14 THE YORK DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1970 -x- LENTEN RITES SET ZION VIEW The Rev. John Kugle announce Lenten services to be held at Quickels Lutheran Church at 7:45 p.m. today. today. The confirmation class will meet Sat at 10 a.
m. FIRST CENSUS IN 1790 WASHINGTON In 1790, when the first U.S. census was completed, the population was 3.92 million. By the year 2000, the population is expected to in crease from the present 200 million to 300 to 340 million. WELLSVILLE CHARGE SERVICES ANNOUNCED WELLSVILLE Wellsville United Methodist Charge services were announced by the Rev.
John E. Lehr, pastor. Mount Royal Church will have worship at 9 a.m. and Sunday school at 9:45 a.m.; Grace church will hold Sunday school at 9 a.m. and worship at 10 a.m., and Red Mount congregation will have Sunday school at 10 a.m.
and worship at 11 a.m. RUMMAGE SALE SLATED MOUNT ROYAL Mount Royal Society of Farm Women Group 27 will sponsor a rummage sale Friday and Saturday at the Odd Fellows Hall, King and George Streets, York. The sale will begin at 5 p.m. Friday and at 8 a.m. on Saturday.
Mrs. Ralph Goodwin is in charge of the project. New postal service computers will help speed the dalivery of mail bearing zip codes, but unzipped letters may suffer considerable delav. 1 i.uuvwwmii'iu i THREE PERSONS INJURED IN CHIQUES HILL CRASH COLUMBIA William Harry, 22, of 246 North Second Street, and Wilmer Doll, 17, Lancaster, are patients in St Josephs Hospital, Lancaster, with injuries suffered, West Hempfield Township police reported, when a car, driven by Harry, crashed in the Chiques Hill cut along Route 441 Saturday. A third person, Martin L.
Swayne, 19, Lancaster, was discharged after treatment at Columbia Hospital. Police said the trio was en route to Columbia when the car skidded and struck an embankment north of here. Borough police reported Samuel K. Columbia RD 1, faces a charge of failing to leave his identity at the scene of a crash the result of his auto striking the car of Charles R. Rhinehart and parked in front of the latters home, 734 Locust Sunday.
Damage was placed at about $500. Local police also reported that the car of Mary M. Her-chelroath. 574 Walnut backed into the auto of Paul Va-naulen, 300 South Fifth Saturday night. Police said Mrs.
Herchelroath reported she lost a hub cap near Fifth and Mill streets and when she stopped to retrieve it her car backed into Vanaulens. Damage, was negligible, police said. ITT' Here, supporters of Brown carrying signs, march outside the Harford County Courthouse Building in Bel Air. Harford is one of Yorks neighboring counties. (UPI Telephoto) bake up a cake AND SAVE CALORIES, TOO! New end Improved Sweet Low without cyclamales Is America's most perfect sugar substitute without a doubt! Give your sweet tooth a treat and have no bitter regrets.
Sweet Low looks, tastes, and is as versatile as sugar. There's absolutely no bitter after-taste! CHOCOLATE CAKE Each of 8 generous servings contains only 83 calories, Sift cup flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, tsp. soda, and Vi tsp. salt together.
Blend 3 Tbs. cocoa and cup cold coffee. Beat 1 egg, add 1 Tbs. (14 pkts.) Sweet Low, 1 Tbs. salad oil and 1 tsp.
vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients, mix only until smooth. Stir in cocoa and coffee mixture. Pour batter into greased, paper-lined pan, cover with foil and place in shallow pan of water. Bake in pre heated oven at 350 for 25 THE LONG-AWAITED TRIAL of Black militant H.
Rap Brown began Monday on charges of riot and arson in connection with racial violence in Cambridge, in 1967. SUNSHINE CHEIZ-IT'S 3 10-i. pkgt. $1.00 SUNSHINE CINNAMON TOASTS 3 SUNSHINE HONEY GRAHAMS 3 Mb. $1.00 SUNSHINE VANILLA WAFERS 3 11-01.
$1.29 CREAMY THREE CHURCHES JOIN FOR LENTEN SERVICE BROGUEVILLE Mid-week Lenten service of Chanceford Lutheran Parish, Craley United Methodist church, Airville United Methodist Church will be held at 7:30 p.m. today at Bethel United Methodist Church with the Rev. J. Wilson Harner as speaker. Special music will be provided by the Gospel Heralds.
The Lutheran Church Women of St. James Lutheran Church will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the church with Mrs. Walter Eveler and Mrs. Elizabeth Shaull as leaders.
Beverly Strayer and Pauline Warner will be in charge of the social hour. More than half of all Americans using public water supplies some 82 million are now using fluoridated water daily. Send for Free Samples of Sweet Low. It has been awarded the Guaranteed Seal of Parents Magazine. Approved for use on Weight Watchers program.
Recommended by The Diet Workshop. Cumberland Picking P.0. N.Y. 11205 Pleas send me free samples of New and Improved Sweet Low without cyclamstes, a handy pocket carrier, and a calorie counter. I enclose lot to cover handling.
AUXILIARY LISTS PLANS MOUNT WOLF A covered dish dinner will highlight a meeting of the Auxiliary to Eagle Fire Co. Thursday at 6 p.m. The nominating committee will submit its slate and reservations will be accepted for the anniversary banquet scheduled for 6:30 p.m. March 21 at Ava -long Dairy Restaurant. Auxiliary members, firemen and their guests are invited.
Name. Address. -Zip. A bltntf Of mitfittv on artificial IWMttMn fit pn1t Weight Watchers is 8 registered trade mark of Weight Watchers International, Great Neck, Y. Slrippy Peanut Butter HERB-OX CHICKEN BEEF Bouillon Cubes 249e DINTYMOORI Beef Stew TETLEY Tea Bags si.
29 ACME VAL.UM Scope Mouthwash 95c MoCOt MICK'S Black Pepper 35 MAKM OOOO OBAVYI Gravy Master tx25 SFATINI Spaghetti Sauce sr33 PINEAm, mAh, OIAMOI, UMON RW Hawaiian Punch WHfTO, ASBOtTfB COLORS DtCOA ATVD A Awards Are Given At Blue, Gold Banquet ABBOTTSTOWN Awards were presented at the annual Blue and Gold banquet held by Cub Scout Pack 127, The following received awards: Robert Lawyer, Donald Lawyer, Jon Baker, Robert, Sheppard, David Chopany, Ricky Miller, Jonathan Meckley, Jeffrey Wiseman, John Copenhaver, Jeff Aumen, Pat Beard, Danny Stambaugh, Robert Lawyer, Mike Deshong, Cris Arendt, Patrick Crown and Tim Moul. Future activities of the pack include the kite derby on March 21. from 10 a.m. to noon at the Abbottstown ballfield. The boys will construct the kites during future meetings.
A skating party will be held at the Mary Jane roller skating rink on March 31, from .7 to 10 p.m. The pack will hold a cake judging and auction March 23 at 7:30 p.m. The boys and their fathers will make the cakes from recipes. They will be awarded to the highest bidder. A committee meeting will be held March 17 at 7:30 p.m.
at the home of Dale Stambaugh Youth Lenten breakfast will be held Friday at 6:30 a.m. in Emmanuel United Church of Christ. Alan King will be the speaker on the symbol, The Crown and Thoms. Mr. and Mrs.
0 rt Berkheimer, this place, and Mr. and Mrs. David Shuff, Enola, spent the weekend at New York City BABY SHOWER HELD WRIGHTSILLE A surprise baby shower was held for Mrs Lugene Chronister by her mother, Mrs. Jean Gipe, at her home, 218 Walnut St. Those attending were: Debbie Gipe, Msr.
Dorothy Yohe, Mrs. Claire Chronister, Mrs. Mazie Yohe, Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. Connie Livelsberger, Mrs.
Helen Shultz and daughter, Mrs. Carol Shive and daughters, Lori and Kim; Dawn Yohe, Mrs. Arlene Ness and son, Shawn; Brenda Ness, Mrs. Carol Jones, Mrs. Linda Chronister, Sharon Dellinger and Mrs.
Annie Brenneman. SHREWSBURY LENTEN RITES ARE POSTED SHREWSBURY Community Lenten services will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Shrewsbury. The Rev. Wendell Sweitzer, pastor of the New Freedom Church of the Brethren, will speak on Forgiveness at St.
Pauls United Church of Christ. Hie Rev. Iva L. Lingenfelter, pastor of the New Freedom United Methodist charge will be worship leader. At the sametime, the Rev.
James B. Lau pastor of St. Johns Lutheran Church, New Freedom, will lead a study group discussing Hope in Christ Lutheran Church. The third session of Mission Study sponsored by the LCW of Christ Lutheran Church will be held Thursday, March 12, at 7:45 p.m. in the parish hall.
The theme this year is on China. The fourth Mission Study on China will be held Thursday, April 9, at 7:45 p.m. in the parish hall. Prior to the Mission Study, a covered dish supper will be served at 6:15 p.m. WRIGHTS VILLE LODGE BOARD REORGANIZES WRIGHTSVILLE The board of rectors of the Riverside Lodge 503 has elected Kenneth A.
Stoner president. Other officers are: Robert T. Kline vice president; Richard Kline, secretary, and David Weigle, treasurer. Committees named by Stoner are: Building, W. Henry Crum-ling, chairman, Jacob Snyder, David Weigle, William Stillinger and Kenneth Stein; finance, Stoner, chairman, Preston Flaharty, Harry E.
Gohn, Robert Kline and Richard Sloat, and rental, Richard Kline, chairman, Melvin Sechrist, Richard Weigel, Harold Leiber-: knecht and Gary Stermer. NEW FREEDOM LENT SERVICES REPORTED NEW FREEDOM Community Lenten services will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in New Freedom. The Rev. James G.
Horn, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Shrewsbury, will speak on Faith at Bethlehem United Church of Christ (Steltz). At the same time, the Rev. William A. Sherman, pastor of Shrewsbury United Church of Christ charge will lead a study group discussing the Inventory of Christian Beliefs at St. Johns Lutheran Church.
Rose Fire Co. will meet at 7:30 p.m., Thursday in the engine house. ROUNDTOWN SERVICES ROUNDTOWN Worship services at Grace Lutheran Church were announced by the Rev. John E. Wilson, pastor.
Sunday school will begin at 9:15 a.m. and worship at 10:30 a.m. I IV -v vt SAN GIORGIO '4 Grand Syndse Opening on March 12 BUXTON'S COUNTRY SHOPS COMES TO YOR North Mall Shopping Center, Loucks Road, York, Pa. There's going to be a party! You're invited! Buxton's has all kinds of good food hamburgers, fried chicken, cold roast beef Have an ice cream sundae too! Buxton's own creamy rich country ice cream. Hot chocolate fudge, crunchy walnuts, mounds of heavy, fresh-whipped cream.
Strawberry. Crushed Cherries. Get free "Buxton Bucks" with every meal for free ice cream sundaes and cones. 4 SPAGHETTI or SPAGHETTINI Mb.Pk9.29 CAPELLINI 2 Mb. Pk9t.
59 SPAGHETTI SAUCI WITH MEAT wMUmSS GLEEF.l TOOTHPASTE A Give-Away! FrL, March 12, 13, 14 OLD-FASHIONED ICE CREAM HALF GALLON 99 4 SUSS) Stock your freezer 5 Half $3.99 HEAD SHOULDERS SHAMPOO Your bucks go further at Buxton's 3 1 A i 1 North Mafl Shopping Cantar Loucks Road, York. Pa. Meet Kffecfiva Thm SL Monh 14, If 70. Ovoofty Ilfbi Imrvti.