1. Infinity Challenges | Antimatter Dimensions Wiki - Fandom
Buying Antimatter Dimensions 1-4 causes all cheaper AD costs to increase. Buying Antimatter Dimensions 5-8 causes all more expensive AD costs to increase.
Like Challenges, there are also Infinity Challenges, which unlock one-by-one well past Infinity Antimatter instead of immediately. Their goals also exceed Infinity, and vary in goals for different Infinity Challenges. As a result, they provide numerous powerful boosts to general production instead of unlocking Autobuyers.
2. Guide - Antimatter Dimensions Wiki - Fandom
Infinity Challenges · Challenges · Infinity Dimensions · Infinity
This guide (based on Patashu's Guide on Kongregate) is about getting through Antimatter Dimensions as fast as possible. Obviously, in incremental games, you will always eventually get what you want, but there are fast and slow ways. This guide also has some terms that you may not understand (check Terminology for the terms). Note: If you rather would not use a guide, you don't have to, unless you ever need help in the current state of the game. The game may be updated at some point or another, s
3. Antimatter Dimensions - Guides - Speedrun.com
View Antimatter Dimensions speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com.
View Antimatter Dimensions speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com
4. Antimatter Dimensions
Infinity Challenge 4 time record: 31d & 0:00:00. Infinity Challenge 5 time ... Goal: Infinite Reward: 1.3x on all Infinity Dimensions for each Infinity Challenge ...
Your cloud save appears to be older than your local save. Please select which one you would like to keep.
5. Antimatter Dimensions
Infinity Challenge 4 time record: 744:00:00. Infinity Challenge 5 time record ... Goal: Infinite Reward: 1.3x on all Infinity Dimensions for each Infinity ...
See AlsoAmerican Poker MatchYour cloud save appears to be older than your local save. Please select which one you would like to keep.
6. Antimatter Dimensions (Video Game) - TV Tropes
In a Challenge Run example, the very first Infinity Challenge has all the restrictions of the regular challenges save for Challenges 9 and 12. It should also be ...
Antimatter Dimensions is a text-based Idle Game created by Hevipelle, that was originally launched on May 3rd, 2016. Your goal is to produce as much antimatter as possible by purchasing dimensions. First dimensions directly produce antimatter, …
7. Antimatter Dimensions - クリッカー・放置ゲーまとめ @ ウィキ
28 jul 2024 · Challenge 4:C3同様ある程度Upgradeを購入していれば楽。ただし ... クリアしたInfinity Challengeの種類1つごとに、Infinity Dimensionの生産量×1.3.
URL (本元) https://ivark.github.io/AntimatterDimensions/ (Kongregate) http://www.kongregate.com/games/...
8. Antimatter Dimensions Achievements - Steam Hunters
L4D: Left 4 Dimensions. Buy a 4th Antimatter Dimension ... Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge.
100 achievements sorted by SH%.