Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)

BLOEFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH AUQ, 18. PAQE 3. Remember this fact--whenever you drink You put just that much wholesome, healthful nutrition into your nerves, body and blood. It is a pure, harmless, vegetable tonic which everyone needs who is in any way "off" in health, weight cr spirits. It builds you up, cleanses the system, counteracts the enervating heat of summer and gives you strength and energy wnicii lasts.


SAMUEL BLUEFJELD, W. VA Vibratory and Electric Massage Delightful and Refreshing Wrinkles Co-rects Angularities Develops Facial Features Removes Blackneadi Improves tbe Complexion ON SCALP- Removes Dandruff Cures Itching Scalp Stops Falling flair Makes Hair Grow Restores Fading Hair TRY fladame Yale's Ladies' Parlor 120 Princeton Avenue bone 1123 Alice O'Leary, Manager Awful Deed of Desperadoes on Coal and Iron Railway. At a camp six miles from Dnrbin the terminos Coal and Iron railway, one and two ro'lock Wednesday morning, a shack In which there were eight deeping Italians, was djnaralteJ and the ttrnctuie and every Inmete blown to pieces. Three Is no definite cine to tbe perpetrators of the awfnl crime, bat it is believed have been committed by tbe same trio of daring desperadoes who started tt-e recent race riot at Glndy The Italians were working lor Dnn iavy Brothers, on an estsnlson of the CarsJpeake and Ohio railway into the nmoer woods, am: there was no one else resrby Tbe eipluslor was heard 3y a number of people, but tbe crime did not become known nntil after day Thursday racrnlDg Other I'al- ans in the vicinity are terror Etiicken and tbe remains of the desd men were picked np bit Lit and placed in an mprovlsed nurgne iu the mountains, iresenting ghastly spectacle. Being about to change my plaoe of residence for bnsitess reasons, my reoperty, 515 Rslngh etteet, hsg been -d in hinds of Mr B.

Baldwin for Any parties interested will be abla to get toll partlcnlais rom him. 10 F. WADLEIQH. let Ready for the Season's Clean Up of Summer Suits Tomorrow morning we begin another sensational sale of len's Summer Suits--all our artistica'ly hand-tailored single and iouble-breasted Sack suits that sold at $15, S16.50 and 18, are ipw marked at tbe ridiculously low price of I It's the sale, of the Summer--due to our invariable rule not to brry any goods over from one season to another. Each season's must be spic-ancl-span new, and iu order to accomplish this pe have marked the "left-overs" in every department at prices ow enough to make it worth yo'ir while to take them off our lands although it is a little late in the season Tbe suits offered this sale are cut in the newest style; coats have hand-padded apels, hand-felted collars and hind-made buttonholes; quarter or iaif lined; trousers with belt loops and inside suspender buttons; nade of fine gray worsteds in plaid and striped effects and fancy sheviots and tweeds; also some blue serges in the lot.

I our choice I 9.25. Young Men's Sack Suits at $7 75 Young man, if you're looking for big bargains iu swell Sum- clothes, here's the opportunity of the season Our stylish tingle and double breasted pack suits, made of handsome worsteds and cheviots, cut in extreme of fashion, beautifully tailored, lhat were formerly 10,12, and 1-5, now seek new owners at $7.7 All sizes are here, but not in every style. Men's Outtng Suits at $7.50 i This final round up of our regular 12 and 15 coat and trous ers suits brings down the price to the lowest notch. Both single and double-breasted styles of latest cut, made of fine wool crashes French flannels, light and airy worsteds and homespuns--swell looking suits with which to finish out the season and then lay away for next Biuanier. Just consider the savings--your choice of anv 12 and 15 outing suits only 5Q.

i 237 Princeton Avenue BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGISIA IKELLY MOVERS, Dealers In Whiskies Wines, Brandies, Ales, Porters, Beers and all Kind of Liquors. OOT-OP-TOWH ORDERS SHIPPED PROEPTLI Poel Rooms Connected. SHACK AND 8 ITALIANS BLOWN TO PIECES BY DYNAMITE PUBLIC IS AROUSED. The jmbllc is srontei to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tosie, Blctt'io Bitters, for sick ttJtuach, liver and ktfl nejs Naiy Wtdtjrs, of Clsif Colnuibns, 0., writes "For several mouths I was given np to die. I had ferer and ague, my nervea were wrecbtd: I oooll not sleep, and my Btomecti WES so weak from natl-ss dcctoia 1 drags, that I oonld not eU.

Soon after beginning to tike Electric Bitlers I obtuaed relief, and In a abott time I was entirely caied." Guaranteed at all drag etoi63; pii 50o. PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE D. Rnnvan, of Bntletville 0 laid the peenliar ol his painful symptoms, of iniigMon and iocsen'-s ti Dr King's New Life Fills. Ha says. "Ttey are a perfect remedy, for dizzlntss.

soar atom ach, headache, constipation, Guarantees at all Stag stores, pr'ce S5c. Burdock Blood Bitteis gives a man a clear head, an tctlve brain, a strong, vigoions toiy--makes him fit for the battle of life" ABILITIES ARE NOT LIKE THE LAVA ksburg Furnishes Best Storm Storm of the Year ATLANTIC CITY. On Jnly 13 and 27, Angngt 10 and 24 and 7, the Norfolk and West- rn will sell exenreion tickets to Atlantic City limited eix- days. Faie from Blnefield W. BBVH.L, Gen.

Passenger Agt. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK EXCURSION. Oo September 6tb the Norfolk and We-itern railway will operate a low rate excursion to Riohmond and Nor- "olk. four opportunity to visit tbe Ctpitol or the City by the Sea, Virginia Beach, Pine Beech, Ouean View, or any of the nenrby resorts. The special trein will pass Blne- 8.30 a.

and the ronnd trip to Richmond Is 50 and Nor- olk f5 00. Rfttur.iog tbe sptc'al train will leave Norfolk 8-00 m. and Rioh- mond 11:00 m. Friday, September b. Yon have the option of two days in either dty.

Call on yonr nearest Norfolk and Wertem Railway agett or, 3rFgg, Traveling Pcssenjer Agent, BouDoke, Va. W. B. General Pafsanger Agunt, Roanoke, Va. After a leirtv meal cicss of Kodnl Dyapepala Core will prevent an attack of indigestion Ecdol is a tborongb 3lgestaDt and a gnaranteeed care for indigestion, djspepaia, gas on tbe stomach, weak beait, sour risings, bad and all etomacb troubles.

Sold by all druggists. Jce Cohen, of the Qloba clothing home, Clirkbsnrg, picked np a psn- fnl of Iron lavn near his reaidenc 5 Tuesday morning. Daring the heavy electrical et rm that raged the eight previons Joa gad bis ftmily were watching the storm from a window when snddenly a fearfnl peal ff thnn der ehooi the whole earth and fimn- Itaneonsly a ball of fire struck the gronnd In tbe rsar of h's and tan on a wirb into the home of Chailas Jsco*kes near by Ths bnllding at csngbt fire Some of tbe cinders Mr. Cohen picked np are ID a dpcjapotol state and show rtiEt Over on page in Easley's ad is something foe the man who tjila. Wantel A fxpeiienced white woman for general honse work.

605 Princeton avenne 8 5 4t. The salve that wlthont a scar is DeWitt'e Witoh Hi-zsl No remedy effect? sach spteiy relief. It draws ont icfUmraation, soothes, cooln and heals all cats, bnrns and brnisfs A enre corn for riles and skin diieasss DeWitt's is tne only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of ey are dangeiocs. Sold by all drnggists Never in the way, no trouble to carry, e-sy to take, pleasant and never failing in issnlls are DaW'tt's Littls Baily fiiaere.

TDK-O little pills aie a gnurantee against beidache, tirpid liver and all of the ills reenltiog from constipation They tonic and str'gtban the liver. Sold by all druggists. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE-TIME Desirable Home Place and a Chance to Get One on Easy Terms, Graham is an ideil plsce to live In and decidedly the best Incatsd town In ths entire coal field district. Yon can gef in and oat of It oo the railroad at most any horn yon wish. It has tbs best aducationsl advantages of any placj in the ssntbwest coactty, BQB mca'ew, perfectly tqoipped college tor boys and girla and cce of thti bfat free schools iu the state, higb echocl etgdlre and moeic.

A fine water works with good water in yoar boope, bigh elevstloa and even temceratnre, good atreete and roads and electric lights. A fine place for traveling men to mska bead- qnatteip. I have a luge nnmber of the vnost and Bluefield Paving Company Contractors Belgian Block and Vitrified Brick Street Paving. Concrete Viaducts Culberts Tunnels Bridge Piers Foundations Granolithic Sidewalks and Fancy Cement Work. Write, Phone or Call.


ARK YOUR LOCAL DKALKR FOB FURTHER INFORMATION. MORPHINI SPACIOUS MANSION. jtmplc Gibunda Book Free Only Cure in Ohio. desirable lots in Graham in an excellent neighborhood, everyone owning tbeir home, and will build houses to snit buyers. Payments will arranged on favorable terms.

Your house can be completed and occnpled before cold neither. If yon are Interested call aod see or write WM. 3. FOWLER, 7 27 4t W. Giabam, Vc.

For snnbnrD, tettfr and all akin and scalp dlsews DeWitt's Witch Salva baa no eqnsl It eer- tiin caie lor bind, bleeding, itcbiag and protruding piles. I will draw tbe fire out of a born and bexl without leaving a scat. Boilj, old sorts, carbnnalea, aie qnkkly cared tbe nte of the genoioe DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve. Accept DO snb- f.a they are oltfn dsngeroos and uncertain. Sold ail droggietg.

Marshal's Sale OF The Famous Carter's Plat Top Corn Liquor Now ID tbfl bonded warebouso and tbo Godfrey outfit, clsto'" ami house find tbe land on nhich distillery i'i totaled Also tbi mtlreoutfitof fie Volciin distillery now stand at Oodfror Two ot boat equipped four buslieJ mofb ait- tlllerlra 1" WMt Vlrsclnla-botl) Si tbo Government and must be sold at GODFREY ON CREEK AUGUST 18th, 1905. Sale will Ih'Sinon anlvai of noon train Don't mln tills w)'--tbf rf lol ol liquor and otbei properly to sold. on day of aalo John K. Thompson, United States Harshal A. Young, Deputy lasy Pil Easy to taVo and easy to act Is that famous pill DeWitt't Llttla Early Risers.

Thin Is due to the fact that they tonic the liver In' stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate I lady, and yet they aro so certain In results that no one who uses them la disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu- non'a and fevers. rUBFAKBD OMIT BT E. C.

DcWITT i CHICAGO Don't Forget the Name. Early Risers 5old by All Df uggists Laborers Laborers WAGES $1.50 PER DAY. For work on ths South and Western Railroad between the mouth of Guest River and Clinchport, Virginia, Competent Forrnan furnishing forces of men will be placed in charge of them To reach camps come to COEBURN, on the Norfolk and Western. For further information apply to H. HARDAWAY, Georgel, Virginia on 17 i poiso the syjtc B.

B. I is tie on 1 the poJsr drug 6 5 orfi. some so afinctec! erect. Walk- vi iyst 'i'i L- 7ITJ.U1 that A A penriaiient cure can Lited oy neutralizing iifld expelling it from n. Botanic BJood Balm, i-fTicdy that reaches and eject it, per boltle, 3 lor Si oO, jit on receipt of prlc eKlvess Blood Baim Atlanta, 8a.

Seminary anl CoBs One of the Largest and Best Equipped Institutions for YOUNG WOffl in the Sontb. rwonty-fonr offlci'rs ftnd tfaclicrii In toe iiitj classical mill sciontltlc oonrsci of inusli iKrsost nnd best in the stftto. Superior oclvnutaitc'! 'n Art. Elocution aud 1'byalclal ctftture. Tboroqih business coarse.

(or an nuiulrtd yiiiis for its reilcmentana oultarc. in i i tin- itraw clwl (troi'iibrlcr Valley Two tbousana reel A i a liomoscuoolforBlrliminrocolldld llfonnd lioimt aro happily blended. For Illustrated catalogue address. 1. TBLPORD, Lewisburg, West Virginia Houses and Lots FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT! BY TBB Bluefield Water Works and WH.



Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.