that the other day the Badminton Hunt set to work to dig out a fox from among rocks, and to their astonishment discovered three foxes in the hole. One was a dog fox, another a vixen in young, and the third was dead, having apparently been suffocated by the others pressing upon it as they retreated. The vixen was boxed up, to be sent to a part of the country where foxes are scarce. The dog fox was given law, and made its escape. The dead one was thrown to the hounds, one of which took possession of the mask, and carried it proudly for a couple of miles.
CINEMA TAX PROTEST West of England Managers' Appeal to Chancellor Cinemas at Bradford-on-Aron and several other places were represented at a meeting of cinema managers in Bristol on Tuesday to protest against tho recent increase in tho entertainment's tax. They were members of the Bri.itol and West of England branch of the Cinematograph Exhibitors' itsoeiatiou of Great Britain and Ireland. The following resolution was passed unanimously That this meeting of members of the Bristol and West of England branch of the C.E.A. urges the Chancellor of the Exchequer to remove the entertainments tax from all prices up to and including Gd. in view of (1) The serious diminution in attend, artees at cinemas which, if continued, would ultimately have the effect of closing many of them through losses.
(2) The hardships the tax has caused upon the poorer sections of tho community who have also been affected by "economy" cuts, and the necessity for providing them with the cheapest entertainment, especially under the present conditions of unemployment. BATH MARKET Another Fall in the Price of Eggs Egg prices dropped again at tho Bath Market on Wednesday. The bottom price was 90. per doz. and the top Is.
Messrs. Tilley and Culverivell had 317 sheep and 122 pigs, and all were cleared. Cows and calves to £25 calves to £7 heifers and calves to £2l barrencrs to £l3 cows in milk to £25 15s Tegs to ewes to ewes and lambs to 575. sow and eight, £7 17s. porkers to beeon to slips Oel Cl.
4TH BATT. SOMERSET LL Battalion Orders by Major G. W. R. Bishop, T.D..
Commanding. Strength of the Battalion lfsrch Bth, 428; March 15th. 431. Reernits: Ptes. N.
White, 0 My, N. J. York, 0, and 11. Gerrich, lI.Q. 80-engagements: Ptes.
E. Harrison, B. A. J. Clark, B.
0. William, A. Appointmenti: Pte. P. Ohannon, 0.
paid lance-corporal; Pte. P. Brooks, 0, paid lance. corporal (Sd) C. J.
P. DORILAN. Lieut. Acting-MUMMA. LFrome News a SCHEME" Fos.
F. V. Baker Amalgamation of Parishes a to a disagreement Ministry of Health and the County Council over the tines, the unalgamation of certain in the county at a meet- Rural District Council Wed esd av. Citud floral Di.striet Council in a cr, platc-ted against the compulsory of certain parishes against et thc p. Jr.t E.
Knox) pointed tiff Ministry of Health would 4 the proposals of the Somerset Couthiil unless th re wee so me of parishes, and for that the County Coune4 was -a these amalgamations. Ver. R. W. Baker said that in the County Council boa been "get at" by the What had happened to the iginal opposition by the parishes? Re if it would strengthen their 1,.
,1.: in still opposing the abominable of putting small parishes together supported the Chard R.D.C.P lc. Cietk suggested that if the to uppe.e any amalgamations should do to after the scheme bad with the Ministry of He was afraid it was too late in the day to refer it beck to the Contwil. EASTER EGG SUPERSTITIONS All sorts of superstitions are connected with eggs on an Eastern morn. A white egg, whether real or artificial, means that luck will come in some direction. Should an unmarried person receive an egg with a double yolk, he or she will be married before twenty-one.
Should a married person eat double yolked egg on Easter morn, he or she will receive money from an unexpected quarter. A red egg is regarded as a token of love. Should it have a large ribbon tied round the receiver will have very pleasant surprise during the next few days. Chocolate eggs are considered lucky. If the eggs are wrapped in silver paper the receiver will come into a considerable sum of money before next Easter Day provided the silver wrapping is not thrown away.
'S STORES SPECIAL EASTER SHOW Bordered Damask Tablecloths, Plain White Heavy Damask 1 Tablecloths, 54 Fancy Pattern Table Squares 1 111 0. AV 2 Printed Jaspe Bedspreads Extra Heavy Fringed Tapestry Tablecloths Just Received! A further selection of Millinery. All Shades, Styles and Prices. Ladies from Child's Smart Matrons front EASTER WED DINGS To hos: are gaffing martial this Easter and than who are requirini aiditional Furniture to brightea tha ham. we are offering some Most Remarkalgo Values.
Conn ani leak rouad. To all pumNasen of £lO worth of Furniture Or ow we aro giving a Good and Useful Present. 3ft. Oak Bedsteads complete with spring Full lit. Sin.
Fumed Oak Bedsteads, special Mt. OK Spiral Cone Spring Mattresses. Folding Single Size Overlays Full Size Ditto Feather Pillows Feather Bolsters Fleck Pillows, SKITTLES Westbury Labour Club defeated Messrs. Butler and Tanner's at skittles on tlio Globe alley, Fronie, on Saturday by 299 to 285. 4 LADIES' GOLF Lansdown Beaten by Burnham Played at Burnham on Monday.
Burnham. Laws'own. Mrs. Skrimshire 12 Mrs. E.
B. Bunten 0 and 1) Mrs. Trogelles ct Mrs. Benson and 1) Mrs. Willmott Mrs.
Gibbons (5 and 3) Miss Hart (5 3) 1 Mrs C. 11. Bawtelt Miss E. Davis Mrs. T.
Ling 0 and 2) 1 Yrs. Brogtleu (5 Mrs. Cooke and 3) Miss Berry (8 A 6) 1. Mrs. Game 6 1 DIANA FISH WICK JOINS THE RAO lit Cbrostitk 1 THE SOMERSET GUARDIAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932..