Plant All Spell W101 (2025)

1. All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion

  • 19 jul 2020 · Spell Type: Utility Spells; Available as Treasure Card: Yes; Effect: Makes an elder plant appear younger. Plant All. Rank: 15; Gold Cost ...

  • Gardening in Wizard101 requires quite some effort. Part of this can be made easier by using gardening spells. Check out every single spell you can use.

2. Mass-Plant? | Wizard101 Free Online Games

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  • For all account questions and concerns, contact Customer Support.

3. Plant All Spell | Wizard101 Basics for Beginners -

4. Wizard101 Plant All Spell

  • To cast it you first plant a seed of the type you want to use, then click on Plant All, then click on the seed you just planted. Theoretically if you have ...

  • Posts about Wizard101 Plant All Spell written by yogaleigh

5. Beginner's Guide to Wizard101 Gardening - Final Bastion

  • 24 jun 2020 · Whenever you use a gardening spell, special spells that only work when tending to plants, you'll lose energy. You regain energy by either ...

  • Learn basic gardening in Wizard101 and how it can bring you great rewards like mega snacks and rare, expensive treasure cards.

6. The Plow All & Plant All Gardening Spells - Stars of the Spiral

  • 26 jul 2015 · Stars of the Spiral. An Official Wizard101 Fansite Blog Dedicated to Wizard101 and Pirate101 ... The Plow All & Plant All Gardening Spells.

  • Since Roger now has new gardening spells such as the Plow All and Plant All spells, many people go and try to find him only to find t...

7. Game Gardening | Wizard101 Free Online Game

  • ... plants, but some types of plants cannot be planted indoors. Plants require attention to grow in the form of plant growing spells. All plants have needs that ...

  • How do I Plant?  When you're ready to plant a seed in prepared soil or a planter, you must cast a seed planting spell. These spells can be learned at the gardening vendors - they cost gold to learn. Soil preparation spells cost Energy to cast. This places the chosen seed into the soil or planter, where it can begin to grow.

8. The basics of gardening | Wizard 101 Wiki | Fandom

  • Plants require attention to grow in the form of plant growing spells. All plants have needs that must be met, and plant growing spells fulfill those needs for a ...

  • To get started on your path to a greener thumb, come visit her in her life classroom in Ravenwood if you are level 12 or higher. Students at Ravenwood can plant and grow amazing plants in their Dorms and Castles! Wizards of all schools can garden, so my hope is that every student will learn the joy of shepherding new life! A plant's journey of life begins as a seed. There are many types of seeds, each with a different destiny. With enough energy, you can prepare soil of your choice in your Castl

9. Ultimate Guide to Gardening in Wizard101: Tips and Tricks for ...

  • These spells allow players to plant seeds, tend to their plants, and harvest their crops. It is essential to understand the different types of plants available, ...

  • Discover the best plants, spells, and strategies for successful gardening in Wizard101. Level up your character, earn rewards, and enhance your virtual home ...

10. Everything you need to know about Wizard101 gardening spells

  • 30 nov 2020 · This quest will give you a great walk-through about how to garden and tend to your plants. Once you're all set up, this is where the Wizard101 ...

11. Wizard101 Gardening Spells Guide ( Full List ) - W101 Folio

  • Summons a Friendly Pixie for 48 hours. all the plants likes Pixie except stink weed plants; makes the plants +25% faster to reach elder; Rank Required: 10.

  • Wizard101 gardening holds the most efficient ways for acquiring the best pet snacks and rare reagents in game,here is the wizard101 gardening spells list

12. Gardening - Wizard 101 Free Codes

  • Even so, only 80 energy for an entire garden? Well, get used to using the all indoor/all outdoor plant spells. Taking care of all 5 needs for every plant either ...

  • Posts about Gardening written by Alexandria Frostglade

Plant All Spell W101 (2025)


How to use plant all spell w101? ›

To cast it you first plant a seed of the type you want to use, then click on Plant All, then click on the seed you just planted. Theoretically if you have enough energy and enough empty plots for all the seeds in your backpack of that type, it should then plant all the rest.

How do you plant all the seeds in Wizard101? ›

How do I Plant? When you're ready to plant a seed in prepared soil or a planter, you must cast a seed planting spell. These spells can be learned at the gardening vendors - they cost gold to learn. Soil preparation spells cost Energy to cast.

How often should I check on plants Wizard101? ›

— in Wizard101, twice a day works better. Couch Potatoes are interesting. For the most part you can just tend them once a day. However, if you're in a second time, six or eight hours after the first round and go to your CP patch, they will have both needs again.

Where is the gardener in Avalon in Wizard101? ›

The Gardening vendor and trainer of Avalon, Roger moves into his tent in Abbey Road (next to Siban) after Wizards complete the quest Between Two Shrubs.

How to get rid of rank 7 pests in wizard101? ›

Until the gardener returns to Bastion, the only way to get rid of lvl 7 pests is to Summon Pixie. Barley in Khrysalis has the highest level gardening spells like Ant Lion (which kills any level pests).

Can you multiply seeds? ›

Seed is the cheapest and basic input for sustained agricultural production. Multiplication and distribution of high quality seed of improved varieties is a crucial step in the agricultural production of any country.

Can multiple seeds become one plant? ›

If you're growing certain herbs (cilantro, dill, basil), you can get away with planting multiple seeds per hole and leaving them all there as they germinate. These plants can handle being planted right next to each other and basically become one larger, bushier plant.

Do plants grow when offline Wizard101? ›

As long as you didn't leave any needs and you left the garden before logging out you will find your plants happily growing.

How to make plants grow faster in Wizard101? ›

If they're around plants that they like, they'll grow faster. If they are around plants that they dislike, their growth will be stunted. It is important to read up on plants that you obtain and want to grow to make sure you have the best conditions to grow them.

What is the max gardening level w101? ›

The highest level in gardening is 20 and grants the title Verdant Gardener.

How long is Avalon Wizard101? ›

If you intend on doing both sides and main, then it will take you some time, possibly more than a week or two since you only have four hours of playtime. Use the Avalon Quest Tree to assist in tracking your progress.

Where is Baba Yaga in Wizard101? ›

Creature:Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga
SummonsGorgon Statue, Minotaur Statue, Wyrm Statue
PetBaba Yaga's Egg
PolarisForlorn Tayg - Statue Garden
20 more rows
Mar 30, 2024

How do you do gardening in Wizard101? ›

With enough energy, you can prepare soil of your choice in your Castle (if you have one) or a planter in your dorm. Then you can place the seed into the readied soil. After a time, it will begin to grow.

How do you use extract spells in Wizard101? ›

It operates like the Sun spells: you click on the Extract Undead spell and then click on whatever damage spell you wish, which enchants the spell. When you defeat the undead boss or creature, you receive 2 or 3 “animi” of that creature (possibly more at higher levels — won't know until or unless I get there).

How do you plant a chaos garden? ›

Plant Your Seeds

Sprinkle handfuls of the large seed mixture evenly over the soil. When the large seeds are gone, add anywhere from a half inch to one inch of potting soil or compost over that layer. Next, sprinkle the small seed mixture over the soil. Cover that with one more thin layer of potting soil or compost.

How do spell cards work in Wizard101? ›

Wizard101 Spell Cards

These spells increase or decrease the overall damage, healing, or accuracy of either an incoming or outgoing spell by a certain percentage. These usually cost 0 pips and are consumed after use.


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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.