The Recorder from Greenfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Recorderi

Greenfield, Massachusetts

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1J I I 4 1 24 The Recorder Greenfield Man Thursday September 21 2000 Wanted KiKFulIJimeJK posrnoNS available TOWN OF CUMMINGTON HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Sfc have openings for high energy quality minded individuals oossessins a strong desire lo be part of (he talTkPi mam hi Ftanklin A HampRhire Counties with reputation fur excellence" BENCH ASSEMBLERS Immediate openings for full time dependable production employees for assembly on 1st shift 7 am 5:30 pm Manual dexterity helpful Complete training and benefits package Clean and comfortable work environment 1-802-258-2400 Toll Free 800439-1674 wwwrountnefordcom WE OFFER paid vacafions 6 paid holidays health insurance bonuses The Town of Cummingion is leeklng application for the full time position of Highway Superintendent' Responsible for the preparation and scheduling of all departmental work assignments oversees equipment maintenance garage operations and all winter sand salt applications prepares 1 recommendations relative to annual budget capital plan and equipment list Interested applicants MUST have a valid Massachusetts Driver's License (CDL Class 2 required) and also must or be willing to obtain a Hoisters License Must pass a pre-employment physical examination and drug test PRICE MEANS A Iff Your Trad Is Worth $1500 Please apply at Department of Employment Ar Training YOU HAVE all of the above and a desire to work 40 hours per week good driving record ability to work as a team no fear of heights positive attitude love of working outdoors home improvement background 1 Arch Place Greenfield HA SS HMD ascoar AN ill art M1! Zl Wesco Electrical Company EOE Pirate tend resume by Sept 29J000 to: THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN OF CUMMINGTON PO BOX 128 CUMMINGTON MA 01026 The Town ofCummington is an Equal Opportunity Employer Previous applicants need not appify CaM to arrvage for a confidential interview LARRY IMPROVE-A-HOME viayl lidiai stimk fuuen reptacemeal wxxtow 772-6217 maws looooi 584-3716 Hapco Auto Parts has Immediate openings for the following positions: Counter Sales Looking For A Full-Time Counter Trainees WiS-'r -v Orlvery'v fs- T-NAMW WlAni nMTOWN UMftdlAto opening or Cosmetician ---7-' I Immediate opening for an experienced cos -I 4 door stab i dual wtm low 0S392M 53988 ran TAURUS S8DAM My cqupped life and sfadabfc SS8512A 53488 DX 5iptrOAWfM uwfle Spradpna W347M 53488 SS HONDA CMC DX i Sou wry don ul FuOy equpptd gnat nde low-payment 1F3I03A ST POND Vi fcaihrr Ml pown mnmnf boards 55114 SI I 2( 3 oar if 516988 2 door Inther moomoof Huge savings 0F3941A 514988 Apply In person or metician who enjoys ments make-up treatments and fragrances to the public Hours include an evening and Saturday Excellent benefits including paid holidays vacation sick leave and employee discount general darical filing courteous end effective management of retaillmsiiieaa calls able to use calculator accurately computer experience desired GreenfieldJMA 01301 Apply in Person Personnel Office UIILSON'S Xf you want to be part of this growing dynamic company send us letter indicating your interest with resume to: la lanHag teMttol cash or trade equity 60 days 2000rniiewarranty available Excludes all previous sales'? 258 Main St Greenfield MA An Equal Opportunity Employer RETAIL STOKE PERSONNEL Professional staff needed Week-end and Holidays required CANDLEMAKERS 7 aaa- 3 pn 5 pm Monday through Friday Leader Home Centers 1 123 Bemardaton Rd 1 Greenfield MA 0 ISO Attn: Joanne WINDING ROOM OPERATOR Immediate opening for responsible full-time employees to operate- Capacitor Winding Equipment Manual dexterity electricalme-chanlcal aptitude helpful Complete training and benefits package Clean and comfortable work environment Gill-Montague Regional School District NOUllHIRINGl Positions Open Cashiers Please apply at Department of Employment Sr Training 1 AitA Place Greenfield HA Wesco Electrical Company EOE-MF 1 Technology Education Teacher Turners Falls High School Must hold Massachusetts- -certification 2 Special Education Paraprofessionals 3 Substitutes needed for teachers paraprofessionals nurses and cafeteria workers smiMMa 6 OHungcr Ml power V6 1 SMtnwOi mo S8488 Auto ac pool rtek low piymentt Of 3104 $6988 nro tmnuis mm 6 pmcnaer power 1 vflngcjr 4S3717A S4988 oriaiujiiiHu Aulo Mi powrr Mom lc cnm rporty XPJ944 SI FORD ESCOOT HDAN 5 W'tS: J'f jjjjjgjiljMi 1 1 MtnirliMo I a 52488 My mumped roemygrest nde 4 doot aulo ac ful power If 3956A PnccdtowUlMt tft 52288 97 FOMO TAURUS GL ac pwpt Alloys cfuMjevcrd to cnoosff from 59588 AN prices are with SI 500 202-JrucksR Fo7SaleH GREAT FAMLY CAR loom for Me ObfJ IMS NISSAN PATH-F1NOER 5 ipd cruoa A 72K 1 7500 (413)6254663 GREAT PLOW TRUCK 1907 34 TON 4 WO FULL SIZE TRUCK Syr old angina fiyrold trana never mad lor plowing body won't paaa Maaa Intpaction $2000624-3700 3500 PRICE REDUCTION! 1004 CHEW V-6 tongbed ar Exc cond 4x4 77600KS800QBHO Call 774-5768 19M HONDA PASSPORT LX 5-apd 41000 mdacac 4wd al power Good cond Muet aal 319000BOCaK 413-496-2247 19M TOYOTA TACOMA 34b black perfect SI 4 500 Can 665-7586 1097 BLAZER 2 dr 4x4 black vortec V-6 wide smpanaion port pkg AC cruae Ml an power 63K 1 owner excellent condition $15700 774-2232 1907 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT PACKAGE 4X4 Ext Cab Auto IN AC loaded 40000 mKee Excellent condition $16900 Cab 963-8516 or 772-4701 19M chevy S-10 4wd ahortbad pick-up 83000 mHaa Exccond $7200 CaS (976)544-7434 19M DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 PICK UP Club ebb Laramie SLT 47K AC AT ABS Excabent overal $19900 625-0062 19M TOYOTA TACOMA 4x4 EXT CAB V-6 extras include CO player bug reflector vwor rain guard A bed hner 11000 Can A24-AA02 19M Bluer 4dr 4x4 LS trim package running boards trailer hilch A 97k asking 59000 369-4837 Chavy Astro AWD 43 VS at air Spaas Bki 39600 sen $5500 (603)352-8867 1905 FORD F150 XLT 4x4 Power everything AC tow pkg 134k irxlas badkner and matching cap Clean: $10000 Can JMemldTraphy Track Raal head tumar Jet Mack CDSMtao new 35 BFG bras plenty of chroma power everything Must seal S1700Q MS-3033 altar 5:00 pm Nights Weekends Over18yrs oldpref Apply in person or call 665-2830 NEIGHBORS 242Conway SHIPPING Please send letter of interest resume and evidence of certification where applicable by October 4 2000 to: Roma Hansis Interim Superintendent Gill-Montague Regional School District 35 Crocker Avenue Turners Falls MA 01376 EOE MF send resume to: rn- AcssoriesJ itopr iii ummw ffinwifi1 19M GLASSTRON BOWRIOER 19 FT 165 HP traitar an rtf equipment low hours wry good 4M 2645 Iv 19M KAWASAKI 9M ZXI JET UklltNl ApsilAa fluJ9ll siuwitn viMr gooa exmaraon $3200(978)544-9631 19M POLARIS SLT 7M 3 PERSON WATERCRAFT Exc cond Only uaod 62 hours Comet with tong bunk traitar Cover Me vasts wet suits A many extras Lika naw Loadad $3300 Call 413-2474380 Iv 1997 BAYUNER Capri 19 135 HP Meraiulaar VO with trailer Under 300 hours Loadad wrih extras Ful canvas Excellent condition $1 1 500 firm (978)544-2870 21 2-Farm Heavy Equipment TRACTORS 2 Fold ON'S on JO 945 3 point ecrapar Made Ferguson TO930 Ford 9L 19M John Dsora 41M 4x4 20 HP 3 cyl diasaL tori bras wheat and counter weights has baiy mower A 3 point rotary mower Tractor uaad just 7 hr FarmaN Cub Ford 601 wFasco hand trip loader A charm Needs work 413-625-2778 aw tvmag 301-Business SeivicesOffered HOUSE PAINTING 5 ROOF REPAIR 773-1648 EMPLOYMENT-400 A CUSTOMER SERVICE Both part time and full time positions are available Duties include operating the mailing machine Instapak foaming machine and picking customer orders Requires a high school education and basic math skills Retail experience and computer skills would be helpful Please apply in person at: The Supply Old Mill Miilera Falls MA 01349 We are a nonsmoking company Located on Route 63 off Route 2 right at the bridge over the Millers River REPRESENTATIVES Immediate need for enthusiastic Customer Service Representatives to work in a fast paced environment Full or Part time day night andor weekend work available If opportunity to earn great money overtime pay great career move and more! 401-Help Wanted £ullJimeH AUTO BODY TECHNICIAN to join our taam with th area's ccBaicn repair tadltiy Expari-but win bain paint axparianca Flat rata or hourty baaad on axpariano Ful bsnalita Ptsaaa contact Slavan Spanear North Amharal Motors days (413) 5492680 svas (413) 5494124 axt 25 DENTAL ASSISTANTS FRONT DESK A STERILIZATION TECHNICIANS An axcatiant opportunity to bs-OMW tftombtidat aur-graiMngt( prectic Ws altar great bapafitt sVaca-'' meludtog: haatih inturanca 1 dm and a retiremant plan you are aaaking a pamianant position you wN anjoy baing part of our frianrfy a snargatic daft No axparianca nacaaaaiy writ bain tha right psopls Band us your resume today to: Ad Reply 20083 ate Tha Recorder PO Box 1307 Graanflatd MA 0130913B7 MaxieDo Emplaymeat Serviceo Inc Wred Hire Long 5 Short tbrm Twnptbmp-to-l Ida Jobs Light bxtuaoid Claiical Admitaa- 4197750290 Emati: maaampBtiirapaaxn DRIVERS WANTED Mohaa Trad Regional School Piabtct CompaMiro wagaa monthly bcntNsa retirement plan sat driving awards 4 lotiato equipment $500 SIGN ON BONUS Gail Uabanow Inc -School Transportation 535 Mohawk Trail Bhatbuma Fatia MA 525-9057 electronic ELECTRON ICMECHAN)CAL TECHNICIAN hoflaa and nudaar axparianca preferred (02)2544353 i VfcftJl quipped bUck on step ban My buck Ami 3 SSI Fudyi 512488 SHW0HMK0NUDB Fudy equppid 5 Ot-V deep red nee ifSfi 512688 STPODDMSO Auto pw pi ac cnair ipM bench cutkxn graphic PJ905 Pimm ST POBD F250 XU 4X4 Auto lonebed ac Ml pwr 7 51 -VI (SI1SIA SI CMVTS10 X1M CAS LI lC mnchmcip 4 wry fc05988 94 FOE PUS A ROSS TRUCK Longbed aulo cyl dean S3872A LJIKTFLJ nrannwA EORR TRUCK Loncbed dual tanks cyl looktith pnee ASS404I 58988 ST HOS UD UN MW Auto ac migumVA big buck 515988 1997 CHRYSLER LXI 75k- loadad 'excellent condition whits $14000 Cal 774-4728 19M CHEV ASTRO PANEL VAN loadad owner driven excal-lant cond extended warranty A 74K $11900 (413) 4995771 206-Motorcycles BMopedsH DUCAT 750s 2500 mi Titanium sxhauat Lika naw Asking $75004193694016 KAWASAKI KX 100 Hit Bike Renthal bars FMF gold fatly UFO pips powaicoro II sBancw rear lira vary fast great cond S2500BO Can 625-2075 19M YAMAHA RT 100 Tran bike brand naw $1600 firm 498-51M Days Mon-Fri 95pm A Sat 9 19M HARLEY- FXDL DYNA LOW RIDER 630 mb ahow-room cond lacad wired wheat bobtail fandw A rack wincfehiekJ A rai bar $145006092590023 ask tor Jim 1897 Hartay Davidson Wlda-GHda 5000 mass $16500 FIRM Cal 665-4056 aftto 5pm 1597 PW80 Rum great Starts tint kick Great bsginnar bike $1200 Cal 413-5494272 ask tor David 1904 HONDA CBR 600 F2 Showroom condition 8000 miles jetted pipped timing advanew KAN air filter tank bra cover bntad wmd screen kept in heated storage Asking $4500 firm Must Sad (97i)544-292i 1902 SUZUKI $00 INTRUDER wsaddto bags windshield A crash bar In mint condition low mlsagt Book Value $2745 asking 52300 367-9854 Art for Linda or Guy 1 90S YAMAHA FZ800 Looks and rum great S120IVBO Cal 4196490571 1967 HARLEY-OAVIOSON 1100 Balt drive conversion BtueSkvar Only 14k mnes $5900 (979)5444746 IMS HONDA A8PENCADE 1200CCChampagnaootor Exc cond 3333 mils $6000 Cal 419 367-2774 1M2 HONDA 500CX Vary good condition S750YBO Cal 625-9442 1976 BMW R-7S6 Pichisr Fun Faxing Kibuswbag Excellent condition A i 46k nilias haad 'tumar' $3700 A (978)544-7550 HONDA DIRTBIKE 19M XR70 xi vary good shape with aarvica records S1150Cal 774-7666 RARE FIND 1994 HARLEY DAVIDSON FXLR 6000 easy ml x-chrame gagas bag ate Original bwto aval $15500 Ban's Sunderiand 865-3344 5894107 207-T ravel railers mpers 15FT SCOTTY CAMPER Arting $1000 3390108 1979 COACHMAN raw: ful sue fridge fumaca hot water tire wheat banings brakaa AC ful bath Vaiy good shape $3700180 3394399 1963 JAMBOREE RALLY motor home As condbonod automatic transmission V4 mint cond 56995 Can Frank 7734609 19M $1' WINNEBAGO ELAN-DAN Great condition AC HeaL fndgatreezer Ytova own micro-wava A awning Sleeps 7 Storage pod on 'top 54K $21900 1987 28 FT HONEY MOTOR HOME Sisaps 4Good cond Clean Cal awe Ku are seeking a- company that offers nds on training and casual dress we have the position for you! Please apply In person at: The Renovator's Supply Renovator's Old Mill Millers Falls MA 01349 We are a non-smoking compary Located on Route 63 off Route 2 right at the bridge over the Millers River teaching and selling CLERKS 401 -Help Wanted Kfull TimeJK BUSY EXPANDING Autamotiw repair facility looking lor hardworking honsal people Auto body technician and mechanical msdtotsly Pay based on experience A production Call 774-3740 CAD OPERATOR- Rme long taim poailion Knowledge ol A a ax wmr orapn a AMCRMwion prawn red CampatiVw salary totareat sdcandidilas cal: ROM Tachnetoglaa A094S140M CASE MANAGER Futi time (3hta) for Home Care and community baaad pragrema CountyNorth to Graatar Franklin QuabMn area Requires expari- and local and governments re-aourcaa Excallanl communication tolanriawtog timo managa-mant and computar akils nscas-sary AMMy to design aanric ctisnta A care glwre and coordinals wilh othar naatihan human aarvica pretaa-lionS samnlirt Bachatori Da-grea-araiired (Social work or re-MadKtod prefsrryd)XSW aWus: Excatant bansflt package Sand maun and cover Mar to: County Homa Caro Carpi 330 Montagus City Rd Tumar Falle MA 01376 Review of re-aumaa writ begin on Octotiar 32000 and continue until position Wad AIBnwaSw ActtonEqual Opportunity Empiayar Connscting Activities Coordiristof Position baaed at to Franklin Hampshire Career Cantor Ona Arch Place Graankakl Raapotv SMa tar asatsting Frantdto County achoota and amptoyare develop enhance and auatoto intanv teaming p(am tor youth Sub-Rantial amount cl time wM ba waking wtih stodanto counselors teachers school actoVnixtre-tore and amptoyare Mcfmon MpN VOnl Hcraur coitgR Cxpsritnot wortdnfl wtih youtix achool ayatoma and buainaaa oqmmsiily SubatantiS raiaiad axpariano may aub-Situtod tor up to two yaare ot to wuCBOH raquranwra raww Provide raeume and cover iatia to: Arthur Schwangsr FranUin Hamprtba Regional Employment Board On Arch Place Qrean-tiatd MA 01301 Considsraaon at applicanis wB begin aha Sap-tomba 28 and ssntinua until tiia position is tiled FHGC is an AAEB) organization 1M4 JEEP CHEROKEE 44 9 cyl automatic 'air mof rad 4 extra lima with studded snows Bius 87000 mites $7500 Cal 367-9615 19M CHEW BLAZER 2 dr 4 wd 167000 mHaa New factory motor w58000 mite Exc cond $3500 Cal 413-3394315 IBM F250 EXT CAB 4x4 Clean loadad mm great S6500BO Cd 6490569 IBM TOY CfT A 4X4 12SK S4000BO Cal 648-9923 IBM FORD BRONCO 4 wd auto pa pb 5 v6 150000 mHaa S3000BRO Cal 367-2492 IBM FOR DR ANGER 4X4 Aknost al naw parts angina totally rebut lau than 10K $35(XVBO Cal 7734459 ask lor Glenn in aarvica 19M GMC 1 TON 4WD dump body diesal 9 foot plow A naw tires SB25QBRO 775-0176 1907 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 97K sXvar dean Trader hitch good tiros $9000 Can 81 1 863-29M after 6pm 19M Ford Broneo XLT 4x4 Loaded auto new tram A rebuild front and Rum great 52500 339-4385 19M NISSAN KING CAB 4X4 $2400 Can 3398518 1803 F250 4X4 8 II filher plow 2 sell tires too many new parts to list S225WBO 773-5252 altar JEEP GRAND WAGONEER 4x4 automatic 6 passenger leather loaded 103000 miiss $5225 413-323-9346 USAVE AUTO RENTAL Cars 7 A 15 Passenger Vara Cargo Vara and Trucks Special Weekend Rates Amherst 413-549-RENT 205-VansJB BforSatefl SUM 1984 FORD VAN 6 pass Mack original paint 6 cyl 170 cu xv standant 55k ongiml mHaa Bean garaged Baal Offer (978)644-3963 19M VW Vanagon GL metallic brown baiga ntenor vary low rnilat aorioualy maxitainad Naw angxia brake bra bntad window' auto A AC $4996 thru 9122 Pager 4192990535 19M GMC SAFARI VAN abto AC cruis AMFM Cass good condition Naw brake A (603)2390571 after 1993 Dodge Conversion Van PS: AC an the toys 86000 miles $7000 Can 773-8683 1993 GMC SAFARI SLX 7 paaa AWD extend body 2 Iona Mu vary dean A dapanttaMa S67M 3394768 1994 Chrysler Town A country AII1 QAM a fvnu wk notRini cononon loadad leather grawnfwood $1 lOOOTEan 6692966 abr 6pm 1994 Dodge Caravan V-6 33 air loadad 2 air bags Esc cond 131K nxlas $3995 7797699 19M Podge Ram Cenvwralon Van Good condbon 82k 775080 (413)7796294 ISM DODGE CARAVAN Gromi 11 9k nxlas 2 air bags AMFM staraocasaatta No dents no scratches Very good condbon Must Sf $3700 Cal 8692365 1895 PONTIAC TRANSPORT VAN 51K good cond power Wider buiH-in child seat ac cnasa S7995 Cal 774-4553 'faHt iiiWh'w a 1 11 i Campers 1987 WNNE TOYOTA AC Overdrive Micrawaw naw Carpal axe cond $9000 Cal 4197724690 1993 JAYCO 30' TRAILER Dual axli AC heat stow refrigerator freezer Sleep Excellent condition Asking $10000 Cal625-26M Wanted to Buy '85-95 23 -35' MH Mint ba traval ready Immsd cash buyer (603)352-0651 fc 209-Snowmobiles 19M POLARIS XCRSP SOO studdad track hand A thumb wannare A cover Excallant condition uaad only 2 aaaaona Asking $3500 Cai Dan 197 POLARIS 440 SPORT nica condidon skidded hot ride rear auapanaion upgrade to axtra 12 Vaiy comforlabfa ride rum great $3000 days 7790044 3694975 ava POLARIS SNOWMOBILE 19MXCF440SP S3600BO Low miiea axe cond extras Cal 6244159 POLARIS SNOWMOBILE 19MXC5M 84200BO Low miiss axe cond axtra Ca 6244159 210-Recreational feKKVehicles'rai Wanted 199945 4 whaafar Prefer 4WDswM eonaidsr an Immad cash buyer (603)352-331 1 14' STARCRAFT Akjmkxim boat traitar A 20hp Johnson motor S1500BX) (978)5754304 10 Foal Gainini I 40HP SuzukT motor and trariar Low low hour $2950 (413)7794733 FT FISHING BOAT 80 HP Mareuiy engine Includes trailer Needi aom work S70IVBO Can $254005 1712' BAJA BOAT motor is Mown Beat oflar loss 19- BAYUNER CUOOY CABIN ariOi extras S49001BO (976)5790304 1906 HARO TOP 21' BAYUNER Volvo t0 1996 99hp Yamaha 4-ttraka No salt uaa Pari tor Ratl ing A ptaaiura IncL 2 Eagta Rah -j Cannon Rndare VHF radio 2 else downtriggare CO Loren A rt new ini Arting S125M Can aftsr 5 pm (971)24941 06 1985 JEEP GRAND CHERO- LAREDO Black- RtlOXl mria kjy tau)ef new Ursa A brakes Asking $12000 Can 413-507-6278 Isava massage SALES PERSON FMllTlflM Outgoing ft friendly FAINT ft RETAIL Excellent benefits competitive wages Apply at Carr Hardware 22 Wells St Olid if phono colls plooao -WARMNQ- nsadere are advlaad that on oo-caaion ads run in our puMIcaOon tat may required an Initial fev vaalmanL Example: Work at home ads or ads offering Wor-maHon on Jobs government homa pr-uahlet A a ml ay to roresri twee ids: however yrgs you to investigate to company's efiima tooroughly before landing any money and pro-oaadal your own rirt ADVOCATEPEER COUNSELOR Slavras Cantor tor Indapenitoni living saaks wKocalapaar counselor Candidal must ba sail (tartar wtih good communication Bon and ba wIBng to travel local ly Jargaly in FranMkL -County Paopts wito dtiabitiaa are an-couregad to apply Excellent aal-ary and bansMa Ptsaaa sand re-auma A cover taltor by Sapt 29 2000 or unB poaition is Had to: AOn: Advocrt Search Commutes Slavroa CtL 601 South Eaat St AmhoreL MA 01002 AAEOE AUTO BODY TECHNICIANS Emarisncs pratonad Compati tiv pay haatih inauranca 401 retiremant Apply to pareon: CaNtiana Aulo Body 32 Damon Rd Northampton AUTO PAINT PREP PERSON: are looking to hire and bain a pareon to become a tint daw paintor Prep patoL data! -prsfanadMi wB bakf aomaon with a pertiva attitude and quati-ty worii habits Hourty to SUVhr bonus basad on exp Cal Slaw (413)54940001 1886 JEEP WRANGLER 5 ipd 63K never taken alt road hard top 4 dr soft lop piecas new dutch good brat $7500 499 5911 1995 JEEP WRANGLER good oondihon 61K 4x4 ioft top A standard $8000 137-53M 401-Help Wanted PfulIJimeJK aiwt CAR 1 WASHER WB train 5700lv Ful lima with madical luwaBk wuiu 1ma Dtnonra vtcNon rin ww houre also availabia Must havs valid drivaTs (can Ptsaaa cal Slava Spanear North Amharal Motors (413) 5494880 Auto Parts Delivery Driver Part lima local area Good opportunity tor retired individual or others Excotiont amptoyao dfs-count Apply today to CONSUMER AUTO PARTS 63 French King Highway Gfid CASHIERS -Busy location" 1 is looking for people for the morning and overnight shifts Flex hours Must be friendly and work well with other people We offer competitive payTdentatr medical insurance paid vacation and holidays and1 other benefits Apply at: Turners allsBP 1323rdSL Turners Falls EOE IMS NISSAN PATHFINDER rrFu-77DOO jTvtaaiauto tower-' wkv dbw A door locks pa ac' vary dean $10500 CaS 663-MI 4 -1- 1884 GMC HALF TON 4X4 SLE plus Z7-1 Package Auto ac Mt ddh rX badbnar wpdpl tfanar hitch $11500 Cal 339-4948 1993 ORO F150 6 cyl 5-pd 4 wd 117k nxlas Inspsctsd Aug $5300 Cal 413-665-0438 1902 CHEW BLAZER 1 4X4 Needs gas lank $150080 Cal 4134591309 1992 CHEW 910 extended cab 4x4 4 3L auto loaded 1 12K 20 nxlas par gaiion Asking $5795296-0311 -19M TOYOTA-- 4RUNNER 127000 mdas Wh4a with grey manor' 4 cyl auto 4 dr body A axcalant No mat Rum A -dnvas excellent Needs noOxng You wont find a batter tour runner lor tha money $8700 776-4574 ANDtAMOl iccspUng appicttoni lor DISHWASHERS AND COOKS Apply in parson weekday between 2 pm A 4 pm art lor Chef Bd A1 mt edeu ir aowmocn 110hp Johnson 1994 Shore-lander trariar Low houre nka naw 4999662 1 1 I i.

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The Recorder from Greenfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Last Updated:

Views: 6648

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.