World News Now : KGO : December 21, 2016 1:37am-4:01am PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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we've got. >> my mind's nothing to get too high. got a long way to go. >> santa in the tank for sharks and flames granting donskoi christmas gifts. 2-0 sharks in the second. donskoi, 3-0 sharks. look at the stick work. thank you. very much. and martin jones was like a wall. 208 saves, only let one puck past him and the sharks post a 4-1 victory. before we go, a couple more conviction. look at the super fan, robin schreiber normally dances in her seat. tonight at center the court. she was tremendous. and this guy from half-court, the bank is open literally and figuratively. he just won $5,000. merry christmas. steve kerr was like that is cool. abc7 sports brought to you by

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river rock casino. kevin durant said it should be worth more than

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all right. that's our report. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama daetz. thanks for joining us. jimmy kimmel live, david spade. >> no, not this time.

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find us on facebook,, as twitter,@abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." now."

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that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10

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straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. enough pressure in here for ya? too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to

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and never go to the post office again. freezing rain and snow made driving very dangerous in spokane, washington. this semitruck crashed shutting down interstate 90 in both directions. black ice will be a threat for this morning's commute. a candlelight vigil for the 3-year-old boy shot in the backseat of his grandmother's

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car. >> it's the second time in less than a month that a toddler was killed in the little rock area while riding in a family vehicle. let's get more now from abc's phillip mena. >> reporter: the fbi and little rock police in an all-out man hunt, searching for the suspect accused of opening fire, killing this 3-year-old boy, ason king, in a case of road rage.suspect accused of opening fire, killing this 3-year-old boy, ason king, in a case of road rage. bystanders calling 911. you hear his grandmother trying to describe the horror. >> my grandson's been shot. oh, my god! >> reporter: it was not until she pulled into a parking lot she realized her grandson in the back seat was hit. >> i was at the stop sign and the guy blew the horn at me. and i blew it back. and he shot, but i thought that he shot in the air but he shot the car. >> reporter: authorities saying they received dozens of tips and doubled the reward to $40,000.

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>> we believe that he either is familiar with the area or he lives in the area. we are hopeful someone in the area where the shooting occurred could lead us in the right direction. >> reporter: hunting for the toddler's killer and black 2003 chevy impala he was said to be driving. phillip mena, abc news, little rock, arkansas. coming up in our next half hour, he sings, he writes songs and keeps the peace on airlines. a side of richard marx you've never known about. first, keeping the peace and quiet in movie theaters without going hungry. kendis will have more on that. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.

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♪ so "sing" is among three films that aren't waiting for the holiday weekend to debut and instead are opening today. >> i thought we were watching

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"world news now" for a second. e >> yes. tragic. it follows a singing competition, but you are seeing here, this is "passengers," a thriller with chris pratt and jennifer lawrence. they're pretty. the third new film opening today, "assassin's creed" based on the popular video game. >> and if you're planning to do a little dinner and a movie this weekend, you're probably not doing them at the same time. >> but there is one growing movie chain that is changing that. i got to check out their menu and yes, as such loyal viewers know, it never happens, but i actually ate food on camera. here you go. merry christmas. happy hanukkah. >> reporter: we've been there, sitting in a theater, the seats comfortable, the movie's great, trying to enjoy the dialogue, yet some tool sitting right next to you is crunching every few seconds. bro, would it kill you? luckily, this theater found a solution to that. i mean, seriously, it's every two seconds. >> i can't help myself. >> it's mash potatoes.

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imagine the challenge for world renown chef sherry yard to create a fine dining menu to be eaten in a dark theater without disturbing a single audience member. ipic offers a high dining experience as you watch movies on the big screen. >> you want texture in the food, but you don't want loud. you never want it too smelly. you never want it too noisy, but you want it flavorful. that's the most important thing. >> okay. >> when you're in the dark, do you know all your senses are heightened? right. so you don't really see, but you smell and you hear. so we designed the menu in this we. >> reporter: so yard set out making foods that are not too noisy, ditching forks and knives along the way. a lobster platter becomes a lobster roll. the caesar salad is now a salad boat. >> reporter: this won't make noise? >> no.

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caesar won't. just eat it like a taco. pick it up, simple and easy. >> reporter: food network star and protege of wolfgang puck created, taste tested and monitored everything on the entire menu all in keeping with the theme. >> reporter: i didn't hear anything. >> nothing. >> reporter: the theater's fancy seats are helping out with the acoustics, specially padded to help the private dining atmosphere in a public theater. enough talk. time for me to personally dig in. ♪ at last my love has come along ♪ ♪ my lonely days are over

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♪ and life is like a song >> reporter: wow. that is just so, so good. viola. happily stuffed. time to lay back and enjoy some newly released jean claude van dam musical comedy. >> what are you doing? >> i'm leaving you. >> you brought shawn in just to eat your food for you? >> the gma producer. we all look alike. what do you mean? that wasn't shawn. >> how did you sell that, by the way? i need you to come with me on this shoot and just eat food? >> yes. >> i noticed, though, you didn't give up the co*cktail, though. >> no, no, that stayed there. they are trying to do what they did for hotels and make gourmet.

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food there in the theater. i ate it. i did. i'm full. >> we need to talk about this. we do. did. i'm full. >> we need to talk about this. we do. i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you.

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that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you.

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these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ but pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. the pro-v formula makes every inch stronger.

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so i can love my hair longer. strong is beautiful. pantene. time now for the mix, and earlier, we time now for "the mix." earlier, we saw that human flying drone. >> oh, yeah. >> we talked about a lot of companies participating in drone activity, but this one might surprise you. -eleven is apparently taking the top spot for that. >> for deliveries? >> they have delivered 77 dloifrts via drone to customers in reno, nevada. >> hopefully they delivered them successfully and not drop a slurpie on you? that would be messy. >> it would be. i think that's the criteria. we talked about amazon doing this, but they are ahead of the pack. >> who knew 7-eleven even delivered, but good to know. >> they plan to expand drone deliveries in 2017.

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so, you know, the pokemon craze has been around since july, but in that time, it's so popular, get this, the raw numbers here, users collectively walked 5.4 billion miles trying to collect all of the lords or all of the -- ♪ i'm gonna walk 500.4 billion miles -- >> or maybe it's better in kilometers. that's more than 200,000 trips, by the way, around the earth. all of that. we say they are not really getting exercise out of this. >> it feels like we could be doing something more meaningful with that time and effort, but enjoy. enjoy. >> not hating on it. >> sometimes we see animals and feel like it's almost like they are speaking to us. >> yes, they do. >> check out this koala. he's got some prickles in the fur. >> oh. >> he walks up to a human, and as though he was asking for help. >> oh. >> so the person took the cue and --

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>> calm, hanging out. >> -- helped the koala brushing him, and the koala then stuck around the house for the rest of the day. >> he wanted to say thank you to the person. >> asking where's the blow cry. >> so calm. >> he put a bowl of water out at first, but he slammed it away. he needed to be brush. speaking of cool animals. there's a dog that knows how to do a trust fall.e. speaking of cool animals. there's a dog that knows how to do a trust fald. speaking of cool animals. there's a dog that knows how to do a trust fall. his name is watson. he's a golden retriever. he can perform a trust fall on command, but he also makes us realize that he's got the best squad goals around. take a look at him there. >> oh, how cute. >> this is his friend, keiko and harry. >> a spoons party. >> exactly. one's a cat. kind of looks like me at the end of the a saturday night. >> oh. >> just out of it. >> how good at you are trust falls? >> very good.

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ready? >> i got y

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this morning on "world news now," a deadly chain reaction at a fireworks market in motionco. dozens are dead, and investigators are now working to see what caused the massive tragedy just before the holidays. new video just in, a cargo plane crashing in colombia. authorities rushing to the scene. the latest on the investigation into what caused this incident there. new this half hour, a family's call for help. the mother and father kidnapped in afghanistan four years ago now for the first time, we're seeing their children born in captivity and never have nope a day of freedom. coming to the rescue, jumping into action subduing an unruly passenger. but who was taking the pictures? we'll tell you the details in

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the skinny on this wednesday, december 21st. from abc news, this is "world news now.""the skinny on december 21st. from abc news, this is "world news now."" on this wedn december 21st. from abc news, this is "world news now." good wednesday morning. we start in mexico at a market packed with people and fireworks. >> investigators are trying to figure out what sparked that blast near mexico city that left dozens dead and more than 70 others injured. >> shoppers were preparing to celebrate the holidays r and they are now trying to recover from the horror less than a week before christmas. >> reporter: you're looking at dramatic images from the outskirts of mexico city. explosions at mexico's best known fireworks market during the busiest time before christmas and new year's eve, smoke billowing into the sky, at least 29 killed, 72 injured. on the ground, confusion, chaos, and shock as people walk through the charred debris.

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listen, and you can hear fireworks still going off in the background. >> it was a big stampede of people and visitors that were at the market at this time of the explosion going off, so a lot of people were falling to the ground and literally told me the ground was shaking. there's dozens of people that are dead now. dozens that are at the hospital. the state of mexico said a lot of the bodies could not be identified because of the degree of which the bodies were burned. there's a lot of commotion now in mexico and outskirts of mexico city about, you know, who the victims are. people are going taking to social media to post the names of some of the relatives in effort to try to find out if they are some of the burned victims at the hospital. >> reporter: no word on what caused the explosion.

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gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> we're also told that at least ten children were among the injured in the blast. >> this is not the first time something like this happened. the same market was hit by fire in 2005, and then again in 2006 near mexican independence day. the fires destroyed hundreds of merchant stands similar to this, and we, of course, will continue to stay on top of the breaking story for you. >> horrific scene there. we're going to turn our focus right now to the terror investigation taking place in berlin. police are still searching for the killer who turned a tractor trailer into a murder weapon slamming into that crowded market. >> the man initially believed to be the driver has been released, and isis claimed responsibility calling the attacker a soldier of the islamic state. abc's molly hunter has the latest from berlin. >> reporter: the attacker on the loose, likely armed. tuesday night prosecutors released the man detained monday due to insufficient evidence. he was a 23-year-old pakistani asylum seeker, police said tuesday morning, and hours later, haven't said what

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evidence led them to him in the first place. in the back of the attack truck, a dead polish man with gunshot wounds, but no gun was recovered. the investigation is ongoing, and police are warning the public to be extra vigilant here in berlin, across germany, and across europe where other christmas markets could be targets. president obama called german chancellor merkel saying the united states stood by germany to defeat terrorism in all forms. as 20 people were released from the hospital, merkel assured germany those responsible will be hunted down and punished. the police do not have enough information for a wanted poster, so they are chasing leads, but they don't know who they are looking for. molly hunter abc news, berlin. body of russia's ambassador to turkey arrived back in moscow. andre karlov

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carried the flag draped coffin off the plane and placed it into the hearse. meanwhile, video of the moments just before the ambassador was shot and killed by an off duty turkish police officer. russian and turkish investigators are trying to determine whether the officer was acting alone. the taliban released video of an american woman and canadian husband held captive since 2012. the pair hiking in afghanistan when they were abducted. she was seven months pregnant at the time and since had another child in captivity. it's the first time the children have been seen. koman made a plea to president obama. >> we ask quickly in our collective 14 year of prison urge the government on both sides to reach some agreement to allow us freedom, obama, your legacy in leaving office is probably important to you, and our lives and these of our children are up to us. don't become the next jimny carter. >> reporter: parents in pennsylvania say they are just grateful to see that their daughter is still alive and to see their grandchildren for the first time there.

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five people killed in a plane crash in colombia. the boeing cargo plane went down just moments after takeoff. watch this video captured on camera. was flying way too low to the ground and skimmed a fence there. the plane broke apart and burst in flames. one crew member survived the crash. in north carolina lawmakers are in special session today to consider repealing the so-called bathroom law. the law requires transgender people to use bathrooms corresponding to the sex indicated on their birth certificate. after the law was passed in march, leaders of more than 100 companies including apple and twitter called for it to be repealed, but lawmakers are facing pressure from some conservative groups to keep it in place. four more officials charged with the water crisis in flint, michigan. two charged were state emergency managers when they used the flint river as a source of drinking water. the other two were the former public works director and former utilities director. they face conspiracy and misconduct charges. flint switched its water source

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in an effort to save money. health officials have identified the case of a deadly case of food poisoning in a san francisco bay area. they say a bacteria led to the death of three people and made 25 others sick. all the victims apparently ate a free thanksgiving meal at a church. the officials couldn't pinpoint exactly what part of the meal made people sick, but they suspect it was either turkey or mashed potatoes, some of which was homemade. a tennis superstar sidelined after a vicious attack in her home country in the czech republic. police are searching for the suspect who attacked the two-time wimbledon champ pet ra kvitova with a knife. at one point, even held a knife to her throat. all of this taking place in her home. she was able to escape, but suffered deep cuts on her left hand. she'll be off the courts, obviously, for at least six months. the washington capitals delivered an early christmas gift to a fan.

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>> 7-year-old seth parish thought he wassing going to watch morning practice with his mom, but actually got a chance to lace up with his favorite players and join them on the ice. >> you know, we get to come and do what we love every day, so if by doing that and being able to meet a kid and give him a jersey and his mother with us, that brightens his day, brightens christmas, that never gets old for us. >> the young hockey player takes part in a program called t.a.p.s., tragedy assistance program who lost a military mom or dad. he lost his father 32 days before he was born. >> he is not only an avid hockey fan, but also a young player, and so for him, this was a huge deal to be able to take the ice with the team. a complete surprise for him. >> he's still smiling at this hour as a result. >> such a nice gesture. coming up in "the skinny," richard marx, 25 years ago he was belting out his songs. now he's been helping belt in an airline passenger who got out of happened.

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>> i see what you did there. fiat-chrysler faces recall of a million vehicles for a problem similar that killed a "star trek" actor, but first, let's take a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather brought to you by

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plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation... ...without the need for fillers. with olay, you age less. so you can be ageless. olay ageless. hey team, i know we're tight on time, but i really need a... ...sick day tomorrow. moms don't take sick days. moms take nyquil severe: the...

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...nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best... ...sleep with a cold, medicine. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale.

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go to and never go to the post office again. watch as a man stops traffic on a busy highway in houston. police received calls from drivers who thought the man was sleeping. some worried he was hit by a car. the man's sister eventually called officers and told them he has mental health issues. the man, we're happy to report, was not hurt.

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and some frightening moments along the detroit river. an 82-year-old man rescued from that car that you see there. he was backing out of his driveway when he went down an embankment, and the car flipped over. a police officer who happened to be driving by saw what happened and got the man out as the car filled with freezing water. the man is recovering in the hospital. >> good thing the police officer was there. federal safety regulators are looking at possible roll away problems in another 1 million fiat chrysler vehicles. >> one model involved is the auto maker's top selling vehicles. abc's david kerley with details. >> reporter: it's another group of fiat chrysler vehicles under scrutiny over gear shifters. the rotary shifters in a million dodge ram trucks and durangos. the problem? in vehicles reportly roll away when even in the parked position. and earlier recall for shift her problems in fiat chrysler jeeps

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was highlighted by the death of actor anton. his jeep allegedly rolling backwards ns home and crushing his against the fence. the shifters are now and electronic, and some drivers find them confusing. >> when controls are located in places we don't expect or are different, it's well-known drivers make errors. >> reporter: new investigation comes after the government received 43 complaints, including 25 crashes and nine injuries. 34 cases alleged the car was in park. fiat says it is cooperating fully and urged to use parking brakes. the government said in the majority of the cases, the engine was still running in the vehicle, but some of these roll away events happened, reportedly, when the engine was turned off. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> of course, there was another vehicle, similar vehicle, with a problem involving that "star trek" actor, and that investigation is still ongoing there. >> scary stuff. >> yep. when we come back, we'll

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hear that there is life after the pop charts. >> apparently. >> can even become a hero. >> yes. the heroics at 30,000 feet. "the skinny" is next. "world news now" continues after

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♪ ♪ whenever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you ♪ ♪ whatever it takes ♪ or how my heart breaks >> she's been singing all morning long. it would be nice if it wasn't annoying. >> well richard -- >> but beautiful. >> well, thank you, thank you so much. you're so kind to me. richard marx, by the way, was right there waiting when another passenger aboard a flight became violent. the four-hour ordeal was caught on camera. >> marx helped restrain the man as they flew from vietnam to south korea. marx posted photos on social media. at one point, the passenger broke free and began fighting again. marx said he and his wife were not hurt, but a flight attendant and two passengers were not so lucky.

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>> he added it seemed the flight crew was not properly trained to handle something like this. by the way, that's marx's wife, daisy fuentes -- >> wait, what? >> they are married. a day earlier, they tweeted a photo of the couple sightseeing in hanoi. >> little did they know they were married. >> that's true. >> shocking. >> should be a jam at the end of this year's induction for the roll and roll hall of fame. journey, one of the best selling american bands, and one of the favorite american bands in history, or at least mine anyway. and for the first time, the hall inducting artists who started careers in the '90s. pearl jam and tupac. >> first hip hop artist to get there. joan baez said she was surprised she was chosen. others honored this year are electric light orchestra and musical excellence award for

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rogers. janet jackson robbed yet again. >> we'll keep working on it and keep writing the letters. keep writing the letters. by the way, anderson cooper is perusing my instagram account. >> yes. >> because a few months ago, i showed you this picture of me in sri lanka bathing a baby elephant. wonderful experience. and lo and behold, guess who is copying me. >> uh-oh. >> that's right. anderson cooper. >> woah. >> i copied him by backing an anchor, and now, check it out. >> is that the silver fox? >> that's his partner ben. that's anderson on the left. they spent yesterday afternoon in the elephant camp in myanmar. >> would it kill them to eat a pizza once in a while? so this is in myanmar, right?

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>> yes. anderson's been there before. as reporter before his days on "world news now," he had a shirt on at that time. however, now he's just trying to copy me. >> years ago, when reporting for channel 1 news, he snuck into vietnam and myanmar doing reporting there, and known for "world news now," if only his career went somewhere after this. >> hasn't done very much since being here. there are also reports that drake and jennifer lopez are together. >> really? >> that's right. they are seen together a lot lately working on new music. however, question is, is it something more? >> is it more of a collaboration? >> you could say that. >> so both drake and j. lo at liberty right now, and drake did invite lopez to a private dinner party at hot new hollywood restaurant earlier this week. >> a private dinner party, huh?

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>> a one-on-one dinner, and he also saw two of her shows in las vegas as well, so that basically says they are dating. >> i missed the drake's not dating rihanna memo that apparently happened a long time ago. >> i missed -- >> i thought they were soul mates, in love, i thought the nice guy finally finished last or first. >> apparently they broke up in august. just imagine, though, if we thought marvin's room was great, after this breakup with j. lo, assuming it's a relationship -- >> wait, we're not even sure they're together, and you're talking about the breakup. >> back to rock and roll hall of fame, journey, i know you perform it -- >> what's wrong with journey? ♪ don't stop believing >> this is what i have to live with. ♪ hold on to that feeling make it stop. please. it's christmas. make it stop. >> want me to sing christmas songs?

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>> no, no. okay. journey it is. ♪ i don't want a lot for christmas ♪ ♪ there is just one thing ere is just one thing ♪ sts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. no thank you very much, she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. [ that's a good thing, eligible for medicare? but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide.

2:23 am

with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. take delsym, the #1 12-hour uncontrolcough medicine. it helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. ♪ and when your days' over, your cough is still under control.

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thanks to the #1 12-hour cough medicine. delsym. the cough controller. that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.

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♪ so this is christmas and what have you done ♪ ♪ another year over >> happy christmas, a john lennon classic there on this wednesday before christmas. the holiday season magnifies, for a lot of people, feelings of loneliness and depression. but a missouri man decided to do something about his problem. >> you could say he took a direct approach. here's the story. >> reporter: george king was tired of being alone on christmas. he was feeling a bit depressed, and he decided to do something about it, so he put up wanted signs looking for that someone special. >> i am looking for a friend or a girlfriend between ages of 23 and 45. >> reporter: putting up 22 signs around joplin with a phone

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number and hoped for the best. >> really tickled to death for a friend. >> reporter: he had a tough life and health issues. >> two heart attacks, six strokes. last year, i had a heart attack, fell, broke both legs. >> reporter: carol king saw the sign. >> i couldn't believe what i saw, somebody is advertising for a girlfriend. >> reporter: she was feeling a bit sad this holiday season, missing her dad who passed away. she took a chance, and she called the number. >> it really fascinated me, and she took time to care. >> reporter: carol asked for the man's name and was shocked to hear his answer. >> when he said his name was george king, and that's my dear dad's name, it was suddenly christmas imagine ig. we had to do something to help.

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>> reporter: that christmas magic works in mysterious ways. >> it was a god thing. i felt i was the one to see the sign for a reason, and that was my sign. >> reporter: since george does so much walking during the day, carol got him a new pair of shoes, and she also made a new friend. >> we're on earth to help each other, and we are supposed to help each other, so me and carol are just helping each other. >> see that, you don't need tindr or craigslist. just write a flier, post it on a pole. >> old fashioned way. >> on the electric pole and good to go. >> who needs mistletoe? get a hug easily. >> cool he has the same name as her father. what a coincidence. >> it is freaky. don't miss updates on facebook at this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades news now" informing insomniacs for

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two decades.

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good morning, i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. here's the top headlines on "world news now." dozens dead and dozens injured after a fireworks explosion in mexico city. some suffered burns over 90% of their bodies. we'll hear from a reporter at the scene. president obama has made a major move to protect the environment. he's blocking new drilling in areas of the arctic and the atlantic. it's not clear, though, what will happen if the trump administration wants to reverse that action. mitch mcconnell rejects calls for a special committee to investigate alleged russian interference in the u.s. election. mcconnell says it's a serious issue, but the senate intelligence committee can handle the probe. stocks shy of 20,000, quite a milestone.

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the markets have been in a rally since the election. expecting a relaxation of regulations on u.s. companies. those are some of the stories on this tuesday, december 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everyone. we're going to start this half hour with the desperate hunt for that driver behind the horrific terrorist attack in berlin that left 12 people dead. >> isis is calling the person who rammed the truck into a pack christmas market one of its soldiers. markets were shut down yesterday in honor of the victims. they are reopening today, but under heavy security. >> abc's molly hunter is on the phone from berlin. yes, markets are reopening and intense as the manhunt is continuing. what are we learning right now? >> reporter: that's exactly right, kendis. it is tense because this person or people are still on the loose.

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german police are chasing down leads. the investigation is heating up, ongoing. the manhunt continued overnight, but they don't know who they are looking for. they told us they didn't even have enough information to put out a wanted poster, so they do have a tipline. people are calling in. they received 509 tips on the phone, of which 80 are serious. but at this point, nearly 36 hours later, whoever the culprit or culprits are likely armed and now they have 36 hour head start. >> unbelievable. this is berlin we're talking about. what's the reaction from the people there to the development so far in the investigation? >> reporter: people are shocked, i think, and people are scared. it's nerve racking not to be outside whether this person or people are in berlin. they don't know whether the culprit is still in the country. they don't know. already last night, the christmas markets here in central berlin where the attack happen was under heavy security as you mentioned, other christmas markets in berlin are opening back up today, but,

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again, heavy security. this person could be anywhere. they could have fled the city, could have fled the country. we just don't know. i think people are very weary, and we'll see, definitely be out and about at christmas markets today to talk to people and see if they do feel safe and feel safe kind of continuing to live, and diane, we heard from the german interior minister last night encouraging germans to go out to markets tonight and suggesting everyone buy christmas angels. >> molly, in the meantime, of course, a lot of americans are based there? germany and travels. what's the u.s. embassy telling them this week? >> reporter: we heard from the u.s. embassy in a statement yesterday encouraging u.s. citizens here in germany and across europe to maintain good situational awareness, keep a low profile, avoid big areas, which is similar guidance that we get after attacks like this from the embassy. now, we know there were no americans among those killed and

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injured, at least at that point. but not everyone has been identified, and, as you said, germany, not only a popular destination, but popular tourist destination over the holidays. there was intel that other markets around europe could have been targets, so germany's on high alert, but all of europe is. >> molly, is there anymore intel on what may have sparked this attack? i know isis is now claiming responsibility. are we learning more about that? >> reporter: we're not. so we did see that announcement last night from the islamic state affiliate media, but german police said very little. nothing to offer us on any terrorism connections or isis connections. they say they'll release information when they know, but so far all we have is one statement. >> it's hard to believe they've only had 590 calls about this. unbelievable. abc's molly hunter in berlin for us. molly, thank you for the update there. to turkey now for the search for answers there in the

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assassination of the russian ambassador. >> so you have russian and turkish investigators who are trying to determine if the gunman acted alone. abc's terry moran reports from moscow. >> reporter: in a video, you see the assassin behind the ambassador like he's security for the event and calmly stepping to the side waiting for the moment and reaching for the gun and opening fire. in the chaos that followed, a brave associated press photographer kept snapping these pictures. people huddled on the floor. the gunman defiant. the photo journalist spoke out about the moments. >> it was like a movie. >> reporter: adding a grim new detail. the asassan fired a final kill shot. >> he shot again from close range on the body of ambassador. >> reporter: the killer, 22-year-old police officer who

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medlin atintas. he called in sick a few hours earlier. it's the assassin's words, don't forget aleppo, don't forget s r syria that are the key. the war in syria, a massive effort seen firsthand this year. this is the tip of the speer of russian air power in syria. it's led to mass casualties in a merciless attack of government forces, this the motive for the assassination. the war in syria is not confined to her borders, but it is an open wound in the world, and the violence is spreading. terry moran, abc news, moscow. busy few days overseas including mexico now as dozens are dead as a fireworks market is reduced to rebel following a string of explosions. >> it kill at least 29 people, more than 70 others injured. some suffered severe burns. the explosion sent smoke billowing into the air. it is described as complete

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devastation. >> caller: looks like a war zone. it reminded me of the images seen in syria or iraq. literally, the entire market had over 300 market stands selling fireworks. they were completely wipe off. >> wow. >> caller: some of the nearby houses surrounding the markets were damaged. it really looks, and if you see some of the videos on social media, it looks like a plane is dropping bombs right on the market. >> unbelievable scene there. at least ten of the injured are said to be children. an investigation is underway what caused the blast. the same market was the scene of nonfatal explosions in 2005 and in 2006. on those occasions, it was leading up to mexican independence day.

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dramatic video coming in to us overnight of a cargo plane that crashed in colombia killing five crew members. the boeing 727 was going to bogota after going down shortly after takeoff. it was captured on camera flying low and skimming a fence before slamming to the ground. the plane broke apart and burst into flames on impact. one crew member, we're told, survived the crash. it's an all too common scenario this time of year. holiday packages delivered, but stolen from homes, but this robber in tampa, florida, is drawing attention for his disguise. a domino's pizza delivery man. the homeowner says she was stunned to see the man stuff her package in a pizza bag and take off. they hope the video helps catch it. golden state superstar steph curry is auctioning off two pair of his shoes to benefit victims of the oakland warehouse fire. one of the specially designed pair was worn by curry in the

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pregame warmup, and the other in the game itself. last check bids on ebay for the shoes, which say oakland strong, topped $10,000. curry was in action last night against the utah jazz, but the real star of the show was the warriors' fan in her famous ugly sweater. >> oh, yes. remember? blasted to fame last month after being caught on camera in the stands showing off serious dance moves. >> i love her. >> when we say serious, we mean serious. >> she's not messing around. someone in the warriors organization thought so much of her dance, in fact, they got her down on the floor last night. >> my word. >> there she is doing a seasonal routine to the song "let it snow" along with the golden state usual dance team. maybe she'll get a spot after this. >> i could watch that all day. that is great. >> i just love how much fun she is. look at her go, nailing every move. >> absolutely. >> they might have to consider adding her to the team, i think. >> that sweater.

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>> she can't ditch the sweater. that's required attire. coming up, a mystery in southern california, a former reality show contestant last scene at a party, now authorities have questions about what happened after that. >> hi. i'm lori shack, toy insider mom and i can't wait to share some great last minute gifts on "world news now." easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. yopantene expert gives you thee? most beautiful hair ever, with

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our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. take delsym, the #1 12-hour uncontrolcough medicine. it helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. ♪ and when your days' over, your cough is still under control. thanks to the #1 12-hour cough medicine. delsym. the cough controller. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. enough pressure in here for ya? too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're liquid gels.

2:42 am

and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this.

2:43 am

a little bit of a problem in northern michigan. you' a little bit of a problem in northern michigan. you're looking at the blades on a wind turbine brought down by a fire. because the blades are so large, though, fire crews couldn't do anything about it and let the fire burn itself out. luckily no one was hurt. and there are some startling new details about a formal reality star contestant who vanished in california over the week. >> her body has been found.

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let's get more now from kabc's alex michaelson. >> reporter: hugs and tears to be the as lisa marie nagle's family mourns. she was found murdered in lenox. jackie, the suspect seen here, told investigators to look in his backyard, finding her body shortly after in a shallow grave. >> he did share information that she was here. >> reporter: cameras captured them outside a party sunday at the alpine village. >> he says he absolutely never took her home. >> reporter: lisa marie's sister said when they asked for surveillance video, they spotted lisa getting in a car leaving with rogers, specially catching rogers in a lie. >> that's when his story completely convoluted and we called the police. >> reporter: detectives took rogers in for questioning, thanks in part to the detective work of lisa marie's family. >> they knew something was not right and took steps we don't ordinarily see and they called the police.

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>> reporter: lisa marie's family says it's possible she was having an affair with rogers. they say she taught nursing at west l.a. college, and he was one of her students there. this was just moments after police told lisa marie's family that rogers told them about her killing. >> he shared information that led the investigators to believe that he was the suspect, and tonight they've felt they had enough to book him on murder. >> apparently, the suspect was her nursing student at the time. coming up, we're going to change gears, so have no fear, holiday procrastinators. >> our friend lori schact is here with last-minute gift ideas. "world new

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welcome back. as you know, your shopping time is running out ahead of the ♪ welcome back. as you know, your shopping time is running out ahead of the holidays, and if you need last and fast gifts that are not gift cards, of course, we got some ideas for you here. to talk about it all is our toy insider mom. lori, good to see you. happy holidays. >> thank you. it's great to be here and we have great things for kids of all ages. we start with the littlest ones. >> all right. >> weebils, they wobble, but don't they fall down. this is the club tree house. they are adorable. the tree house comes with two characters, willie, and his dog, buster, and there's all things

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going on. trap doors that go into our swings. we can go down the bridge and right through on to the coaster over here, i mean, there's just tons and tons of play for kids as young as 2. >> that was popular way back in the day. >> yes, it was. the good thing about a weeble is that it won't fall down. >> it wobbles -- >> perfect for kids as young as 2. >> and old as i am. >> as old as you are. talk about bedtime and nap time. that's not easy to get kids to go to bed even when you tell them a story first. >> yep. >> there's something brand new called spin tales. this is the duvet cover and pillow. what happens is we download the free app, and now this kids are reading the stories, the characters will come alive right in their bed sheets. >> wow. >> now there's characters. we see animals and butterflies and everything, and it makes the whole experience magical. >> look at that. >> using augmented reality. it is a fabulous experience, and kids will be running upstairs to

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bed. >> if only we can do that for us insomniacs. >> right? ready to shell? this is an ooze blaster. it's a great little car. there's lights. we have sounds. watch. so now the car would take off if i had it on the floor. wheels spin. it does a wheelie and ooze blaster comes out. >> how do you do it? >> like this. pull this one back. >> oh, i see. >> right on the floor with that. >> like right on the floor. not towards the weebles. that's great. >> all right. you can never go wrong with arts and crafts. this is called once upon a craft. and what i love about it b, it's two in one. it comes with a storybook. this is the frog and prince. it comes with two mess-free activities. each kit, so this one would be making a crown. then you have tons of pages to color in. easy, fun. you are talking about a $12 price point.

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>> okay. >> it's perfect for any child. >> a cute gift. >> it's inexpensive and fun because kids have something to do. we love arts and crafts. >> yes. >> playmobil makes these great sets that kids build and play with. >> oh, wow. >> it's an nhl arena. >> construct it yourself? >> snap it together, put the pieces together, and it's got the stickers for any one of your favorite teams, and now we can play hockey. >> faceoff. >> right. you want to get the goal. >> i'm not supposed to leave the ice. >> you're not supposed to leave the ice. and, of course, we can work our goalies. it's fun for two kids to play with at the same time. >> wow. that's tough. >> all right. you do know rubik's cube, right? >> yes. >> did you ever solve one? >> oh, please. >> not only can i play it, but i love it. this is rubicks race.

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it's challenging us just like the game. we take the shaker. shake it up. what happens is we get a pattern in here. now you would be on one end. i'm on the other. >> okay. >> now we have this puzzle that we're sliding. we want to get the center of this game to match what you see here. if you are the one that wins, slam it down. >> oh. it looks just as tough. >> no, it's so much fun. >> wow. okay. >> and, finally, hatchimals. the hottest toy of the holiday season hatches its way out of the egg. parents are going crazy looking for these right now. stores are restocking. >> can't find them anywhere? >> well, you can if you look hard. stores are trying -- >> what's so hot? >> first it hatches from the shell, goes all the way around, hatches, and then kids get to raise it. it's a baby, then a toddler, then a kid. it will learn to walk, to dance, the to sing. >> awesome. >> you're loving the car. >> i'm loving the car. laurie, thank you. the toy insider mom. you can, of course, get many tips and ideas on "world news now" website. >> woah! >> sorry.

2:52 am

you're watching "world news now." >> sorry. uncontrollable cough, take delsym, the #1 12-hour cough medicine. it helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. ♪ and when your days' over, your cough is still under control. thanks to the #1 12-hour cough medicine. delsym. the cough controller.

2:53 am

whtoddlers see things move to underwear a bit differently thanks to pampers easy-ups while they see their first underwear you see the best way to potty train pampers easy-ups our first and only training underwear with an all-around stretchy waistband and pampers' superior protection so you'll see fewer leaks and they'll see their first underwear pampers easy-ups. the easiest way to underwear. pampers that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours.

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but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. what aremaking a cake!ht now? uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like am not actually cleaning it up. what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. this is amazing. woah wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. only new wetjet pads have absorb and lock to soak up tough messes and lock them away stop cleaning. start swiffering. mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while.

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why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. so, we decided to dress up for a special holiday edition of two truths and a why. somebody didn't get the full men low. >> by "we" we didn't tell will we were dressing up, but he wore this jacket anyway. >> it worked out well. >> we love having you and continuing a special edition of two truths and a why for us? >> we have a cold hard christmas truth for you guys. it's not the holidays without a family feud, right? >> oh, yeah. >> this year, we know that fight won't be about a ford game. the folks at monopoly are operating a special hotline this christmas eve through the 26th offering mediation for blowouts. >> what? >> experts take calls with the official rulebook on hand to settle any and all disputes, and

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i want to ask you guys, do you have any idea what you think the number one reason is people start to fight about monopoly is? >> oh -- >> the negotiations over property? >> yeah. >> and the bank fraud. >> when you have to go to jail. >> bank fraud, especially my sister is tending bank, be careful. >> in my family, it's buying a property they don't need, like, i'm this close, and you bought board walk. >> oh, that's how kendis would play. >> totally. i would be the jerk. >> the official rule, though, is people making up rules. that's the number one reason people fight. >> yeah, yeah. >> next up, you guys know that truly iconic scene in "love actually" when mark confesses his love on cue cards, but one teacher in kentucky created an even bigger love letter to her former students. take a look at this billboard that says mrs. sims still loves awe and prays for you. be safe and continue to bless this planet. she bought the billboard now because she knows so many of the former students from that incredible 46 years of teaching will be home in lexington for the holidays this month. >> oh, mrs. sims, we love you

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too! even though you didn't teach us. >> yeah. oh, good. >> finally, splurge when buying a gift for the pizza lover in your life. >> i know a pizza lover. >> say ho, ho hello to a $2,000 pizza from new york's industry kitchen. there's 24 gold leaves, there's cheese from england, truffles from france, and caviar from the caspian sea. >> well, in that case -- >> it's $250 bucks a slice. >> what! >> about $50 a bite. >> that is straight up our alley. >> i'll do the regular tomato sauce. >> i will take that. i will take a piece of that. anybody have a lighter around? >> oh, gosh. >> is this flammable? >> we'd go right up in flames. right up in flames. >> we're going to do a facebook

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live after this. >> we are going to do --

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this morning this morning on "world news now," a fireworks disaster near mexico city. deadly blast taking place as hundreds of people were shopping for an essential part of their holiday celebrations. the death toll rising this morning. we're going to talk to a reporter who has been on that scene. and a desperate manhunt in the aftermath of the berlin truck attack. authorities are now searching any clue they can find in an attempt to locate the person behind that deadly incident. isis is now claiming responsibility. authorities have released a suspect who was in custody. then, a winner in the drone delivery wars. it is a competition, sort of. who received their precious cargo right out of the sky? we'll tell you who. and we think you'll be surprised by what company flue past all its competitors. >> and then our own kendis gibson goes in search of food

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you can eat during a movie without disturbing your neighbor. silence, please. we will actually see him take a bite of something. kendis is going to eat on camera, ladies and gentlemen. you'll see that ahead on this wednesday, december 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now". we start this morning with the deadly chain reaction at a mexican fireworks market. >> the market outside mexico city, packed with people shopping for fireworks, preparing for christmas and new year's celebrations. we're going to start with abc's richard cantu. >> reporter: it looks like a cross between a massive celebration and a huge mistake. cell phone cameras rolling as commuters drove home just outside mexico city, the country's best known fireworks market exploding in a huge plume of smoke and flames. people in had nearby neighborhoods could hear the

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explosions as the fire spread and the fireworks just kept detonating. back at the scene, people visiting the market scrambling, running to safety. in the aftermath, confusion and chaos. people walking through rubble along with fire crews and police searching for victims. you can still hear an occasional pop from an exploding firework. so far, no word on what sparked the explosion. richard cantu, abc news, new york. now let's check in with fusion reporter rafa fernandez who is in mexico city. rafa, thank you so much for joining us. with what are eyewitnesss telling you about what they saw? >> reporter: well, they're saying that the firework explosions went off for more than an hour. there were many secondary explosions. and there was a big stampede of

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people and visitors that were at the market at the time the explosion went off. so a lot of people were falling to the ground. and they literally told me that the ground was shaking when all these fireworks were going off. but there were dozens of people that are dead now, dozens that are at the hospital. the governor of the state of mexico said a lot of the bodies cannot be identified because of the degree to which the bodies.were burned. >> such a dramatic situation there. rafa, you've been to the actual scene. describe to me what did it smell like, what did it look like from your perspective as you got there? >> reporter: well, it smells like gunpowder. there was a big cloud of smoke that started to disburse at night. a lot of people crying, a lot of state police, firemen, the mexican red cross arrived on the scene and it really looks like a war zone. it reminds me of some of the images i've seen in iraq.

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some of the firework stands, they were completely wiped off. and you can still smell the gunpowder in the air. >> we're looking at some of those videos now. and it's just unbelievable, the size of the scene and just how far this explosion really went, how much ground it covered. is there any thought yet on what may have covered this? >> like i said, the mexican attorney general's office is still investigating, but what probably happened here is one of the fire crackers or fireworks went off triggering a chain reaction throughout the entire market. we don't know yet if it was someone who, you know, was lighting a fire cracker by mistake, you know, a burnt cigarette or even the heat in the area that could have triggered one of the fire crackers and then the entire place went off. but authorities are still investigating, being very careful not to rush to

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conclusions. but there are also precedents for this. this happened in 2005 in the same market. around 57 people.were injured at that incident. another firework went off in 20306 and 2007 and a lot of the market stands were also burned. so this is something that has been happening throughout the years ask, you know, it's been very difficult for mexican authorities to crack down on illegal fireworks. >> rafa fernandez joining us, thank you. >> thank you so much for having me. and now we're going to move on to this morning's other top story. an intense manhunt is under way following that deadly trump rampage at a christmas market in berlin. >> a live look at daybreak in berlin. police now say they had the wrong man in custody as isis takes responsibility for the attack. we're getting more details about

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how all of this unfolded. more now from abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: isis claiming credit for these scenes of horror. holiday shoppers huddled on the ground, some injured, others helping the wounded. here in germany, an all-out manhunt for those responsible. police releasing a pakistani man, unable to tie him to the crime. and now intense focus on the murder weapon, that semi-truck. the front window shattered, christmas garlands tangled in the glass. as workers and police begin to haul away that truck, they hope what's inside could yield key clues in this investigation. the truckdriver discovered dead inside. german officials say he had been shot, but no gun was found on the scene. he was delivering steel beams from italy to germany. investigators now scouring this area on the outskirts of berlin where he may have parked. the afternoon of the attack he

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called his wife saying he was grabbing some food. he said he would call her back but he never did. authorities are retracing the route led to the market. 8:02 p.m., the truck plowing through the wooden stalls, going nearly 90 yards before coming to a stop. american shandana durrani was there. >> i looked up and i saw this truck barreling sideways, sort of pushing right into the market and coming right at me. >> trapped in the chaos, she heard pops and thought it was a gun. >> there was really nobody else to go, it was either run straight through to the other end of the market or get shot if there was a gun. >> were you worried people were hurt? yeah. i heard people screaming, people were hurt. >> reporter: christmas tree strewn in the road. the city on edge with at least

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one terrorist still on the loose. >> reporter: this is the heart of berlin. normally at this hour, you would expect to see rush hour traffic but right now it is eerily quiet. german chancellor angela merkel visiting the scene of the horror, like so many germans, laying flowers. but amid the grief, resilience. i will not be intimidated, this woman says. and so many linking hands in solidarity, heavily armed police looking on. there are few surveillance cameras in germany, so authorities are appealing to the public for videos and tips. they set up a hot line that has received over 500 tips, they believe 80 of them are credible. but it seems investigators still don't know whether that terrorist was acting alone or as part of a cell or if there are other attacks planned. mat gutman, abc news, berlin. and christmas markets across berlin are opening under tighter security.

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there's a larger police presence all across europe, including the vatican. france has boosted security. here in the u.s., the anti-terror squad is patrolling the busiest areas of new york and there's ramped up security in places like los angeles and washington, d.c. the man accused of setting off bombs in new jersey and new york had has appeared in court for the first time. amad raheemmy moving slowly after a shoot-out with police in new york and jersey. he's accused of detonating a pipe bomb in new jersey and a pressure cooker bomb in new york city. environmentalists are applaud ago move by president obama to permanently ban future oil and gas leasing in parts of the atlantic and arctic oceans. it appears to be an effort to block president-elect trump who has vowed to open up offshore drilling. the white house relied on an

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obscure 1953 law that provides no authority for subsequent presidents to undo permanent withdraws. youtube star casey niestat dashing through a winter wonderland there. there's no sleigh, but he has a snowboard and a custom built drone designed to carry him. >> so he put on a santa suit for the occasion, flying around a small finish village. basically like water skiing, only on snow. there's nothing like this currently available on the market. niestat says it took him and his friends a year to build the drone. >> it is really, really cool. coming up, speaking of cool, my adventure in the kitchen and in the theater. it's all about snacking at the cinema in virtual silence. >> but did you actually eat the food? >> of course i did, yes, finally. >> you didn't just fake it? >> no, not this time. find us on facebook,, as twitter,@abcwnn.

3:11 am

you're watching "world news now." r,@abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." now."

3:12 am

that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10

3:13 am

straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. enough pressure in here for ya? too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. you won't see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale.

3:14 am

go to and never go to the post office again. freezing rain and snow made driving very dangerous in spokane, washington. this semitruck crashed shutting down interstate 90 in both directions. black ice will be a threat for this morning's commute. a candlelight vigil for the 3-year-old boy shot in the backseat of his grandmother's car.

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>> it's the second time in less than a month that a toddler was killed in the little rock area while riding in a family vehicle. let's get more now from abc's phillip mena. >> reporter: the fbi and little rock police in an all-out manhunt, searching for the suspect accused of opening fire, killing this 3-year-old boy, ason king, in a case of road rage. bystanders calling 911. you hear his grandmother trying to describe the horror. >> my grandson's been shot. oh, my god! >> reporter: it was not until she pulled into a parking lot she realized her grandson in the back seat was hit. >> i was at the stop sign and the guy blew the horn at me. and i blew it back. and he shot, but i thought that he shot in the air but he shot the car. >> reporter: authorities saying they received dozens of tips and doubled the reward to $40,000.

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>> we believe that he either is familiar with the area or he lives in the area. we are hopeful someone in the area where the shooting occurred could lead us in the right direction. >> reporter: hunting for the toddler's killer and black 2003 chevy impala he was said to be driving. phillip mena, abc news, little rock, arkansas. coming up in our next half hour, he sings, he writes songs and keeps the peace on airlines. a side of richard marx you've never known about. first, keeping the peace and quiet in movie theaters without going hungry. kendis will have more on that. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.

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♪ ♪ so "sing" is among three films that aren't waiting for the holiday weekend to debut and instead are opening today. >> i thought we were watching "world news now" for a second. >> yes. tragic. it follows a singing competition, but you are seeing

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here, this is "passengers," a thriller with chris pratt and jennifer lawrence. they're pretty. the third new film opening today, "assassin's creed" based on the popular video game. >> and if you're planning to do a little dinner and a movie this weekend, you're probably not doing them at the same time. >> but there is one growing movie chain that is changing that. i got to check out their menu and yes, as such loyal viewers know, it never happens, but i actually ate food on camera. here you go. merry christmas. happy hanukkah. >> reporter: we've been there, sitting in a theater, the seats comfortable, the movie's great, trying to enjoy the dialogue, yet some tool sitting right next to you is crunching every few seconds. bro, would it kill you? luckily, this theater found a solution to that. i mean, seriously, it's every

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two seconds. >> i can't help myself. >> it's mash potatoes. imagine the challenge for world renown chef sherry yard to create a fine dining menu to be eaten in a dark theater without disturbing a single audience member. ipic offers a high dining experience as you watch movies on the big screen. >> you want texture in the food, but you don't want loud. you never want it too smelly. you never want it too noisy, but you want it flavorful. that's the most important thing. >> okay. >> when you're in the dark, do you know all your senses are heightened? right. so you don't really see, but you smell and you hear. so we designed the menu in this we. >> reporter: so yard set out making foods that are not too noisy, ditching forks and knives along the way. a lobster platter becomes a lobster roll. the caesar salad is now a salad boat. >> reporter: this won't make noise? >> no. caesar won't.

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just eat it like a taco. pick it up, simple and easy. >> reporter: food network star and protege of wolfgang puck created, taste tested and monitored everything on the entire menu all in keeping with the theme. >> reporter: i didn't hear anything. >> nothing. >> reporter: the theater's fancy seats are helping out with the acoustics, specially padded to help the private dining atmosphere in a public theater. enough talk. time for me to personally dig in. ♪ at last my love has come along ♪ ♪ my lonely days are over ♪ and life is like a song

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>> reporter: wow. that is just so, so good. viola. happily stuffed. time to lay back and enjoy some newly released jean claude van dam musical comedy. >> what are you doing? >> i'm leaving you. >> you brought shawn in just to eat your food for you? >> shawn, the gma producer. we all look alike. what do you mean? that wasn't shawn. >> how did you sell that, by the way? i need you to come with me on this shoot and just eat food? >> yes. >> i noticed, though, you didn't give up the co*cktail, though. >> no, no, that stayed there.

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they are trying to do what they did for hotels and make gourmet food there in the theater. i ate it. i did. i'm full. >> we need to talk about this. we do. you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you.

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that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you.

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these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ but pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. the pro-v formula makes every inch stronger.

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so i can love my hair longer. strong is beautiful. pantene. time now for "the mix." earlier, we saw that human flying drone. >> oh, yeah. >> we talked about a lot of companies participating in drone activity, but this one might surprise you. -eleven is apparently taking the top spot for that. >> for deliveries? >> they have delivered 77 deliveris via drone to customers in reno, nevada. >> hopefully they delivered them successfully and not drop a slurpie on you? that would be messy. >> it would be. i think that's the criteria. we talked about amazon doing this, but they are ahead of the pack. >> who knew 7-eleven even delivered, but good to know. >> they plan to expand drone deliveries in 2017. so, you know, the pokemon craze has been around since july, but in that time, it's so popular, get this, the raw

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numbers here, users collectively walked 5.4 billion miles trying to collect all of the lords or all of the -- ♪ i'm gonna walk 500.4 billion miles -- >> or maybe it's better in kilometers. that's more than 200,000 trips, by the way, around the earth. all of that. we say they are not really getting exercise out of this. >> it feels like we could be doing something more meaningful with that time and effort, but enjoy. enjoy. >> not hating on it. >> sometimes we see animals and feel like it's almost like they are speaking to us. >> yes, they do. >> check out this koala. he's got some prickles in the fur. >> oh. >> he walks up to a human, and as though he was asking for help. >> oh. >> so the person took the cue

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and -- >> calm, hanging out. >> -- helped the koala brushing him, and the koala then stuck around the house for the rest of the day. >> he wanted to say thank you to the person. >> asking where's the blow cry. >> so calm. >> he put a bowl of water out at first, but he slammed it away. he needed to be brushed. speaking of cool animals. there's a dog that knows how to do a trust fall. his name is watson. he's a golden retriever. he can perform a trust fall on command, but he also makes us realize that he's got the best squad goals around. take a look at him there. >> oh, how cute. >> this is his friend, keiko and harry. >> a spoons party. >> exactly. one's a cat. kind of looks like me at the end of the a saturday night. >> oh. >> just out of it. >> how good at you are trust falls? >> very good. ready? >> i got ya.

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>> no, no, i got ya, go ahead, buddy.

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this morning on "world news now," a deadly chain reaction at a fireworks market in mexico. dozens are dead, and investigators are now working to see what caused the massive tragedy just before the holidays. new video just in, a cargo plane crashing in colombia. authorities rushing to the scene. the latest on the investigation into what caused this incident there. new this half hour, a family's call for help. the mother and father kidnapped in afghanistan four years ago. now for the first time, we're seeing their children born in captivity and never have known a day of freedom. coming to the rescue, jumping into action subduing an unruly passenger. but who was taking the pictures? we'll tell you the details in "the skinny" on this wednesday, december 21st. from abc news, this is "world news now." good wednesday morning. we start in mexico at a market packed with people and

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fireworks. >> investigators are trying to figure out what sparked that blast near mexico city that left dozens dead and more than 70 others injured. >> shoppers were preparing to celebrate the holidays and they are now trying to recover from the horror less than a week before christmas. >> reporter: you're looking at dramatic images from the outskirts of mexico city. explosions at mexico's best known fireworks market during the busiest time before christmas and new year's eve, smoke billowing into the sky, at least 29 killed, 72 injured. on the ground, confusion, chaos, and shock as people walk through the charred debris. listen, and you can hear fireworks still going off in the

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background. >> it was a big stampede of people and visitors that were at the market at this time of the explosion going off, so a lot of people were falling to the ground and literally told me the ground was shaking. there's dozens of people that are dead now. dozens that are at the hospital. the state of mexico said a lot of the bodies could not be identified because of the degree of which the bodies were burned. there's a lot of commotion now in mexico and outskirts of mexico city about, you know, who the victims are. people are going taking to social media to post the names of some of the relatives in effort to try to find out if they are some of the burned victims at the hospital. >> reporter: no word on what caused the explosion. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> we're also told that at least ten children were among the injured in the blast.

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>> this is not the first time something like this happened. the same market was hit by fire in 2005, and then again in 2006 near mexican independence day. the fires destroyed hundreds of merchant stands similar to this, and we, of course, will continue to stay on top of the breaking story for you. >> horrific scene there. we're going to turn our focus right now to the terror investigation taking place in berlin. police are still searching for the killer who turned a tractor trailer into a murder weapon slamming into that crowded market. >> the man initially believed to be the driver has been released, and isis claimed responsibility calling the attacker a soldier of the islamic state. abc's molly hunter has the latest from berlin. >> reporter: the attacker on the loose, likely armed. tuesday night prosecutors released the man detained monday due to insufficient evidence. he was a 23-year-old pakistani asylum seeker, police said tuesday morning, and hours

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later, haven't said what evidence led them to him in the first place. in the back of the attack truck, a dead polish man with gunshot wounds, but no gun was recovered. the investigation is ongoing, and police are warning the public to be extra vigilant here in berlin, across germany, and across europe where other christmas markets could be targets. president obama called german chancellor merkel saying the united states stood by their german ally to defeat terrorism in all forms. as 20 people were released from the hospital, merkel assured germany those responsible will be hunted down and punished. the police do not have enough information for a wanted poster, so they are chasing leads, but they don't know who they are looking for. molly hunter abc news, berlin. body of russia's ambassador to turkey arrived back in moscow. andre karlov's widow wept as they carried the flag draped

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coffin off the plane and placed it into the hearse. meanwhile, video of the moments just before the ambassador was shot and killed by an off duty turkish police officer. russian and turkish investigators are trying to determine whether the officer was acting alone. the taliban released video of an american woman and canadian husband held captive since 2012. the pair hiking in afghanistan when they were abducted. she was seven months pregnant at the time and since had another child in captivity. it's the first time the children have been seen. koman made a plea to president obama. >> we ask quickly in our collective 14 year of prison urge the government on both sides to reach some agreement to allow us freedom, obama, your legacy in leaving office is probably important to you, and our lives and these of our children are up to us. don't become the next jimny carter. >> reporter: parents in pennsylvania say they are just grateful to see that their

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daughter is still alive and to see their grandchildren for the first time there. five people killed in a plane crash in colombia. the boeing cargo plane went down just moments after takeoff. watch this video captured on camera. was flying way too low to the ground and skimmed a fence there. the plane broke apart and burst in flames. one crew member survived the crash. in north carolina lawmakers are in special session today to consider repealing the so-called bathroom law. the law requires transgender people to use bathrooms corresponding to the sex indicated on their birth certificate. after the law was passed in march, leaders of more than 100 companies including apple and twitter called for it to be repealed, but lawmakers are facing pressure from some conservative groups to keep it in place. four more officials charged with the water crisis in flint, michigan. two charged were state emergency managers when they used the flint river as a source of drinking water. the other two were the former public works director and former

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utilities director. they face conspiracy and misconduct charges. flint switched its water source in an effort to save money. health officials have identified the case of a deadly case of food poisoning in a san francisco bay area. they say a bacteria led to the death of three people and made 25 others sick. all the victims apparently ate a free thanksgiving meal at a church. the officials couldn't pinpoint exactly what part of the meal made people sick, but they suspect it was either turkey or mashed potatoes, some of which was homemade. a tennis superstar sidelined after a vicious attack in her home country in the czech republic. police are searching for the suspect who attacked the two-time wimbledon champ petra kvitova with a knife. at one point, even held a knife to her throat. all of this taking place in her home. she was able to escape, but suffered deep cuts on her left hand. she'll be off the courts, obviously, for at least six months. the washington capitals delivered an early christmas gift to a fan. >> 7-year-old seth parish thought he wassing going to watch morning practice with his mom, but actually got a chance

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to lace up with his favorite players and join them on the ice. >> you know, we get to come and do what we love every day, so if by doing that and being able to meet a kid and give him a jersey and his mother with us, that brightens his day, brightens christmas, that never gets old for us. >> the young hockey player takes part in a program called t.a.p.s., tragedy assistance program who lost a military mom or dad. he lost his father 32 days before he was born. >> he is not only an avid hockey fan, but also a young player, and so for him, this was a huge deal to be able to take the ice with the team. a complete surprise for him. >> he's still smiling at this hour as a result. >> such a nice gesture. coming up in "the skinny," richard marx, 25 years ago he was belting out his songs. now he's been helping belt in an airline passenger who got out of happened. >> i see what you did there. fiat-chrysler faces recall of a million vehicles for a

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problem similar that killed a "star trek" actor. but first, let's take a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather brought to you by

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plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation... ...without the need for fillers. with olay, you age less. so you can be ageless. olay ageless. hey team, i know we're tight on time, but i really need a... ...sick day tomorrow. moms don't take sick days. moms take nyquil severe: the...

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go to and never go to the post office again. watch as a man stops traffic on a busy highway in houston. police received calls from drivers who thought the man was sleeping. some worried he was hit by a car. the man's sister eventually called officers and told them he has mental health issues. the man, we're happy to report, was not hurt. and some frightening moments along the detroit river.

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an 82-year-old man rescued from that car that you see there. he was backing out of his driveway when he went down an embankment, and the car flipped over. a police officer who happened to be driving by saw what happened and got the man out as the car filled with freezing water. the man is recovering in the hospital. >> good thing the police officer was there. federal safety regulators are looking at possible roll away problems in another 1 million fiat chrysler vehicles. >> one model involved is the auto maker's top selling vehicles. abc's david kerley with details. >> reporter: it's another group of fiat chrysler vehicles under scrutiny over gear shifters. the rotary shifters in a million dodge ram trucks and durangos. the problem? in vehicles reportly roll away when even in the parked position. and earlier recall for shift her problems in fiat chrysler jeeps was highlighted by the death of actor anton yelchin. his jeep allegedly rolling backwards in his home and crushing his against the fence.

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the shifters are now and electronic, and some drivers find them confusing. >> when controls are located in places we don't expect or are different, it's well-known drivers make errors. >> reporter: new investigation comes after the government received 43 complaints, including 25 crashes and nine injuries. 34 cases alleged the car was in park. fiat says it is cooperating fully and urged to use parking brakes. the government said in the majority of the cases, the engine was still running in the vehicle, but some of these roll away events happened, reportedly, when the engine was turned off. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> of course, there was another vehicle, similar vehicle, with a problem involving that "star trek" actor, and that investigation is still ongoing there. >> scary stuff. >> yep. when we come back, we'll hear that there is life after the pop charts.

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>> apparently. >> can even become a hero. >> yes. the heroics at 30,000 feet. "the skinny" is next. "world news now" continues after th

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♪ wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you ♪ ♪ whatever it takes ♪ or how my heart breaks >> she's been singing all morning long. it would be nice if it wasn't annoying. >> well richard -- >> but beautiful. >> well, thank you, thank you so much. you're so kind to me. richard marx, by the way, was right there waiting when another passenger aboard a flight became violent. the four-hour ordeal was caught on camera. >> marx helped restrain the man as they flew from vietnam to south korea. marx posted photos on social

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media. at one point, the passenger broke free and began fighting again. marx said he and his wife were not hurt, but a flight attendant and two passengers were not so lucky. >> he added it seemed the flight crew was not properly trained to handle something like this. by the way, that's marx's wife, daisy fuentes -- >> wait, what? >> they are married. a day earlier, they tweeted a photo of the couple sightseeing in hanoi. >> little did we know they were married. >> that's true. >> shocking. >> should be a jam at the end of this year's induction for the roll and roll hall of fame. journey, one of the best selling american bands, and one of the favorite american bands in history, or at least mine anyway. and for the first time, the hall inducting artists who started careers in the '90s. pearl jam and tupac. >> first hip hop artist to get there. joan baez said she was surprised she was chosen. others honored this year are electric light orchestra and musical excellence award for rogers.

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janet jackson robbed yet again. >> we'll keep working on it and keep writing the letters. keep writing the letters. by the way, anderson cooper is perusing my instagram account. >> yes. >> because a few months ago, i showed you this picture of me in sri lanka bathing a baby elephant. wonderful experience. and lo and behold, guess who is copying me. >> uh-oh. >> that's right. anderson cooper. >> woah. >> i copied him by backing an anchor, and now, check it out. >> is that the silver fox? >> that's his partner ben. that's anderson on the left. they spent yesterday afternoon in the elephant camp in myanmar. >> would it kill them to eat a pizza once in a while? so this is in myanmar, right? >> yes. anderson's been there before. as reporter before his days on

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"world news now," he had a shirt on at that time. however, now he's just trying to copy me. >> years ago, when reporting for channel 1 news, he snuck into vietnam and myanmar doing reporting there, and known for "world news now," if only his career went somewhere after this. >> hasn't done very much since being here. there are also reports that drake and jennifer lopez are together. >> really? >> that's right. they are seen together a lot lately working on new music. however, question is, is it something more? >> is it more of a collaboration? >> you could say that. >> so both drake and j. lo at liberty right now, and drake did invite lopez to a private dinner

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party at a hot new hollywood restaurant earlier this week. >> a private dinner party, huh? >> a one-on-one dinner, and he also saw two of her shows in las vegas as well, so that basically says they are dating. >> i missed the drake's not dating rihanna memo that apparently happened a long time ago. >> i missed -- >> i thought they were soul mates, in love, i thought the nice guy finally finished last or first. >> apparently they broke up in august. just imagine, though, if we thought marvin's room was great, after this breakup with j. lo, assuming it's a relationship -- >> wait, we're not even sure they're together, and you're talking about the breakup. >> back to rock and roll hall of fame, journey, i know you perform it -- >> what's wrong with journey? ♪ don't stop believing >> this is what i have to live with. ♪ hold on to that feeling make it stop. please. it's christmas.

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make it stop. >> want me to sing christmas songs? >> no, no. okay. journey it is. ♪ i don't want a lot for christmas ♪ ♪ there is just one thing ♪ there is just one thing ere is just one thing ♪ sts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. no thank you very much, she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. [ that's a good thing, eligible for medicare? but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs.

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call today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. take delsym, the #1 12-hour uncontrolcough medicine. it helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. ♪ and when your days' over, your cough is still under control.

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thanks to the #1 12-hour cough medicine. delsym. the cough controller. that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.

3:55 am

♪ so this is christmas and what have you done ♪ ♪ another year over >> happy christmas, a john lennon classic there on this wednesday before christmas. the holiday season magnifies, for a lot of people, feelings of loneliness and depression. but a missouri man decided to do something about his problem. >> you could say he took a direct approach. here's the story. >> reporter: george king was tired of being alone on christmas. he was feeling a bit depressed, and he decided to do something about it, so he put up wanted

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signs looking for that someone special. >> i am looking for a friend or a girlfriend between ages of 23 and 45. >> reporter: putting up 22 signs around joplin with a phone number and hoped for the best. >> really tickled to death for a friend. >> reporter: he had a tough life and health issues. >> two heart attacks, six strokes. last year, i had a heart attack, fell, broke both legs. >> reporter: carol king saw the sign. >> i couldn't believe what i saw, somebody is advertising for a girlfriend. >> reporter: she was feeling a bit sad this holiday season, missing her dad who passed away. she took a chance, and she called the number. >> it really fascinated me, and she took time to care. >> reporter: carol asked for the man's name and was shocked to hear his answer. >> when he said his name was george king, and that's my dear dad's name, it was suddenly christmas imagine ig. we had to do something to help. >> reporter: that christmas

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magic works in mysterious ways. >> it was a god thing. i felt i was the one to see the sign for a reason, and that was my sign. >> reporter: since george does so much walking during the day, carol got him a new pair of shoes, and she also made a new friend. >> we're on earth to help each other, and we are supposed to help each other, so me and carol are just helping each other. >> see that, you don't need tindr or craigslist. just write a flier, post it on a pole. >> old fashioned way. >> on the electric pole and good to go. >> who needs mistletoe? get a hug easily. >> cool he has the same name as her father. what a coincidence. >> it is freaky. don't miss updates on facebook at this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades

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4:00 am making news in america this morning, deadly blast. an explosion at a fireworks market triggering a chain reaction. fire and smoke visible for miles and people scrambling to safety. new details from witnesses on that scene. a massive manhunt is under way in berlin for the killer and christmas market attack. isis is now claiming responsibility. hear why authorities released a man they originally had in custody. >> deadly crash. a plane comes down shortly after takeoff. it is all caught on camera. what went wrong? and yet again it's a busy morning here. good morning. the investigation is under way into what caused that deadly

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6114

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.